Pregnancy by machine


Notes: I wanted to redo the 2nd kamov pic, that old pic wasn’t a bad pic, but its also very generic, I didn’t think it was an accurate representation of how i truly feel about this machine now. But this.. This is fucking amazing..

this image is a little more intimate, like the PL-01 3 pic. It is a scene from the atoll lab story. His half-machine woman is a little less cybernetic then the rest, (Most of her cyber transformation armor is imbedded in her back) But she was the first to become pregnant by him on the island. In terms of the first battle partners, these were the first 2 to discover that they could mate with each other. following a fairly sad scene where the scientists tested large caliber weapons on her, On this day, Kamov- sensing her agony, took hold of her battered body caked with blood. he instinctively placed her under his warm fuselage belly and mounted her, each thrust filling her with nanomachines meant to ease her pain and repair her advanced damage at the time. They continue and lay moaning softly, quietly in the dark lab in hopes the scientists wouldn’t hear. But before these 2 could understand what they had truly began to set in motion, the scientists find out and put them in stasis in a bunker meant for “flawed or uncontrollable machines”. “Kamov” and “Carbine” were woken up 9 months after Atol lab was attacked by the “humanist first” cleaners, and No-Name spoke to them to let them know now that the 2 were truly ‘free”

Following the prerogative of the Space code that Turned kamov alive (Replicate and make better versions of yourself) , he immediately sets to re-bonding with his female partner, which after a time, Leaves her pregnant with their first child.

In this Pic, the 2 lay back in the lab on the floor sharing kisses. kamov will soon be a father and he is overly protective of his vulnerable half-machine. She is very pregnant now, and he mounts her softly, pleasuring her, pressing his warm fuselage belly against her, giving her continuous stimulation and orgasms to help the birthing process later. With his manipulation arms he strokes her belly and coils his mechadendrites around her to “feel” the little life sleeping deep inside.

lots of weird mechanical biology at play, At this point in the story, each vehicle is actually fairly removed from the way they were built and meant to be used. the machine space code altering everything to be ‘alive”.

The child that results from this union is about 70% helicopter, so its basically an aeromorph baby daughter. (thinks about drawing this)

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3 years ago

Okay… I’m gonna stop scrolling right here, because I need to go now (me is busy, very busy), but… YOU CAN BE SURE I’LL BE BACK SOON TO CONTINUE WATCHING ALL THIS AAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTT!!!!!!

3 years ago

I need to be impregnated by a car… OKAY, LET’S FORGET I SAID THAT.