No-Name and Rocket part 2.

ow that i got this guy sketched I can jump right into the comics if need be. “No-Name” is one of the few original characters that started this sex fantasy story. Hes rather important to the beginning and middle of the story so i took some time off the porn arts to get this out of the way.

“No-Name” is a refurbished space fighter drone sent to the Atoll Lab and adjusted for terrestrial close-air support. He was the most expensive of all the machines acquired, and when given the space Code, proved to be quite intuitive upon awakening to his living state. His battle partner- a woman named Rocket remains a loyal and devoted lover, saved many times from the harsh torturous experiments of the military scientists unto her person.

No-Name is the “odd mech out” compared to all the other Atoll machines and carries a pair of high powered energy blasters powered by a 12th generation cold fusion core. he is capable of emitting a limited range kinetic energy barrier and hovers is all directions.
He is a very kind fellow despite his dangerous looking appearance, and is called “No-Name” because he only came with a 16 digit serial number to the island as his identifier.  old sketch

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