Apple data: I introduce here a new minor charecter in the prince Tomcat Comic. he is like MTD and X-29, another one of the NASA druid scientist researchers keeping the children of man under lead lined roof tops so they cannot be scanned by the black lodge. Here, the girl gives “Exyl” the gift of the taste of a honey crisp apple. This data can only be gathered via human neurology, and the translation that happens from the Golden neuron strand’s chemical translator. Dire machines don’t have taste buds, stomachs, or the ability to eat human food because the mouths are false vestigial forms for increased personalization. Their is a whole lot more that goes into consideration here. Soo much of taste is referenced by mood, and also the olfactory sensors. One’ person’s taste receptors are different from others, so you’d need multiple data points to form a clearer concept of apple flavor. Not all apples taste the same, some apples can be under ripe, Over ripe, and the recipient angry, or sad. Signal to noise ratio of the data received depends on the level of corruption of the flesh of the human subject. But each instance of bio data gathering serves to build a complete picture of living things upon the planet for these eldritech monsters. Every piece is precious.
For awhile I’ve been following your work and I had questions, but I daren’t ask them. Instead I observed and form what I gathered, I made draft stories based around those doubts to satisfy my curiosity. One of them actually kinda played with the fact that dire mouths, being nothing but far cry, lead to nowhere. And the dire in one draft after being offered a fruit, ends up spilling it chewed up from his mouth into the water around him, attracting fish.
I don’t know if you’ll answer this but, may I know if can dires read memories? I mean can they access only neurological signals that are firing at the moment, or are the able to prod into knowledge that’s not been thought about by their partner? I’m guessing they do is just they prefer the data to be fresh, since memory can some times be faulty.
And BTW, Happy new year.
@EOS :It’s one of their most defining features as as aliens trying to infect humans with nanomachines. Part of their great space magic is that they can in-fact read human memories! Corruption sort of turns your body into this USB unit they can data mine for biological information via all the mirror cell doplegangers they’ve put inside you. They can prod these memories with less noise and even feel what you are feeling as it happens. Sexually, They are able to guide your experience because they can feel your pleasure/pain response as it happens. They can divert, and change the flow of nerve stimulation within you, coming to and from themselves, and they can give you access into their memories like a great server terminal. Dire folks take all of this information to make internal edits so they can be fertile to you, or you to them. Its all a part of this “Gentle” but strange alien invasion. Hell they can even talk to you directly into your mind. You can have two-way thought communication as if you are both just two LAN computers talking to eachother.