1 comp to go..

Wj6NOhb^ I hope this is me after I become a full fledged technologist.

I’m under the 2 month mark now as far as school is considered. Its nearly crunch time and I dread the amount of actual study I need to do to make my day in June. I still have a week left to play with, So enjoy a few more doodles from me.

Quote of the week:

ratbat001: could you imagine a jet sending you “nudes” tho?
ratbat001: half the time you’d have to get out your Jane’s manual
ratbat001: to understand what your looking at
theunknownjester: ahaha



Comic stuff:

Ive decided to rename my morph characters for the Atoll Lab cannon after some careful debate with a fellow artist. I think the term “Aeromorph” with all of its flavors, carries with it the unsavory reputation of being a sub category of furry porn and I feel it’d legitimize it more with a re-brand. So from now on, My humanoid vehicles are known as the DemiFolk (plural) , and all individual machine derivatives will be shown like this: DemiTank, DemiJet, DemiShip, DemiCar ect. Its loads easier to say.  Though “Demi” is french for the world ‘half’ and their is already a sub species for “Half-Machines” these are not the same things, So in general if I am referring to Aeromorphs, I will refer to them as DemiFolk instead.




In the last 2 months I managed to finish a few video games that I can honestly recommend if you are a hard core RPG fan. I also completed my penultimate goal in the AW game and I’d like to share a few observations on that.

*Shout out to SGTGunner for his amazing 3d rendition of the pl01 he did months ago btw.

Armored Warfare Beta: Shout out to UnknownJester who played a number of games with me during the April “happy hours” event. We’ve both been following the development of this game for quite some time because we are huge modern armor fans who had a specific tank or 2 we wanted and still want in the game. It’s a grindy free to play MMO just like World of tanks, and War Thunder, but the main claim to fame is that it also has PVE missions you can play. You never have to deal with the toxic bullshit that PVP tends to devolve into. You can just chill and stare at sexy tank afts all day long if you please. Games like this never end tho, and the more you play the more it is likely that you will be seduced into spending money on premium currency or game time. That’s why I set a clear goal for myself that after attained I could just walk away satisfied knowing that I “beat the game”. And I just achieved it: I got my tank husbando the PL01 in my garage.  Jester got his chally II and we can both walk away or take a long pause till they add in the french, Swedish and Israeli tanks we also desire.

Divinity original sin Enhanced edition: This game is A+ if you are a fan of top down old school isometric role playing and dungeon crawling (ala Baldur’s gate) Ive recently seen a resurgence of this kind of old school western rpg with the advent of kickstarter successes like Pillars of eternity and Wasteland 2- both of which were stellar examples of that genre. This beat all of them tho. It was mainly the little things having to do with the level of interactivity with the environment as well as the music, voice acting, and beautiful graphics.  The game was just game fun and didn’t take itself too seriously. a couple of minuses however, mainly the bugs and the lack of an ending to match the brilliance of the game. It seems like they had all of 5$ to spend on the ending after using up all that successful kickstarter dough. If Larian studios ever makes another game however, I will defiantly give it a shot. A

Brothers: I am kind of at a loss as to what to say about this one, because I felt it was a “nice” little game, very thoughtful, artsy, good directing. Just- not the best value for your dollar. I played this game based on a totalbiscuit year end recommendation along with undertale  (that ended up being one of my fav indy games of all time). But from start to finish, the game only lasts for 2 hours. Surprised me considering the fact that I thought 1999’s Galerians finishing up at just under 4 hours was absurd for the 40$ price tag they demanded for it at launch. Brothers is a neat little puzzle experience, theirs no dialogue, no combat, and you MUST use an xbox controller to play. This is all fine n’ dandy but 15$ is far too much for what it is. Wait till it goes on steam summer sale and pick it up for 5 bucks instead.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall. A real fucking gem. A much better written game then its predecessor (Shadowrun returns) . If you like cyberpunk, grim dark fantasy, and futuristic tactics style turn based combat this rpg is for you. There is a shit ton I could say about my experience with this game, But I will simply say that You get real choices for your main character as to how they resolve conflict. They can choose to be an asshole, or go at it the non violet way. Your teammates follow you into gun/magic combat witch is not really hard, But serves the larger narrative between chapters. You are a band of criminals carrying out missions for large mega corporations on the mean streets of Berlin. But trouble is afoot and you soon find yourself being hunted by street gangs, evil AI’s, and a great dragon from the past. Its up to you to save the Flux state from a threat that could destroy the entire world. Are you up to the task? Just a bit of friendly advice to players who Do pick up this game, You should play a Decker with good charisma. It will make your life easier, and the rest of your team is good enough to win every conflict without a dedicated street samurai.  Your top etiquette’s should be corporate, security, and gang. Expect to miss your shots a lot because RNG thought you were playing xcom. save often.. there are bugs.

one last thing.. Once you get the good ending.. make sure you get the ultimate bad ending. Its even better then the good ending.




This year Iv’e broken my 5 year fast on anime by watching a handful of shows that I might not have seen, had they not come highly recommended by people who are in their right mind about what is actually good for a 30 year old to watch. How this is achieved is by following a few simple rules: If the intro has a panty shot,if it  features a pretentious sad girl crying into the distance, or cheap shitty 3D animation, then Discontinue watching said show. Furthermore, If the show doesn’t grab you by episode one or two.. discontinue watching the show. This is mainly to cut down on the amount of bullshit you will have to wade through just to get to the show that is worth your time. And trust me- there is and will allays be more shows then one person could ever watch, so Don’t try and watch them all, save your valuable time.  The Following is a list of the shows that I recommend and why, but Is not intended to be a full on review of each.

One punch Man:  This is probably one of the best action anime you’ll ever see in the  twenty-teens. I do not say this lightly because I am very skeptical when it comes to stuff from Japan these days. Its a short 12 episode OVA that doesn’t take itself too seriously and chronicles the adventures of a Guy named Saitama, who has the power to defeat *any* opponent with just one punch. The fight scenes are fucking amazing. While your wowing over this show you quickly come to realize there there are only 2 kinds of people: Those who are defeated, and those who don’t know that they’ve already lost from the start. You’d think that formula gets old but it doesn’t.  A+ anime.

The Boy and the Beast:   This one comes from the director who made “The girl who lept through time”, and “Summer wars”, and it does not disappoint especially if your a furry. Its a quality movie about a boy who runs away from home only to encounter a bear-faced martial arts master from the beast world, who takes him as an apprentice. The two unlikely pair have their difference and learn different kinds of maturity through their experiences of one another. I think that most people will find this rather enjoyable. there were two things that I found to be minor negatives however. Mainly the use of CG in a big budget movie that could have just as easily been hand drawn. Also, the subplot of the antagonist was rather ham-fisted towards the end even if it made for a spectacular finale. I give this anime a solid A-/B+

The secret world of Arrietty : I think Studio Ghibli might have released this over the states through Disney distribution, so it may be hard to find as a free download. Still, its fucking studio Ghibli who have NEVER made a bad film. If you enjoy Ghibli films then you don’t even need a synopsis to know that its good. Its loosely based on an old children’s book called “The borrowers” who are miniature humans (maybe they are gnomes?) who survive by “borrowing” things that wont be missed by the colossal denizens of humanity living in their huge houses. The story is a nice heart-warming little vignette that wraps itself up in a nice little bow without violence or political agenda. If you can tear yourself away from how beautifully painted the backgrounds are to enjoy whats going on in the foreground then you would not be wasting your time with this one at all. A+

The Wind Rises: This anime is supposedly the final send off for Miyazaki Hayao who has basically now left his son in charge of studio Ghibli for the foreseeable future. If you don’t watch one punch man, At least watch this one. Like I said above, Miyazaki never seems to make a bad movie, truly a legend of his time. But this anime is a radical departure from his usual fair of whimsy, Spirits, magic,  and nature. Instead it is a fully animated period piece documentary about the man who invented the Mitsubishi A6M zero fighter for japan during WWII. His life as a person, and ambitions as an engineer who only wanted to make beautiful aircraft. If you are a fan of WWII, aircraft, and history, it is imperative you give this film a go.. truly amazing. A+

The Book of Friends: I discovered this through my roommate who was taking up suggestions for things to watch so he could practice listening/recognizing Japanese speech. It is quite a simple show for someone looking for something low key. It features several short stories about a young exorcist and his quest to return the “names” of various demons that a relative had captured and collected in a book over her lifetime. By returning the names of the demons, they are released from their servitude and it thus further pacifies the power of the book of friends, witch various other demons are trying to posses to use as a weapon. This series is short, and doesn’t have the typical action-packed payoff you may be expecting, But if you exhausted all other shows this one wont be a waste of your time. B


Tooth situation:

Took a trip over to my old dentists whom I love, and asked them what it would cost out of pocket to fix my busted molar. I got quoted 300$ just to get a consultation and cleaning… 300$ just to not have anything done. It fucking sucks not having dental insurance.

That will be at the top of the list when I get steady income. Because the best they could offer me was High-interest dental credit or fuck off over to western dental where the poor people go. -__-

^ Click the pick

** If you like what you see here on this website, please consider donating to my patreon, even 1$ helps me out with much needed food and keeps the cost to run this site manageable. Thank you**





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8 years ago

Oh god yes please, someone keep me company while I grind! Word of warning though Gingy. Fuso is utterly dreadful until you unlock one of the hull upgrades. World of tanks however has fallen out of favor with me, its just not the game I used to enjoy all those years ago. Anyway, give my a look up later, I am going to be popping on soon

8 years ago

One thing I’ve always been good at is power house grinding, like in under a thousand battles on WoT PC I got my Tiger II, the O-I Exp (so fucking fun) and the M3 Grant (also fun). On WOWS I’m grinding for Yamato as well and I’m about to get the Fuso. But the thing with me is I get that goal and almost never play it, I go full on whore and go for another tank (on Xbox WoT I have four tier X all German and I’m looking to four more). I also went super whore and have played every German tank up to tier VI. Oh fun. So yeah I’m kinda obsessed with it but hey! Interactive porn is fun fapping! But Norean I’ll play WOWS with you if you want.

8 years ago

After I got the M1A2 in AW. I pretty much lost most of my interest in continuing to play, since I have been passively focusing on World of Warships, with my Goal being Yamato. Just hoping I don’t lose interest in the game as I did with AW.

8 years ago

Now you just need a mod for Shadowrun: Dragonfall that lets you play as an AI….in a PLO1. Technically, it would be canon.

Good luck on the finals! I’m seeing guys on my floor who haven’t slept in days studying for their business and phys ed finals; I can’t even imagine how medical school finals would wreck your shit.

8 years ago

Demijet, Demitank, Demicar, Demi,plane, Demiship, Demibicyle. no wait…. I think something is wrong…. hum. 😛