“Warthunder: Shore Leave DLC” or “The healing seed”

TigercatsickI was going to have his wings folded up, but I just couldn’t find a suitable image I liked to base the pic off of. 1 or 2 more panels to go. Also was drawing faces on em.

Note: It is not immediately apparent, but the girl is sick. This is like Sick/comfort sex. But this loving war bird is on the job to heal his woman of her sick woes with a little fighter plane medicine of his own. (the nanomachines in the ejaculate corrupt and therefore ultimately take care of the problem anyway).




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9 years ago

So way back you asked us to tell you where to find a brass knuckle coffee mug and I ran into one today. She said you could get then on Amazon and sure enough I saw one for eight bucks. I might get me one of those and I don’t even drink coffee. Anyway the picture looks promising, and I’ve got to say getting fucked by a machine girl would cure me of any ailment, for the intercourse session at least.