Slightly Gay for I-401 but not the show.

46941834_p0Couple of things today:

Several months ago, I received a piece of fan art from Pixiv, infact it was this one: by an artist named  あぶぶ “Abubu” who was turned on by my A-10 pic (now considered old artwork). They got over 700 + favs on their pixiv page for drawing this, they even had a funny story about a race of sentient jet fighters who took part of humanity hostage to use as sex slaves during a stalemate war with earth (which I found quite hot). Sadly, they never made another one.. but I will always be happy for what little I receive art wise. These days I am super super happy with the original living machine erotica stories I have by the likes of Gingyflame, Delta_x3, and Admiralstarknight who got inspired and wrote from the heart for all to enjoy. I try to post what I find, I know this site does not have the best set up, But I don’t know how to manipulate the word press themes well. Thank you guys so very much for what you do.

First off, I am not the kind of person who asks for art from anyone, I know the time it takes and the work that goes into making any kind of art on your own time. So To do something for some one else as a gift, A *real* gift, asking for no money, nothing in return other then “Hey man I like your stuff, Here is my show of solidarity” its a very precious thing. This is especially not lost on the Japanese people as a whole. I tried to commission a Japanese artist using a proxy one year, and I was told “That is now how things work in Japan, they don’t simply take money and do things for people they don’t trust or know.” Again to get ‘fan art” from the Nihonjn off pixiv well.. that’s special. Tonight I went on pixiv to check my message box and found that this guy “Henshin Starman/変態スターマン” had wrote me to let me know he was inspired to put a lady with his pride and joy, the Japanese zero fighter.

すごいです!!、自分もゼロファイターで描きたいです!!、アイデアお借りしたいのですが、大丈夫でしょうか・・。(“awesome! i also draw this with ‘zero fighter’! can I borow your concept??)

車ではなくて日本が誇るゼロファイターで描きたいです!!、あと自分の拙い作品を高くご評価いただき感謝感激ですありがとうございます_(._.)_。(“not the car but mitsubishi zero plane. the pride of japan-fighter, also, thank you for high score you gave to my humble art, I am really touched!”)

ChrisC.様が描かれる戦闘機SEXはとても大好きです、自分も戦闘機は子供のころから大好きなので戦闘機とのHを描いてみたいです、戦闘機はセクシーな男の子!!。 (I love the fighter plane sex art you draw! i like fighter planes since i was a kid, i want to try drawing myself too. fighters are sexy bois!)

This guy has a simple style, But a lot of heart, if you have a pixiv account and approve of this message? go and give him 10 stars and a fav for me. *i also cant stress enough that if anyone out there has some living machine porn or non porn but very funny or loving art they think would be good, Please send me a note! I will feature you here on the gallery, don’t worry about being a good artist or a shitty artist, none of that matters right now.

**UPDATE** Art by Gingyflame: (Hey Gingy is the tank art from the story?)



Sighed up for Reddit’s rule34 sub Reddit. If you have an account, Please give me a quick up vote so this stuff can get to as many people this week as possible. Go here:



 Based on a few recommendations from people on the SWC forums, I gave this anime called “Arpeggio of Blue steel” a try.

The summery is basically this: a fleet of evil sentient warships known as the ‘Fleet of fog” suddenly appear all over the earth and cut off all trade and shipping routes between the countries. Economy’s are destroyed and no one is strong enough to stop the machines from completely wiping out the worlds naval resistance with highly advanced gravitational “Thanatonium” technology.  No one, except for a female submarine named I-401 who surrenders herself to the Japanese navy, and ultimately acquires a human captain, a Boy who’s father betrayed humanity somehow and is missing or dead. Together the Captain and I-401 (Who uses nanomachines to construct a human avatar called a “mental model” do there best to fight against I-401’s sisters pictured above, in an attempt to deliver a super weapon to America for mass production..they are humanity’s last hope.   ……… sounds cool doesn’t it?

Well sadly, What could have been an amazing show about living machine naval warfare devolved halfway in the 12 episode OVA to a show about computer A.I. paper dolls running around playing dress up on the beach and making friends with small children and the captain like  every other anime now. I mean cmon! This show is about humanity dying and horribly powerful warships in combat, wtf is this shit?  Full disclaimer: This show is not a bad show, taken at face value the computer generated cell style characters and naval combat is actually rather well done. If one of you guys were to watch it, chances are at least one of you, would probably enjoy the hell out of it.

I cant however, in good conscious recommend this show as a good ‘sentient machine” show.

Is the actual I-401 submarine hot? Fuck yes she’s hot. But why does every machine have to be represented by a proxy human form? This is like- 99% of the anime out there that don’t start with yuusha, and end with transformers. They not only copped out by not letting the ships themselves be the center of representation, but when the ships get destroyed the human avatars keep on walking, talking and eating??! Seriously?  How about the fact that half way through the show the avatars of the the ships stop referring to themselves the ships as “I” or “me” and the avatars refer to them just as “The ship, the vessel” As if their original body no longer matters (How are you guys even functional when later on in the show, the sister submarines I-400 and I-402 die completely when they loose their vessel forms?) . I understand that this is all probably intentional by the director and the author, but I think it was a mistake to go in this direction. To put a cherry on top, the show does nothing to explain itself. Where did the fleet of fog come from? Whose behind them? Who set up the admiralty code? Why are they trying to destroy humanity? Be prepared to never have any of your questions answered.  If you don’t care about sentient machine representation in your anime, then you will probably love this show… if you DO.. then I would suggest going and reading a scanlation of the manga because the show will leave you scratching your head like dental office artwork.

B+/A- for animation C+ for overall execution  *I am super hard on anime, Ive watched it for over 15 years, I am jaded as shit, Please don’t consider this as me saying the show is shit because its actually an ok show, just not what I was hoping it was going to be.


Utterly forgot to mention that I finally cracked open Arena commander in star citizen! Man the controls are fucking hard, I had to dust off the xbox controller because my performance in the racing sim were laughable at best. Also, This is old– but here is the M50 Top gear spoof commercial from last month. Enjoy.

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9 years ago

The manga version of Arpeggion of Blue Steel differs pretty drastically from the anime – has a lot more character development and the like.

10 years ago

Sadly, I’m going to be a bit longer than I thought with this story. Sorry guys.

10 years ago

No apology needed, you weren’t rude at all, I wasn’t familiar with those projects.

10 years ago

I apologize if I came off sounding rude. I promise I didn’t mean to.

10 years ago

Yes, but I meant jet based aircraft. Damn there’s a lot of comments on this page! And the majority aren’t even on the post topic! XD Anyway I was bored as shit one day so I decided to try drawing a porn picture of HaM’s first sex scene… I have a great deal more respect for you Ratbat. You don’t give yourself enough credit for your art! I have a physical model (and an excellently detailed one at that) of the Tiger II and I still have trouble making everything look scaled and right, you probably don’t but still pull off these amazingly accurate portrayals of vehicles! So I have quite a few mistakes and erase marks on this paper. I’ve never drawn a Tiger at these angles or a human in these positions so… I’m having difficulty…. this is very time consuming. I’ve adopted some things you use on the vehicles like the eyes, those are way easier than what I initially did, and the manipulators are pretty generic, probably because they make sense, and the comic strip thing you use is logical for this kind of stuff. Still looks nothing like your stuff though, kinda sad that I’m failing at copying your style. 🙁 I personally love to draw, sketch, doodle, whatever you call it, and I’ve done a lot of scenarios but porn… ahh it’s a bit alien to me. I definitely have a lot to learn.

10 years ago

I don’t think any of us would have a problem with seeing a Ho 229 in a situation like that. Flying wings are quite sexy, after all. ^-^ And I don’t think composition would be a problem either, seeing as the Stuka Story had a living Sopwith Camel biplane. The only problem I could foresee would be in that the only surviving airframe, as you said, is being restored at the Smithsonian and is in pretty terrible shape. But, thankfully we’re all okay with stretching reality a little bit for the sake of entertainment. =P

However, I feel like I have to point out that the Ho 229 wasn’t the first flying wing, nor was it the last one until the B-2 Spirit. Northrop built two prop-driven flying wings that flew in ’41 and ’42, and then the larger XB-35 flying wing bomber in ’46. However, the Ho 229 was the first jet-powered flying wing, and still a very beautiful piece of hardware.

I can’t wait to see where this idea takes you, though!

10 years ago

I’m about four pages in. I work on it some every day – even hash parts out at work on my phone – but I just learned some stuff that means I have to make some changes at the beginning, but it shouldn’t be too much of a setback. If I’m lucky? Done by the end of the week.

And I’m glad you guys like it. =)

10 years ago

XD Anyway, the Horton 229 May be challenging. So far I’ve seen metal birds, and maybe a few WWI canvas skinned birds, but the Horton is a special jet plane. A little background info: in late 1944 the German war ministry called designers for a fighter/bomber capable of minimum 1000 kg payload/1000 km range/and 1000 km per h. And the Horton brothers were previously glider builders, and almost all of their gliders were tail-less, or, “flying wings” and this caught the minister’s eye in not the best way. He questioned the reliability of it, and the brothers promised that it would outperform ANY plane in the Fürur’s arsenal. The ministry ordered one prototype to be constructed for trials. The Hortons proved their claim, upon tests and dogfight exercises with a Me 262 the Ho 229 proved faster, more maneuverable, greater range and reliability. The secret was not only the flying wing but the stealth factor the brothers put in her, more made her, she was entirely skinned with wood, velvet, and leather, giving a stealth from Britain’s radar array, the first stealth fighter 40 years before anyone made another, and a flying wing 60 years before anything like it (B-2 spirit) appeared again. Armament is 6x 20mm auto cannons, 2x 500 kg or 4x 200 kg bombs, range about 2500 km, speed is vague to me, I do know it was the fastest for almost two decades, however. The first crashed due to a blown engine upon landing, the second built never flew, captured by U.S. Forces and is currently in the Smithsonian inventory, in a box that is. What a waste of a model, but, my trouble is the Horton’s composition isn’t metal, well skin but I personally have no problem with it, I’ve fantasizes about the old wood sail ships coming alive, oh so graceful and elegant they ride the waves and wind… How would yall feel about it?

10 years ago

Hmmm *clicks link* OH FUCK YES! *orgasm* damnit I was going to do a 262! Oh well I could do the Ho 229,, mmmmm the flying wing… Delicious!

10 years ago

I wanted to keep it a surprise, but I can’t. So here’s a little bit of a…visual teaser for my story. Meet Petra: .

I mostly did this to help me visualize how I described the character in the story, so it’s not really impressive. But I thought you guys might like it nonetheless.

10 years ago

I got hooked by watching a preview of the first few episodes, but trying to stick through the series was a bi of a chore. I don’t usually watch anime but this was a great idea but really let down, the concept of the old capital ships coming alive was so great that I forced my friend to finish the series with me at the time. Of all things, warships have the most entitlement to be personified in such a way IMO, they are entities into themselves.

10 years ago

I look forwad to reading it, time is what makes things better, so really savor the ideas in your head and put them down carefully and compassionately. That’s my advice, and I generally have not been known to write very long articles of work… (Checks post history, concludes that statement is complete bullshit) well before I haven’t been know to write like I do now, probably because I really enjoy what I write now, that’s something else, write about stuff you enjoy. I enjoy my writings greatly, and still haven’t fapped to any of them even though I have the worst hard on while writing the sex scenes. When you wear slim jeans and a belt while leaning in to the desk with a hard on, typing forever, it hurts like a MF, I’m not going to lie.

10 years ago

I’ve also got something in the works for my writing debut here. Only about two pages in, though, but it’s coming along nicely.

10 years ago

Ok little news update/confession… I can’t seem to write a short story to save my life. So far I’ve gotten to the sex scene between Bismarck and her lover, the night before she’s sunk, and the scenes not even near completion and the story’s 9 pages long… Jeez and that’s not even going to be the longest segment! Her ‘last’ day afloat is the longest, with the ensuing final battle and the emotional shit, God do I have much to fucking do. Damn so anyway it may be a while. Sorry to those expecting it now.

10 years ago

I think that could be pretty interesting of a story!

10 years ago

Shit I misspelled her name: *Bismarck not Bismark.

10 years ago

I bet they were, I’m personally not into expensive yachts, more into large liner ships and combatant vessels. Right now I’m actually writing a side story to HaM about one of Hansel’s classmates and his “short” love affair with the K.M.S. Bismark, it may be considered a cliff-hanger but I’m pretty sure we all know it took the entire British Navy to put her down and I’m not that much of a fan of alternate historical stories. But it will merge with the main story way down the line… 😉

10 years ago

I like the physical designs of the ships, but those glowing rune patterns make me cringe a little.

10 years ago

Gingiflame you would have loved what I used it do for a living. I built yachts for company up in Washington. It was fun seeing the ship’s starting out as nothing but a drawing on paper to a luxury yacht floating in the water. The boats took a couple of years to build so they had us working on other ship’s at the same time. They where beautiful.

10 years ago

Meh really everything can be better but for something like that to be good the creators need to be mechies too. Actually I’m playing that game now CX I’m using I-400s to take out a pitiful attempt at a convoy then hit the base with a Super Yamato, I’m responding because the reloads are really slow. They’re so devastating with thier 8 torpedo tubes forward it is scary. Just kinda shows how much I enjoy the game.

10 years ago

Wow, thanks for putting up my art, btw the tanks are upside down, but no they aren’t part of the story (actually I might make the Messerschmitt BF 109 K into a side story along with a few others then link them all into one cluster-fuck story 😉 tree-branch story!) and I agree with you completely on the I-400 class as sexy. Really all the Japaneese ships are hot (in my standards). All the ship classes you put up (I-400 class SS, Kongo class BB, and the Takao class CA) are in one of my favorite games know as Battlestations Paciffic,, it’s a RPG-strategy so-to-say and is quite fun to play with friends and for an old game the graphics aren’t bad (they aren’t next-gen but they sufice at turning me on). I personally enjoy it and always get a little hot when playing it, it has Yamatos, Iowas, South Dakotas, Fletchers, Fubukis, Takaos, Kongos, King George Vs, Renowns, New Yorks, Northhamptons, B-17s, B-24s, B-29s, Zeros, Corsairs, Wildcats, Avengers (they remind me of your Avenger pic), Dauntlasses, Kates, Vals, and a shit ton more!