Officially jobless

That piece of shit restaurant i was working for had gone under. Bankruptcy was the culprit, but im glad.  Forced me to look for something much better.   Anyway, im going oldschool tonight, old mech pics i have collected 5+ years ago  aannnd some more recent ones as well…

Ahh yes, the joys of THE INTERNET, thank you.


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15 years ago

Ooooh. -feels dumb-

But still, my condolences still stand. Good luck! D:

15 years ago

ratbat: Antipathy and Pilot: Its not me that has lost her job. Its my buddy Josh. If you guys wanna see who has posted what, just look at the bottom of the post. I still have my job.

15 years ago

Aww, I hope things go well for you! -crosses fingers-

And OMG I fell im love with this design:comment image

And want to base a nosda off of him. 😡

15 years ago

For some reason the ‘spiders is robot food’ one keeps making me giggle. 😛

You DO, I hope, still have some kind of job? Restaurant work sucks–it’s like the worst parts of customer service combined with guaranteed irritating supervisors. (At least that’s my waitressing years in a nutshell). Just found out my 67 year old dad is losing his job–they think he’s ‘too old’–I suspect they want to bring in younger guys who will take whatever money they offer instead of paying for all of dad’s experience.

I hope things are working out for you. And not just because I’m addicted to your art!