Happy Holidays from the cave *Updated 1/31/2025

Updated: Changed the eyes on the left side of the page to be more forward on the cockpit shape.

Apple data: I introduce here a new minor charecter in the prince Tomcat Comic. he is like MTD and X-29, another one of the NASA druid scientist researchers keeping the children of man under lead lined roof tops so they cannot be scanned by the black lodge. Here, the girl gives “Exyl” the gift of the taste of a honey crisp apple. This data can only be gathered via human neurology, and the translation that happens from the Golden neuron strand’s chemical translator. Dire machines don’t have taste buds, stomachs, or the ability to eat human food because the mouths are false vestigial forms for increased personalization. Their is a whole lot more that goes into consideration here. Soo much of taste is referenced by mood, and also the olfactory sensors. One’ person’s taste receptors are different from others, so you’d need multiple data points to form a clearer concept of apple flavor. Not all apples taste the same, some apples can be under ripe, Over ripe, and the recipient angry, or sad. Signal to noise ratio of the data received depends on the level of corruption of the flesh of the human subject. But each instance of bio data gathering serves to build a complete picture of living things upon the planet for these eldritech monsters. Every piece is precious.

For Disney raptor (FA)


(This is Not a Dire machine btw. just a Living machine.  (red eyes hold a certain meaning in the Atoll Lore/ transparent cockpit/eyes on hull)