I’m glad this exists.

Jet found this a month ago. They said it “reminded of my “old” works”, and damn right, this kinda stuff is blast to the past now. Had I seen this in Jr College I would have fapped So hard, like it just would have fucked my whole self up in a good way (I thought I was alone.) Big ups here to Gundam Double Zeta. Art by Pipebomb: https://x.com/Cracker68659106/

(Cover image is a schematic of the f-14 front optical equipment I thought it was neat. Courtesy of M.A.T.S.)

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17 days ago

It was because of art like this that I found out about you in the first place, I don’t come across Human(female)xMech stuff really at all, and it’s honestly a shame you don’t draw stuff like this anymore because of it being as rare as it is to see, and your artwork is truly amazing. It’s been years, but I’ll still be hopefully I’ll see some new HumanxMech from you one day.