April art cards good and bad



^ Pretty much how most male tanks fuck their women (position can vary depending on if the engine is in the front or not however..)

This round of art cards was challenging. Best of show is the merman and the Victor III soviet submarine imo. Chinook-tan makes an appearance in a meta card with Ingo (about the card that i drew for him 3 months ago), and the Evil AI car “KARR” from Knight Rider.


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8 years ago

Not there wrote a review,delete

8 years ago

Technique gay!1!11111!11???7!2″WTF!,gonna go fucking drown myself! ;(

8 years ago

yes RB,i still around here seeing your interesting art. 🙂

8 years ago

I imagined you weren’t happy with all of them. At least you gave the morph (excuse me, demiplane 🙂 ) some weight to her to give a plausible reason for such large breasts. And yeah, the merman pic is pretty fantastic; pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that subject matter, before. I like the touch with the squid-like tentacles for the sub.

I miss the streams too. Right now, though, I don’t have round-the-clock internet access, so even if you could stream I’d be outta luck. At least I’m out of school, now; it’s nice having that all behind me. I imagine you’ll feel the same once you’re done with medical school.

8 years ago

Erm. Was that last comment directed at me RB? I was never really able to watch your streams because of my poor internet connection, which got worse in recent weeks. I am with you on the tits on aircraft or any machine, it is unappealing in my opinion. I left a comment on delta’s upload saying he must have bribed you in order to do this. I appear to have been wrong though. 😛

8 years ago

I may have to attempt one of these patron cards when I get the chance. I have said it before. But I adore the style of your artwork.

8 years ago

Ratbat, I think I look forward to your art card stuff just as much as your finished personal/commission work. I think it lets you play with really unusual and interesting ideas in a rapid-fire fashion, and I like that. It feels more raw and it shows how cool some of these off-beat ideas look when they’re drawn well.

8 years ago

For a second I thought that Ingo was looking at a PlayPlane magazine or just a regular plane book that kids would “read” that’s covered in pictures. XD Yeah you got a machine sona that’s great, I ain’t got shit. Although I’ll really think about it and try and draw my sona. Don’t expect something spectacular, though.

8 years ago

interesting these cards XD, i liked too the Chinook,very interesting heli. 🙂

8 years ago

“Look at all those migs!” How can you even see the magazine Ingo? Its directly under your nose. Also Love seeing your Chinook ‘sona’ again RB. Probably my favorite heavily lift helo besides the CH-53 and the simply massive Mil 26.