I havent drawn a male human in years.

So like, don’t call me out for sucking ok?  (also not sure if boats should have mouths because tanks don’t.. I think I am just hooked on all the pixar style cars characters other people make)



I decided to take the “cars” universe route for the optics in this scenario. Also undecided weather or not to allow boats to have mouths yet.. The tanks don’t, but the planes do. what do you think? Should ships have mouths?

Note: So just to be clear, This is not a problem for me, but its probably a problem for hetero males. You see, In this world a living-machine that has designated herself female STILL looks like a machine. they still look like cars or boats or planes, and they don’t have the regular identifiable female characteristics that human males usually want or need. Case in point with these 2, “Brynhildr and captain Anders” she is a female naval corvette of Swedish origin. But she is still one of the machine race, and Anders here, has to just “take her word for it”, until Bryn’s desire for this little human guy gets the better of her. She is a big lady, and is quite dominant.

Also one other thing, It was kind of hard to visualize how a small human male could “service” a very large female vehicle. I think it basically boils down to this: on the female living machines, they have the same mechadendrites and manipulator arms that all the Dire machines do, but instead of probes, they have a very complicated set of inverted hoses. (think of the most hi-tech moist metallic fleshlight/portable vagina you could ever think of) it contains all the necessary sensory neural feedback tech that the probes do but it can wrap around you firmly (as a guy) and create many levels of suction, tightness, and depth.

Anyway.. these 2 show up around the middle of the story, when the Atoll machines need to leave the island and get to the mainland. Captain Anders was the fishing captain of another ship that was attacked for getting too close to one of the island labs housing the military “success” experiments. His ship destroyed, and his crew missing, captain Anders was rescued by a Swedish Visby class stealth ship. She calls herself “Brynhildr” after the Valkyrie in the Voslsung story. They sailed around looking for Ander’s missing crew but never found them. After a while, Bryn started ‘starving’ (she was running out of fuel) and the 2 eventually find the Atoll where the main characters are. The half-machine women almost mistake Brynhildr as an enemy, but Anders is able to communicate with them. Together they arrange to find a larger ship to transport the tank/helis/and plane folk to the mainland.

You don’t see them much after that, But you can be assured that Brynhildr corrupts the hell out of capt. Anders. She’s a pretty horny ship.

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