HaM side story: Tagging a Ho

Well I remembered Ratbat’s comment of me ‘tagging a Ho’ and so Saturday I started writing and got far surprisingly fast, I think. Enjoy a lucky man Tagging a Ho!

The Lost Stealth Warrior

David worked his way into the Smithsonian storage departments, he knew what he was doing was illegal and possibly could get him life in prison for trespassing, but taking a job at the security department and leaving his post to gaze upon the evasive plane of mystery was well worth it to him. Ever since he’d heard about it, David studied and researched that plane from his old childhood game Frontline, the plane your character steals at the end of the game embedded itself into his everlasting dreams and imagination and he went crazy when he found out the Smithsonian, only a fifty minute drive from his house, had an original one in it’s records, but upon walking and exploring every inch of the flight wing and finding nothing of it’s existence he was heartbroken. He was sneaking through a line of shelves that rose well over the height of B-29’s tailfin tip when on the ground, and it was dead silent; he made his way down a corridor marked ‘H-I’ in labeling until he found a massive box with the matching label. It was absolutely gigantic, he needed a forklift to move it, he went to the end and retrieved a forklift to move the crate. He carefully lifted and slid it out ever so gently knowing the contents were about twice his age and then some, he rested it on the ground then moved around the crate and lifted the large lid off with a huge amount of strength and a crowbar then he peeked inside, ducked down rubbing his eyes. Wait were those eyes?

“He-hello?” David heard the feminine voice echo throughout the halls he quickly stood back over the box and shushed the plane inside, looking into her hoping fascinating green eyes, then he stood gawking.

“Oh my God… You exist…” He was staring at the top of the midsection of a parted Horten 229 Nazi experimental stealth jet super fighter.

“Yes, yes I do.” She said a somewhat offended that someone doubted this. “So did you guys land on the moon? Is Bret still up there yapping about?” David was lost, what was she talking about?


“Oh you must be a new guy- well new guy there are some machines that are alive and we-”

“I know that but… We landed on the moon back in the sixties, and I know nobody here named Bret.” He was shocked, he thought the government took care of living machines like they were people… not shove them in crates and forget they exist. Her face turned confused, her eyes on either side of the bubble canopy squinted.

“What… year is it?”

“Two-thousand and nine.” She couldn’t believe it.

“I’ve been locked in there for fifty years…?” Her hidden lips under her nose began trembling, her eyes watered, and her small chopped fuselage quivered. “He said he’d come back…”

David felt sorry for her, she looked like she needed a hug, so he climbed in the gap between her nose and the box side and leaned in and embraced her large engine intake bulge. She hugged him back and sobbed for a while listening to David’s reassuring and calming voice that was so smooth she felt good again in no time. “So what’s your name? Why did you open the lid?”

“My name’s David and I wanted to open the box to look at a real Horten. I’m not supposed to be here and if I’m caught I’m through!” He said, mentioning the trouble he’s in for doing this comforted her that someone went so far just to lay eyes on her.

“Thank you, David. My name is Sarah.” She had a nice soft, gentle touch in her voice. David felt comfortable around her because with his obsession of aircraft he learned how to fly them with his teacher a male Dauntless dive bomber converted trainer, then a regular old dead jet for the jet aircraft. He still kept in touch with the Dauntless. “So how’s the past half-century been?”

“Well I only know personally about twenty or so years of it but I might be able to fill in the rest.” David talked about all the major events, Vietnam, moon landings, Cuban missile crisis, reuniting of Germany, Berlin Wall, the assassinations, PCs, technology, 9-11, the Middle East, all of it. By the time he finished he had to button up the box and slip it back, but he vowed on his life he would come back to her. And he did the next night, and the next, and the next.

The two talked for a long time every night telling stories and such, and he performed at the security office well enough to be promoted again and again until he pretty much had free access of all Smithsonian property, to his and Sarah’s delight. He took up flying more heavily and asked his Dauntless connection if there were any hanger slots open, how much was rent, if that airstrip allowed jet aircraft, and inflated the Dauntless’ sense of friendship that actually was very high from Daniel’s perspective already. When Daniel read his old friend’s response he concocted a radical plan to get Sarah flying again. The night after Daniel got the good news he shared his intentions with Sarah.

“That’d be wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! Anything you need from me and it’s yours!” She was extremely elated, his plan made her envision and feel the tremendous rush of air around her airframe, the pull up on her wings straining to fly higher, the power of her engines pushing her through the wind like a bullet, it made her hope again. Daniel’s escapade was tremendous at that; first he’d measure and detail all the specs about Sarah i.e. wingspan, length, boom, framing, materials, layout, everything. Next he would labor tediously and long at recreating a working one-to-one exact replica of Sarah minus the living factor Sarah possessed. Finally he’d take a truck with the replica to the access door of the storage department, switch out the two Hortens, and take Sarah to the hanger and reassemble her and fix any problems there were, then he hoped they’d fly again.

He immediately climbed in with a notepad, some orthographic drawings of the Horton he’d printed out, a pen, measuring tape, and eagerness as his tools to get this all done that night. He asked Sarah a number of questions pertaining to distances from frame beams, thicknesses, and attachments ports, and her materials. He’d heard hundreds of claims of the shell, from rubber to lard-covered steel, from canvas skin to alien metal. Turned out to his imaginative surprise a sort of all of them.

“It’s a leather canvas skin soaked with the liquid metal agent that makes me alive, it was pressure saturated, the canvas, to contain the life factor in me. My airframe is of the same style soaked plywood and my shell here is of the metal alloy. The wings have the plywood under shell for the canvas.” Daniel was answered all, and while he was scaling her wing and body, her skin was unique at that, it wasn’t typical of most planes with metal, hers was smooth and full of texture; it had a sort of majestic allure to, seductive feeling of sexiness, it turned him on. As he was measuring the tail he looked at the pointy silhouette and was reminded of a bat tail, Batwoman, he thought, and it’s shape turned him on more. He dropped his pen and bent to pick it up but noticed the wood right in front of his feet under her tail mid-way was sort of stained silver, he smirked as he just found her slit without looking. He wrapped up the night then went home and dreamt wet of her.

The work was long and strenuous; Daniel called many friends with varying skills to do this job and even with all the help in total it took three months to construct a full working type, with the engines taking the longest time. Along the way he met a unique character well respected and resourceful of the name of Patelo, quite strange however yet yielded much knowledge and acquired records and reason statement that Go 229 #1000203-S was created, and upon talking to Sarah who knew there was a Horten before her of non-living that performed better than a Me 262 in that of dogfight sims won seven of eight times and flew under a thousand kilometers an hour with a range over a thousand kilometers and payload of about a thousand kilograms but upon landing an engine blew out and the test pilot lost control and perished in the crash, but not much else. Daniel found answers.

“Gotha model 2-2-9 will be constructed with element 1-2-1 Sentronium as for life element in regards to engine failure prevention upon operation. The frame number 100030V2A-S will be designation code. Training shall commence upon activation and scheduled to fly once pilot is affirmed ready. Frame is to be active as productive under sex: female for safety precautions and protective nature, unlike hull 75000128B-S panzer unit, this will be fully operational and fertile before activation.” Daniel finished reading the translated copy and sat amazed, she was a safety feature. “Wow, so what was that stuff at the end?”

“What the panzer hull 75000? I’ve not the slightest clue. But the fertile and active part means I can have babies.” He nodded in understanding then he told her she’s getting switched out tomorrow night. She pulled him into the crate and hugged him against her nose.

“Err-Yup! I got my plane tested and approved under my name and because it’s an exact of you they won’t notice a thing!” She then pulled him below her nose and kissed his face- all of it, in excitement and show of gratitude. She then put him back onto the ledge and shook in her crate too excited to stay still. He frowned as he put the top back on and tucked it away again. He ventured not home, but to the hanger, and disassembled his replica in the same fashion and took into account how her life agent kept her looking brand new somehow and aged and dried his heavily then put it into a crate resembling Sarah’s with the same markings as hers. Then they waited…

Daniel backed up to the garage door that backs up to the storage department that Sarah’s in, it was a holiday so he had the day off but he pulled a bold lie out of his ass that he was replacing a rotted box for a fairly new addition of stable situation and it worked. He was uninterrupted as he traded crates with the Horton’s slot, and once he got Sarah’s into the truck trailer he drove off to the hanger, and eagerly  ripped the top off to be met with those same green eyes he met months ago.

In unison they announced their thoughts: “Freedom!” She pulled herself out of the crate and opened her landing gear sighing a relief as they haven’t moved in fifty years and held her high above the floor, enough for Daniel to walk under comfortably. Her forward landing gear position was way out in front, with her mouth ahead of it on the underside of the nose, from the well many arms extended and grabbed her body parts arranging them to be lifted and mounted in place before sinking her front hydraulics down to allow Daniel’s mobile lift to lift the wings and other assemblies high enough then helped him lock her together. She moaned at the feeling of her wings and this turned him on again. She swayed on her gear, softly mmm-ing and his hormones took this as teasing and made his ‘need to breed seen by the keen’ or in other words he had a hard-on. The sun was going down by this time, no more unscheduled flights, and Sarah was down again.

“So close, yet, so far.” She groaned, Daniel had calmed down and took to her sorrow and hugged her rear left landing gear hydraulics nice and snugly. He parts with her and approaches the door when she calls for him feverishly. “W-Wait! Don’t go! Why don’t you stay the night here?” Daniel turned back, she was looking at him eyebrows raised and twiddling her metal thumbs. He couldn’t force himself to say no to her beautiful face.

“Dah! All-alright. I can’t say no.” She clapped and bounced on her forward gear. His mind instantly went dirty: bouncing on him all night long, hot and steamy. He looked around the space for somewhere to lay, she said anywhere but seeing how her expansive wingspan and no real length meant he’d either be in front of her, behind her, or underneath her wing and he wasn’t trusting of her unused gears suddenly bearing her weight again. He chose to sleep in front of her. Once he was out cold she used a little trick she learned from reading the German copy, she knew German better than English even if she’d not used it in seventy years. She cycled through her many appendages searching for the right one; injector, injector, injector, auxiliary vagina, injector, ah here it is! She found the one that contained multiple needles and probes before she carefully slid it into the base of his skull in the back and shared with him her little dream she’d keep having: a man, not sure who, opening up the box with a light to his back masking his appearance, she calls to him but he doesn’t respond but continues to climb in at her tail section and strip. He pries open her slit cover and proceeds to fuck her to her delight, she can’t move, she can’t stop it, she can’t hurry it, but she always does enjoy it; enjoys being manhandled and taken by him this mysterious manly figure that she wants to be Daniel. She ends it there, he stirs now probably starting the beginning of a wet dream but not much else. She smiles and falls asleep, to their surprise they wake up with Daniel inside her cockpit somehow.

The two arrange the flight with control then once the time comes they race off down the runway and zipped off the ground with ease and Sarah took over immediately. Daniel let her have her unrestricted freedom. She flew around forever, feeling the Gs as she dived and pulled and rolled, the lift of her wings carrying her, the wind whizzing over her sleek body, her engines whining and pushing, her lovely pilot sitting politely in her cockpit, she felt it all. “Better than sex, Daniel! It’s better than sex!” She called trying to tempt him to propose a trial to that, but he simply mmhmm’d. “I ought to carry you on my belly so you’d understand!”

“Please don’t, not now.” He said actually intrigued. They flew around more; Daniel had been thinking about her a lot lately and thought it may be right if they would start actually dating, when he asked mid-flight she gladly accepted.

When they touched down Daniel introduced Sarah to his Dauntless friend Daniel, which is why Daniel calls him Dauntless. After a few tries Sarah got herself to call Dauntless-Daniel Dauntless and human-Daniel Daniel, which slowly transitioned into babe. Over the course of a month the couple didn’t get that much closer together than the previous amounts of time has simply because there wasn’t much more room in between them but they did learn that Dauntless is the one who put them together the first night in their hanger, and that the two of them were ready to test the ‘better than sex’ claim. It was up to Sarah to decide when, and one night during maintenance the time was right. Daniel was going through his checklist making sure Sarah hadn’t lost anything that she said she did to get him alone. He was crouching by her rear left gear with his right shoulder right next to her open dripping port, he had no idea and when he went to put his pen in her hand he thought was still next to him he actually wedged it into her slit.


“You’re alright,” he reached back to his jutting pen without looking and pulled it out, “wow your hand’s sweaty, why’re you nervous?” He looked towards her sly grinning mouth for a response but got nothing until he looked more to his right and witnessed the thing he’s been craving seemingly forever. His mouth watered and his cock stiffened strong.

“I stripped for you, now you strip for me.” She pulled him by the collar to her view while he reached for the glorious pussy she wielded. Once he was situated in front of her she tugged on clothes she wanted off and watched with lust and licked her lips with want growing stronger and showing in her big green eyes and dripping wet pussy in back. He restlessly removed any and all she wanted in a flash then watched her eyes comb over him deliciously, waiting to get in her finally. Once she had him strip clean she allowed him to move to her opening but when he laid on the ground she held and pinned him there to taunt him some more. He watched in earnest as she rolled her pitch and yaw and roll above him, occasionally lowering to just the brink but right before she’d touch she snapped back to her standing height laughing at his groans and grunts. His member felt like it’d try to extend itself to reach her but never came close enough to touch, he flexed it as much as he could trying to get it there but all in vain, just as he gave up and watched the show she leveled out and dropped on him, penetration to his crotch. She moaned and awed as her arms went limp and her forward weight seemed too much for her nose gear. She was gritting her teeth and grrrring as her nose gear slowly let out and she slid down teeth and eyes and vagina clenched on what she rightfully deserved. Daniel sat startled that he was balls-deep inside her and didn’t feel her yet, he smiled inappropriately looking at her tightly clenched teeth just before her full feelings of pleasure hit him too; he dropped his head on the floor and let out a deep moan of satisfaction, to them it seemed like forever but in ten seconds of resting here she gripped and gripped on his dick but it was forcing her rear gear up pulling him out of her very slowly, he chanted no, no-no-no-no under his breath as he unwillingly left her great heavenly body.

“OH BABY! OH YES! MMMMM Babe you’re so GOOD! OH DDAAMMNN!” This loving utterance sparked Daniel to push through her weak arms that once held him down into her loosening and throbbing pussy, every thrust up her hydraulics jumped up, every time he pulled out they gave a little, all until he was rocking her up and down fast and hard. Her forward gear had let out all it could and Daniel watched as her quivering rear gears started to spread out in a wider stance that lowered the space he had to thrust. She started to say something in English but it transitioned to German too fast for him to hear, she started to scream in German but he didn’t cease or alter at all. For all he knew she could be saying ‘YOU’RE A FUCKTARD DANIEL!’ but he heard ‘FUCK HARD DANIEL!’ and kept it up, listening to her German approbations and creaking wheels and smacking noise against her leaking clit. She had been aroused to the point she had no control over her engines and they flared up in lust and hormones, they roared to life screaming that famous scream and pushing her towards the locked hanger doors, she put her large manipulators to the ground to slow her but she knew she’d reach the doors eventually so for now she focused on her lover’s package. She had gone right to the cervix, all he felt was her cervix inside and all she felt was everything, veins, texture, lips and folds, taught areas and sagging areas, everything. She got to the door and put her large manipulators on the door to try to stop her but she felt them budge. If you can’t beat ’em, DRILL ‘EM THROUGH.

“OH BABE DRILL ME! PLOW ME THROUGH THE FUCKING DOORS!” She wailed in earnest of his physical reply. She felt his entire stick stiffen up and throb more, his power bursting, and the tingling precum start coming out in larger quantities, she knew what was about to happen to him… and she wanted it all. “CUM! CUUUM! CUM BABY, CUM! IN-FUCKING-SIDE ME, CUMMMM!” He gritted and clenched his whole body but his muscles and natural reaction had him hump and hump until it came out in droves. “AAAHHHHHAHHAHH! AH THAT’S THE SHIT RIGHT THERE!” Her entire system above his dick head felt like it was on fire, he felt so warm and hot and creamy she knew she’d eat some later, but now she wanted him to go on just like her wet dreams. “OH BABE GO! GO! GOOO-”

She was getting hammered just like that, she found herself unable to stop it, she couldn’t hurry him, she couldn’t do anything but moan, completely lost control… her dream came true, and it is Daniel. She felt hers coming with force, she thought she’d rocket him out and herself out of the hanger when her nose gear crashed in and her nose fell to the floor with her engines at max output. Daniel could she her mouth was open and her breaths and moans relaxed and exhausted, she was drooling on the floor and her cunt on him, he was splashing it over his body, her belly, the floor, his nearby clothes and notepad, everywhere, he heard her climax approaching the final moments with the engine and the three quivering trembling landing gears then felt it on his cock. She was right there, her force on his dick felt crushing, her while frame was vibrating, quivering, trembling, numbing him, and she announced her orgasm with a “FFFUUUU-” and a rush so strong of her cum right into his dick’s hole wedged open, that stung then it sprayed on his chest and face and into his mouth. Then he came again and her quivering frame lowered and lowered into him, he had his legs spread into the gaps between her engine bulges and her belly as she folded her gear in to sleep on top of him for a little while. She told him she was napping and to enjoy every minute of her hour nap with her cunt at his disposal, then she said she’d blow him. When she woke up he was out cold too, but felt he fucked at least twice more based on his payload still tickling her cervix and noticed it seemed to have reached very deep inside her, deeper than she’d felt she could go but liked what may come of it. She carried him around and licked his dick until it was hard before gently placing him similarly like before down and in her mouth. She tasted her own wet juices and his residue and precum, then only his scrumptious cock, then a little spurt and a moan from her sleeping lover and his cum danced on her tongue. It was the tastiest thing in her mouth she concluded, and that sex may be a little better than flying.

Fin The Lost Stealth Warrior

Tagging a Ho completed.

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10 years ago

Oh shit that sucks Cerebral, good luck to you in your search. But yeah you were on radio silence for a while there. I’m interested in the Tex, craving the IS-2, and fantasizing over the two drones.

10 years ago

Oh, I’ve been back for about a week or two. I’ve mostly just been lurking. Haven’t been in a very creative mood lately as I still haven’t been able to find work after a month of being laid off. I am working on fleshing out the RP for Tex, and after that I still have the IS-2 scene to finish. After that, though, I have a longer scene planned that’s between a human and a pair of drones.

10 years ago

Cerebral’s back! So how was it? I think you were house sitting, talking about hauling your computer to your parent’s house? Anyway got any new story ideas? I got a few going like chapters 22-23 in and this one here. I’ll be going back to HaM for two-four more chapters then put out a BIG side story that relies on the main, and a side story that the sex scenes have been going crazy wild in for my dream-bike then one for an Abrams… A lot I want to do but so little writing time…

10 years ago

Well people have built RC Hortens and models and replicas and at a small airfeild it may pose a question but in the modern era sadly no one knows or cares about the planes that fly and would probably argue that the plane on initial sight is of the modern era with design stolen from the B2 Spirit. In actuality the designers of the B2 Spirit and F-117 Nighthawk never even knew about the Horten or Gotha which are the same plane in all respects literally.

10 years ago

This was nice, Gingy! Good to see the Ho 229 get some love. =)

10 years ago

very nice a little confusing to follow towards the end but all in all really good! It was nice to see a little build up rather then jumping right into the rough sex, something i should really expiration with in a latter story.
I must ask though, wouldn’t seeing a Ho 229 screeching around near a small airfield draw some attention? or will that be part of the story latter on?