HaM Ch 29

Here’s a little update of HaM, but mostly Irish and E, it’s pretty small, though. Next I’ll put up part II of IS-3-way, only it’s not really a 3-way anymore so the name doesn’t fit anymore.., I need a new one.


Chapter 29

Marion woke up shivering, she felt weak, brittle, and open. Hansel was sleeping in a heavy sack on her engine roof; she woke him up with fright in her voice. He woke up and instantly tried calming her and finding out what troubled her. Soon Cindy, too, rolled to them shivering.

“M-M-M-M-Mar-r-rr-rion, I’m c-c-c-cold! Could w-w-we hu-hu-hu-hud-d-d-ddle?” She was shivering worse than Marion, because of her smaller size and thinner skin. Marion welcomed her over and pulled her close to share their body heat that they generated. “R-R-Run y-y-y-yer eng-gg-gine.”

“Why, dear?” Marion asked as Hansel tried to spread his spare sheets and jackets over them. Cindy was puzzled then understood.

“Oh this your first winter,” She was warming up fast and snuggled against her massive overseer, “momma said that when winter comes we get cold and weak. We need time to adjust to it before we’re comfortable. Just wait a few days and we’ll feel better.” Marion stroked the top of her turret.

“You feel better, darling?” Cindy nodded.

“Mommy and daddy would put me between them so I’d feel better.” Marion said she felt better as well and turned her engine on very low to save fuel, Hansel laid back down in his spread out sleeping back and enjoyed her engine lulling him to sleep.


E looked up at the huge battlecruiser Prinz Eugen and felt small for the first time. She had her mouth agape and her lust skyrocketing over the twenty-eight centimeter guns. She got wet as she enviously stared at those eight guns. She couldn’t help but cower and lower her hull.

“Feel small?” Irish asked from behind her in a playful smile. E didn’t answer right away but with:

“I want those guns..,” she drooled over them; Irish looked over her as he strode past her and hoped that Eugen wouldn’t turn her sexuality.

“I fired them way back, well aligned them to what I was told.”

“What else?”

“Well, I aligned the guns, fired them, used the rangefinders in the turrets, and turned the turret. Well not at one time, I’d switch roles for the duties.” He looked at her and noticed she was genuinely interested by him. “You wanna know how it all works?” She nodded fast without removing her gaze from him. He explained how it all works as they waited for direction. Then a cocky and stuck up enlisted first class seamen walks up and tries to boss them around. Irish smiled down at the loud speaking overstepping kid.

“I said move, tanker.” He snickered. Irish stopped E before she could do anything.

“Kid let me tell you something, I out rank you and you will address me as such.” The seamen narrowed his eyes at him.

“You sit on my base, under our order, you listen to me.., sarge.” Irish pulled some papers from his ID pouch and slid down off E.

“Look here, I outrank you, seamen first class, and you will respect me as such.” He showed him identification that denoted Irish as Chief Gunnery Officer. The enlisted’s face looked horrified and instantly snapped to attention.

“My apologies, sir.”

“At ease.” He asked again where he was to go and was taking E there. “Oh and next time you confront anybody, you show respect, seamen.”

“Sir yes, sir.” He led E to the direction given.

“How? I don’t get it.”

“I’m a higher rank in the Wehrmacht, but first I was an honor grad at camp and highly liked by the officers, and Eugen, and rose fast into chief gunner officer, it’s about Sergeant First Class.”

“How do you have it still?”

“Well due to some recommendation by officers that went up and up I was found by some tank generals and soon I was volun-told to switch. I was moved over and promoted to First Sergeant as compensation. Actually I left her my uniform; I might get that back while we’re here.” They stuck to the path when Irish veered her off.


“Fuck that they want us next to the shit loaded last, I’m taking us up front.” He took her to the bow where Eugen instantly spotted him. They were ordered on by Eugen instantly, and E was taken to the stern for more operating space. Irish was met by her with intensity.

“My little gunny!” Eugen sounded in his head and E’s. “You came back!” She hugged him discretely as he stood near the rear turret, he stroked her arms.

“You miss me?”

“Hell have I missed you! You aren’t leaving again are you?”

“Sorry but we’ll be leaving in a few days. You’re the boat?”

“Ship.” Irish and Eugen said in unison. “Aww, really?” Eugen asked.

“Yup, sorry. I missed you, and the sea, so much.” E watched and listened, she knew how to mentally think to each other, and thought to herself alone. Are they together or something? How can she even think about him? They’re so small and that’s for me, I’m small to her so how would he even be worth full to her? It’s wrong; she should have a ship, a real man for her to ride. At least she’d feel him. She looked at them somewhat disgusted, yet also somewhat intrigued. What draws them together like that? She wasn’t sure. She shook it off and looked out towards the sea.

Fin Chapter 29

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9 years ago

Fuck I am behind by 5 or 6 chapters x.x I dont even know whats going on atm

9 years ago

now will that conversation be of the pleasent sort or the more, aggressive/catfight style?
i have my suspicions as to which it will be…

9 years ago

Oh-Ho yeah.., they’re gonna talk.

9 years ago

Interesting, que eminent talk between E and Eugen about irish?
bunch of questions i am not sure how to put so i will sit quietly and fidget until the next chapter, looking forwards to it!