PL-01 Act 3

This image takes place right after the 2nd PL-01 pic below.

and.. after having Justin Timberlake’s “mirror” mp3 on loop for 3 hours.

After a hearty and powerful orgasm, the little half-machine woman is completely exhausted from the fun. She lays down on her big lover to sleep. Even in post coitus, PL is still buried deep inside her, draining off what is left of his heat and remaining intimately “connected” enjoying her soft and muscular womanhood. he picks a wildflower or 3 from the grass and delicately weaves it into her hair as a sign of affection. When she wakes up, “I think she will find it pleasing” he thinks.

A kink of mine: falling asleep with your lovers cock still buried inside you.. locked in each others grasp





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