Been a while since I’ve done one of these.. it feels good.
When I first started playing xenogears I actually didn’t like El Fenrir the omnigear all that much because of the in-game models lack of defineable features. It took a japanese pixiv artist named KS to change my mind over one of his famed oekaki doodles found on this site. After some consideration, I re-checked my prized “xenogears perfect works artbook” and followed up my previous El Andovari art with this little diddy. Its been 11 years since that game came out, but Ive never once fallen out of love of the xenogears mechs. It was only a matter of time before a heavy flow day would thrust my “lizzard brain” back into the deliscious cave of machinely fetishism.
Incidently, I put “phantom glasses” on the mech’s face because fenrir reminds me alot of Shitan Uzuki (its pilot) who was a brainy sort of man. So I project abit of Citans own personality into Fenrir (who by my comic standards is now sentient).
Its too bad though, That with all the truth that this immage conveys, I have still not decided what im going to do about it as it relates to EWS. The truth is, human x mech sex happens every day and is very important in the story. Very akin to old greek mythos where Gods came down and fucked/seduced/raped mortals whenever they were bored or enamored. Even in old scandinavian mythos, Gods would sometimes take the form of animals to have sex with other animals or other humans and it was nothing personal. (note: most of the time the children born from sutch encounters wound up cursed, powerfull titans, or twisted gorgon things)
Atleast EWS couples greatly enjoy their sex, No one ever gets hurt or betrayed or disrespected. “happyness” or “joy” I think is something hentai has almost totaly lost. So I only feel good mostly makeing and looking at my own home grown porn. The delight is still strong in these.
It must be nice to get ready access to rock hard machine cock anytime you want.. Though i tell you what, That girl is likely not human anymore.
Ratbat can you please contact me at:
[email protected]
I need to ask you something. Thank you
to Chris H. : What is it you need to ask?
I totally agree with you on the joylessness in hentai. I’m sure there’s exceptions out there, but for the most part I just see faceless men and a sobbing girl. Can we ever get HAPPY porn anymore?
This is a big reason why I enjoy your art.
Yeah, the Xenogears mechs are really impressive, even by today’s standards, especially the Wing armed angel. 😉