Mozer’s 2nd request

Let it be known that I am not really “into” Cumbelly, or Distended cocks bumps, BUT I am totally into the idea of a girl squeezing a male’s member to ‘milk” his semen into herself. Im also completely attracted to the Blackjack and the mig. Good choices for plane characters.

Its a little tough to do these “comic style” pages though..especially when I make no money from these. My only hope is that these people are actually mechanophiles and not furry people who dabble in airplane shit because they think the silhouettes look like birds or sharks. I do this for me, and I do this for us few sad motherfuckers who had the unfortunate fetish attraction for sentient robots/living-vehicles. Because outside of the transformer fandom, there simply isn’t much of anything..let alone quality. All of these pics are a love-letter to my 18 year old self.



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