
So I did it, I made good on my promise months ago to do Motorcycle Dire porn, and the Bike is a she.  The idea behind it is that even a small female dire machine can still be a DOM, and she wants this guy Sampson. She is “Hungry” for human.

HondaCBRIn order to do this picture, I had to imagine myself as the female machine. Before I tried to imagine myself as the guy, but this wasn’t working out too well since.. ya know, I am not a guy. But man do I want sex, and getting it out of a timid guy? That’s Hot, that’s something I can get into.

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10 years ago

The computer’s back! All virus free now and he actually got my work back too, with a few errors here and there but hell it’s better than where I thought I’d be! The Maus story should be out soon, and I’ve been working on HaM chapter 21 on my phone with the plan of emailing it to myself then converting and fixing it up in Word before finalizing. Shouldn’t be long now. 🙂

10 years ago

i was actually curious to know where the nether region would be -for me it seamed like it would be some where on the fuel tank, most likely around where the riders crotch would be- ether way she looks adorable in her lusting after her rider and, on the topic of nethers, where might a space craft have theirs? -curious to know for a potential story idea i have-
i feel like there might be a wave of living machines who are similarly sized to humans and are taken to bed by there lover, should be interesting and i look forwards to seeing the result!

10 years ago

Well actually now that I think of it the placement could be on the underside of the body, like on a whale where if she fell on her side it would be more apparent. For males I feel it could be anywhere previously stated but also on the front in between the forward wheel bars.

10 years ago

I feel like it would be almost right below Sampson’s hand on a jutting box above the drive wheel under the body, or like on the ships she’d have a larger tendril, or like Ratbat said another tailpipe or right in between the seat and tank. It’d probably vary from bike model to bike model.

10 years ago

I actually quite like this, I think it might be the lack of any really obvious eyes on the bike. She seems to have tendrils coming out of every place possible, but no indication of where her, ahem, ‘opening’ is. Out of curiosity, where would it even be?

10 years ago

Ah that’s be nice. Bed sex with a bike. I’d carry her to the bed of I had too. XD I think I’ll do something like that in HaM, a recon bike and her rider fucking in the wailing, screeching cot. X3

10 years ago

Holy shit this just made my day! Earlier this evening I was walking down a strip mall and some guy had parked his bike on the sidewalk, as I drew closer I began looking at it closely and then as I started dreaming of this sexy bike it hit me this bike is the EXACT model of the Rose in your picture! I was mentally freaking out because right then the owner walks out and asked if I rode bikes, I swear he looked the EXACT same as Sampson! Except he didn’t have that hair style and no cape or racing gear, only jeans, tennis shoes and a heavy jacket with more sporty style glasses. As we talked I was making connections in my mind like ‘is this a sign?’ except his name wasn’t Sampson and the bike wasn’t named Rose. But so close! BTW this inspired me to draw up my own ‘dream bike’ and so far it’s going well as a conception. I still eye-fucked the living hell outta that bike though.

10 years ago

Oh yes, i love the stories on here, i am eagerly awaiting the next HaM chapter, and the ME-262 gave me an idea that i am working on at the moment.

10 years ago

This is interesting being as many of the pictures and stories on here feature living-machines/dire-machines which are all much bigger then there lover where as this one has a more equal size difference? Which is really cool to see I will be completely honest though seeing a smaller guy getting it on with bigger girl is a big yes, but this picture gives me a similar, arousal to what i mentioned before. The idea behind it is awesome, and i just imagine this happening in the middle of a race as the other drivers are going “what the hell??” while there bikes are getting ideas.
Yet despite my slight preference for -the few- smaller male on larger female pictures on here this is something i look forwards to seeing more of if any more of it goes up on here that is 😀
all in all, bloody fucking awesome picture and i cant wait to see it colored!