More strange notes to myself

ATOLLB1Tank Morph baby has grown up!

*NOTE this was a very convenient way to do what i believed would be an acceptable Char B1 french tankmorph for :insane1: and so, weather or not he/she likes this.. Please don’t use this character concept, and this character is not apart of my story cannon but what i “roughly” believe what human x machine tank children look like.

The bottom sketch is the result of human sex with Dire machines and Morph people. Its highly viable and usually preludes to the creation of more machine children. the majority of the changes you cant see- but you’ve gone very close to the machine side when you’ve reached this point. When you are so claimed 100%, you are considered both a human and a machine in the eyes of the machine people.

*** Note: A gundam fan had mentioned that this guy looks very similar to the Guntank from gundam, and hes right. But there is just no way around it. the species has to make use of both ‘arms and legs” and “treads and turret”, i didn’t want it to be as Metaphorical as Vonkickass’s work even though he practically wrote the book on tankmorphs.

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