@Fenny: last time I talked to a Japanese artist he had mentioned that Japanese artists are not normally in the habit of taking commissions from complete strangers. You gotta be a friend or you have to butter them up first or be a prestigious company asking for art. I asked this question about 12 years ago though.. so for all I know it’s different.
7 years ago
Whoever made that picture of magma dragoon, I will literally pay for more.
The artist doesn’t know English and I don’t think he takes coms, but here’s his account
@Fenny: last time I talked to a Japanese artist he had mentioned that Japanese artists are not normally in the habit of taking commissions from complete strangers. You gotta be a friend or you have to butter them up first or be a prestigious company asking for art. I asked this question about 12 years ago though.. so for all I know it’s different.
Whoever made that picture of magma dragoon, I will literally pay for more.
Ratty I miss you girl! E-mail me sometime