Have a small update. A small collection of stuffs from DA and Pixiv. I try and keep this section of the site mostly for fantasy mecha, but Ive noticed a lot of fantasy one-off mecha stuff comes from Japanese or Korean card games. I guess I have greatly underestimated their popularity.
At the end of the month I’ll have 2 weeks off. Fucking looking forward to that… Thanksgiving was a wash.
Hmmm. Rowan I’m getting a system error following youre link. Took it down?
Honestly, I’m all up for more of your Rule 34 art, Ratbat. If you need any ideas on what car art to make next, feel free to draw my machinesona, Carol the Barstow.
The HonHonHon seal of approval made the french in me laugh, nice one angelo :3
FFFFFuuuuuck it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything! Damn my lazy ass! Also, could we get a little view of that Stuart goodness? That’d be nice.
Gingy: Hey gingy! Good to see you are still around. I understand your buissyness tho, I ended up getting a part time job that turned into a full time job in under a month. Not much time for anything now.