;;scrapeing bottom of the barrel;;


Have a shit load of Wanzers. also, Fuck you squeenix for not releasing FM5! grrr. Too bad theres no Hoshun mk 11 art.

Recently, Ive attracted a bunch of fellow robot lovers to the comic. Im extreamly pleased because it means that all thos years I suffered thinking I was the only person into this and should be ashamed- well dont have to be. Infact im pretty damn proud I could use my art to bring my fellow robot people together so we can all talk and share common interest. I must say, Theres something wrong with a world where you can google up a thousand selascious pedaphile/scat/necrophile/gore/snuff  and you cant get anything about mecha. So I thank all you guys who had the courage to e-mail me. Serriously guys, thanks.

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