The Mentality of this

Disclaimer: The following is just my opinion on certain parts of adult art. I get that “Not all men, Not all women” ect ect.  I know that other folks don’t think or even approach kink like I do, but maybe this will give you guys an idea of where I am coming from. Why I draw porn the way I do.

Been thinking a lot about the conclusion that I am on the Ace (Aesexual) spectrum.  A stranger said somewhere that Ace folks make the kinkiest art because they don’t wanna be involved with the deed in real life. The art is then a means to let them explore sexuality in the complete safety of the fantasy world. I would say that this has been 100% the case with me my whole life. I don’t really wanna fuck anyone, but im still horny inside my brain. You can be not mentally attracted to any particular sex, but your physical body just chugs along hoping you will breed anyway.  I prefer heterosexual sex, but Het porn at large is pretty awful. Made for an audience of men concerned with taking everything they can from a willing set of holes. Seldom if ever, is a woman’s orgasm even considered. 

“The McDonald’s hamburger of human intimacy” (fills you up in the short term, but is devoid of vitamins, and minerals you actually need) 

The other day a quick google search led me to R/Teratophilia, a sub reddit about monsters that I lasted about 20 minutes on. Initially I was hopeful I might find tender nonhuman kissey art, maybe some truly weird eldritch beings with non standard anatomy. There might have actually been some tender kissey half buried in that mountain, but this was a public forum. The hardcore kink stuff far far outweighed the sort of tender erotic subject matter I was looking for. (I want some eye contact, some hand-holding, cuddles to go with my dickings fgs!) The way people treated terato in that place, was just as interchangeable to any other hentai group I’ve glanced upon. A skin for the same types of humiliation/noncon/dominance/kink that you can get virtually anywhere. I stay away from Robot kink places for a similar reason.  A ton of folks who say they love machines, then depict them getting their internals ripped out, the limbs partially dismembered, or machines treated as a lesser being in the exchange. (Yeah nothing says “I love you” like barely contained Guro ).
Makes me wonder why outsiders say that I’m this brutal hard core artist simply for choosing a war machine, or a dragon. The only hard core thing about me is that I like big fantasy monster dicks, but most importantly, big fantasy dicks that don’t hurt anyone. I do not like depictions of suffering for someone else’s pleasure. I do not like pictures of disrespect on a sex partner, I do not like art that shows lack of consent, fantasy or not. (Even the Wyverns communicate with their Riders Via the kinship stone! Some MH lore for you. ) 

how did I get here? 

Gentle giants (mostly machines) that had all the capacity in the world to destroy, yet stay their hand for tenderness is the ultimate flavor. If you have never felt comfortable around others, if you are analogous to the monster for your “otherness”, then the small somewhat perfectly acceptable human laying with you in total sincerity is hot as fuck. Its like you forgiving yourself for your imperfections. I’m over 6 feet tall, I wear a mans 13 shoe, pcos issues have made me into a less than ideal monster myself. So this is what it means to me: I am both. I am the monster who forgives the human, and the weak tiny human who forgives the monster for being misunderstood.  In this small sacred space there is no room for “McDonalds porn bullshit”.

When one side is a death dealing machine entity covered in armor and warheads, it becomes a protective incredibly masculine force in the relationship. A powerful figurehead without all the exploitation that comes with regular porn. This is where I am most comfortable. In the case where the human is a man, I introduce a super strong motherly non human monster woman that cannot be taken advantage of in the same way. 

Some people think I don’t like Gay people because I don’t draw gay porn. On the contrary, Gay has nothing to do with anything. Its just coincidentally the fact gay men 100% engage in anal sex. I vehemently dislike anal because of the way it’s been portrayed in het porn on women in straight relationships. Turns out that up to 72% of women (and 15% of men) experience moderate to severe pain during anal and don’t say anything to their partners because its expected of them.  “sex is just something you endure for a man’s pleasure” :

(granted, gay men have a prostate that can be stimulated. Their is a use case for the act in gay porn) 

But why the fuck would you ever sign up for something that causes moderate to severe pain in the name of intimacy? (Im looking at the remaining 28% of you kinky women)  combine this with the sentiment that a small % of people hold that “Anal is what you do to punish women” (read this on a forum 15 years back) and now I can only view certain sex acts as something you do when you don’t really care about the other person. (Like depictions of men making women choke or vomit on huge dicks, are a form of sexual violence)

My monsters don’t hurt the men, or women. They don’t ask for acts of sex that cause discomfort (and are totally anthropocentric let’s be honest). 

Those huge robot dongs you see on this webpage? They are adjustable for maximum pleasure. I fucking thought of everything, yet I am the hardcore freak? I disagree. 

To the truly weird kinksters out there, the women shoving french fries, and chicken bones up their cunt? The young men attracted to the varicose vens on the legs of 90 year olds? Their colorful existence proves that there is a kind of porn for everyone who dares to dream, Even the folks out there who like shitty painful brutal porn acts. I’m just not one of them. 
(Artist for this meme is unknown. I will try to find their name)



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5 months ago

I’m using a translator now.

I became very interested in you when I saw your art, and I admire you even more now, making you one of my favorite artists!

I always liked this type of art, with planes, cars, motorcycles or most machines, but I suppressed myself. Seeing your art was like an awakening for me, since you don’t just treat it as a “purely sexual fetish of mental freaks”, you add what I also like! Romance, holding hands, cute sex etc. That’s why I want to thank you for having your journey in art and making both me and your other fans so happy.

It’s two in the morning and I’m going to read all your pages, I love you and your art, kisses from wherever you are! I will support you on patreon as soon as I can!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by maikotoher
6 months ago

Wow!!! Super interesting to read where all those aspects I always loved about your works are coming from! I can absolutely find myself in that attraction to an exterior of brute power, and interior of kind, protective, tenderness.

I also never quite realised, but I feel like we’re kinda on the same wavelenght, yet on the completely opposite end of the mirror, so to say.

With me being a male, quite intrinsically service-minded sexual creature, acutely aware of all the toxicity and manipulation men are capable of and (rightfully) perceived for. There was always this self-perception of outwardly being sort of a monster and a liability for any lover to be around.

Which I think is why I felt so attracted by your art (particularly of female machines and male humans) when I discovered it.

For me, I feel like there’s an incredible sense of comfort about the idea of such a machine woman, of never having to worry about being perceived as threatening or intimidating, because she & I both know there ain’t’ NO way in hell I’m physically capable hurting her, even if I wanted to. There’s simply no doubt that the only reason I’m with her is because she wants me to be. And that feels like it makes for a very pure kind of love to submit to.

Those feelings are partially why, somewhat ironically, the first fursona I ever found myself connecting with was a tank. (Particularly, the Challenger 2, with it’s large, goofy looking, central optic).

A sort of expression of that external make for brute force, destruction, and subjugation, yet there’s a sort of “clumsiness” in it’s sheer size, weight, and near non-existent means to hide, enter human spaces, or manipulate the world around it, also in a strange way an incredibly vulnerable and impotent creature, leaving room for no other kind of lover than someone who looks past that unmistakeable nature, and entirely voluntarily chooses to approach it.

A bit of a rant! I’m sorry! But I hope it’s kinda interesting and fitting up your alley!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ratbat

No worries, and likewise sorry for the late response. x.x

God, it’s hard to put into words. I do kinda feel like the monster. But I absolutely don’t wanna hurt or scare anyone. and it can feel a bit tiresome sometimes, to feel like it’s necessary to have to watch my steps like that.
And both genders can be fucked up yeah, and it’s nice to see increased awareness for domestic violence against males too, for example. But hey, us men have a role to play and I believe it’s to acknowledge women have reason to cautious, and have the patience to build and earn trust instead of demanding it. To be those gentle, protective, monsters instead of the ordinairy ones. And the tank is kinda a promise to aspire to do that.

For the human part, the diremachine fantasy is nice, because it’d be such a lovely change of pace to have to worry about being stepped on instead of stepping on someone. And as you put it, feel honoured to be chosen despite the flaws of the flesh!
But yeah it’s super nice to see in my opinion how surprisingly many men are openly into the kinda “role reversing” dynamic, because I kinda feel like it is a sign we’re slowly starting to get rid of toxic gender ideals in our culture, when guys can start admitting “Hey I kinda like to feel protected” and strong women start being seen as cool.

Also “Megatron” is personally my favorite! It looks soooo cool with all the extra camouflage padding, and masts. Almost regal!

And about how I found this place. I’m going to have to be honest… I have no idea…
The earliest trace I have is one of your works featuring an F-15, from 2016, that I had downloaded. I think I mostly was active on deviantart then. Absolutely no idea how I learned of Titan Atelier existing, but all I can say is I’ve known it for a pretty long time and been occassionally checking up on it every once in a while, untill I realised “Hey, artists are people, and you can like, try to let them know you think their work is awesome”

Last edited 5 months ago by Brisky0900
3 months ago
Reply to  Ratbat

Haha, no worries, and thanks! You too! And yeah, there’s lots of good people here, and there even seems to be a lot more pointers to things with a similar appeal made by the people, too! r/teratophilia as well. It sure is a mixed bag indeed, but I did find some lovely things in the end.

We don’t really celebrate halloween here though. Our analogue is 11 november where kids go by doors with decorated lanterns to sing for candy. (I suddenly have an image in my head of a tank trying to do that for some reason.)

And, I have a chequered relationship with those games.

I find getting to “be” a tank particularly fun, (I quit WT because I began “enjoying” it too much, time wise) but you’re often limited by the games only really being meant for arena style battles. And rather oversimplying the real-world qualities of the tanks, in favor of hard numbers, and how they would be behaving in a real conflict.

Tank Nerding
Like, a Churchill would be considered a “bad tank” because it was slow, but it should’nt have been fast because it was designed to protect infantry.
It was also a bit of a mountain goat, as far as tanks go, so it could cross anti-tank ditches, and climb steep hills, get places NO enemy would expect to find a tank.
(It’s kinda typical Brit stuff actually, they thought WW2 would be a trench war and built this tank with that in mind but somehow it just worked out for them anyways.)

It’s maybe just a personal little quirk of mine, but once I got into the rabbit hole the simplified versions can become less interesting to me. Or perhaps mostly I really just wish for a more story driven game where you get to actually help / protect some others instead of just fighting for the sake of fighting. Although a bit of fantasy can fill that gap.

I’m a lot more curious towards games like GHPC and Steel Beasts pro for that reason, but unfortunately I’m currently having to ration my time a bit too much.

Why do you ask though? Do you play them? 🙂

Last edited 3 months ago by Brisky0900
6 months ago

I don’t know if it’s quite what you’re looking for, but check out some of Snekguy’s written works – in particular one-shots Heart of the Mountain (dragon), Heart of the Labyrinth (minotaur), Leap of Faith (halo brute), and Conjunction (tribal reptile). All of those feature large but sweet “monsters” on humans, with a good framing story to boot.

Their large Pinwheel series has some good ones too, probably all the Krell focused stories (humungous but sweet & gentle alligators) (Highway to Krell, Return to Krell, Tepin’s muse). Borealan focused stories err towards more of the aggressive dommy side sure, and even I usually find them a bit much, but they have their moments, try Hot Kofe and Black Velvet. Purple Heart is good too – I’ll give fair warning about the start, but push through since it makes the back half a lot more impactful . Valbaran focused stories flip towards humans being the bigger and stronger partner for once, check out Birds of Prey and Human Resources.

Last edited 6 months ago by CRASH
6 months ago

Look up “Meetban Link Ring”. I think it’ll get close to what you are after. Big powerful monster-guy, tender romance, committed relationship.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ratbat
Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
A box
7 months ago

Seeing this and all these comments, its… beautifull (had tears of joy while reading this) May the story of gentle giants continue

8 months ago

(not related to the blog, just couldn’t find a general contact point)
Thought you might like to see this:

9 months ago

I adore this post and you’ve hit the nail n the head of some of the big reasons I’ve always been so attracted to machines myself. Their head spinningly powerful, dominant presence that could be used for evil or for good, and the damn near heroic dedication to use their primary functions and abilities for good. But also, the physical size and stature and visual domination in a partner that provides feelings of ultimate protection and love, to fierce, almost primal levels, the rush of having that strength and power as not just an ally but in the form of a lover capable of true TLC. I adore it

9 months ago

All if this YEEEEES. I love the idea of intimacy but am repulsed by it irl. For me, nonhuman x human kink is more about the power dynamics between the species. Communication, compromise, cultural exchange, all through the charged lense of romance and sex. But when it becomes humiliating or violent, it just becomes “big titty hate fuck #2, 076”. No imagination, no nuance, just Peg B into Hole A with a different colored skin. It also just feels mean spirited, like, why be so vulnerable if you hate the other person that much? I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks these things!

10 months ago

Now in my 40’s, come to the conclusion I am also Ace as far as other humans are concerned. All the characters I am attracted to are non-human in nature as well. And finding good hetero art is hard. Tumblr used to be the shit but it has lost so much after the purge. There’s a little coming back for a few fandoms but nothing like it was. In any case, this is why I’ve been lurker-following you for many years!

10 months ago

I 100% vibe with this. My favorite stuff is the stuff where there isn’t pain and suffering. I want there to be comfort in that, pleasure, and meeting of souls, so to speak. Your comic stuff, this stuff, all the stuff. I like it, love it, enjoy it from the perspective of wanting to be there, even if your setting has some grim aspects.

Tulip Snow
10 months ago

I love your art more than any other anthro/living machine art I’ve seen. BECAUSE I can see the intimacy past the sex. The way you draw eyes and caressing hands is way more personal than the hot slop from reddit pages. I’m glad you draw what you draw. And in very happy you’re continuing to discover more about yourself and put yourself into your art.

10 months ago

I agree. Most porn is usually so obviously acted, and indeed with a submissive undertone.
I’ve been a victim of sexual abuse myself at the age of 17, so those machos with their forcing attitude get me infuriated enough to see a red haze before my eyes.
That, plus the fact that men always criticize women (in my case, I am extremely tall and skinny), both direct AND behind the back, make me unable to relax during sex. I remain ‘on guard’, even during orgasm.
Those big, dangerous machines use their incredible power to protect me, to make me theirs, to impress and seduce me the way male animals impress their females: just as nature intended in ancient times.
And because they know their own size and power, they are tender and careful with a woman, even with a tall skinny one.
With those big mechanical turn-ons, I am able to relax and enjoy the full experience!

10 months ago

I definitly agree with this sentiment, I really dont understand why people who make porn that has the 2 characters loving and caring for eachother is so rare..

10 months ago

I am with you on a lot of this, especially the lack of affection and intimacy in much of the available terato work. It’s interesting hearing your take on a lot of it, since i’m not ace but have ace friends and have learned a fair bit about it over the last few years. Your art has been stuck in my mind in terms of consensual and emotional teratophilia for a looooong time, a rarity to be sure!

Edit: Oh, and the artist for the meme seems to be Kayla-Na, from what I could find! (link goes to that artist’s upload on FA)

Last edited 10 months ago by Qwin
10 months ago
Reply to  Qwin

She dropped the name Kayla-na some years ago, now she goes as ebonychimera.