Distressed VIII

Hello! It’s been quite a while… again, and I don’t have too much to show for it. I wish I had more, but a mix of writers block, poor motivation, and life’s gotten in the way of things. I hope I can start producing content more faithfully, but sadly I can’t promise anything. Excuses aside, here’s the next installment of Johnny and Tankovy’s story!




Distressed VIII


Johnny had trouble getting up the next morning, his body was demanding more rest but he pushed through the aching and griping body. He had to go talk to Tankovy about his plan, and he had to build a good reputation for her with anyone he could. The first thing he did after leaving his tent was go see doc, as he was instructed. There he was given paperwork that exempted him from duties and physical training while he was recovering from his ailments. The doctor mentioned that his leg isn’t properly healed, but is healed enough to where it has to be broken again and reset, something that cannot be performed here. Then doc mentioned scarring around the legs and on his arm that looked like shrapnel damage. Johnny never noticed, it never really bothered him, he couldn’t really see it in her dark cabin and when he was outside he had no reason to look for it. Doc said the X-rays didn’t find any shrapnel, and since Johnny had no idea about it, Tankovy must have also removed all his shrapnel. The principle doctor was supposed to interview her to learn what she did to treat Johnny, and how she did it, and now he’s going to inquire about all the damages she found on Johnny. He asked the doctor if it all would be going on record, which it was, and asked how it would affect the command’s views on the Tank. The doctor asked why he was so interested in the tank, his kidnapper.

“Well, in the end I guess you could say the goal was worth it. We blew up a whole terrorist compound, she kinda got her freedom, and I saw more action than almost anyone here, technically. So I’d say it’s a win all around, a fucked up win, but a win.”

“Maybe, but do the ends justify the means? Reeves, that tank blew you up first, kidnapped you and held you hostage for damn near a year, then it forced you to comply in it’s schemes, whatever that may have been. Reeves, that’s fucked.”

“Maybe, but the tank’s been through a lot, too, and is Russian, besides, being blown up is just a fact of life in Russia-“ he put on his best Russian accent for his justification, it got the doctor to grin a little bit, “but really, she’s been through some shit, betrayal, abandoned, stolen, lied to, assaulted, exiled, she’s pretty rough around the edges. Things just don’t work up here” he pointed at his head, “for her the way it does for you and me.”

“So are you saying she’s crazy?” Johnny shook his head.

“Nah, I’d say, desperate. I’d say she’s distressed. Not thinking right. To pass time she’d tell me stories from her life, and it’s been a long thirty years for her. Y’know?” The doctor nodded slowly, pondering it.

“When you put it that way, thirty years in the service, with how crazy the Russians are, I guess any line of irrational thinking is expected. So other than the shrapnel and the mind fuck, any other concerns you want to talk about?”

“Yeah I would keep breaking out in rashes but they’d go away after a few weeks, but come back a few weeks later. They’re all gone now.”

“That’s probably from not bathing. How would you clean yourself?”

“Poorly.” He simply put. “Like a wet rag every week. Very unpleasant.”

“Clean water, I hope?”

“I don’t know. She said it didn’t come from the drinking water, that’s all she told me.” The doctor wrote down the fact and dismissed Reeves. He went straight over to Tankovy. He asked the Abrams guarding her if he could talk to Tankovy, the Abrams stared him down and warned him of no funny business.

There was two tankers going over Tankovy, poking at random bits and scrubbing corossion away, cleaning and preparing it nicely. What Johnny assumed was the new guy complained about having to essentially clean the prisoner’s feet, and what was assumed to be his senior supervisor reminded him to stop bitching and work. Johnny ignored them and asked Tankovy how she was doing. She was fine, enjoyed talking to the guards if they entertained it. Many good stories were shared. Johnny let her know about the doctor’s interview later and to think of good things to say. In a semi defeated tone she said she has nothing to hide. Johnny grew worried, she was not this deferated yesterday. He asked her what’s wrong, what broke her spirit? She asnwered him in a low tone, almost under her breath.

“Last night I asked if I could become American, and the Abrams did not think so, nor did anyone else I asked.”

“Why?” Johnny demanded.

“I think the Abrams said it best, he said that I’m still a property in America, and property has to be owned, property has to be bought.”

“What? What are you getting at?”

“Sure, I may be Russian, and old, and plentiful, but I’m still valuable, I have quite a big price tag on me. I asked what kind, he said a millionaire’s price. From there I figured out that while you’re paid better than my soldiers, you aren’t paid like millionaires.”

“So what? How does that affect you then?”

“So what? Johnny you can’t buy me out. I’m stuck with whatever the Army wants with me. If they don’t outright scrap me they’ll just use me as target practice, test new guns, new bombs, then dispose of me like trash.” Johnny’s heart turned black. “I should have just ditched you by the town and run.” Johnny had never felt guilty like this before, he, too, was crushed.


Six-Shooter patiently waited for the Major outside his office, the morning brief was just about to end and he had quite a lot to tell him about their new friend. The command staff dispersed to brief the companies and from there the platoons, and if by some miraculous virtue they’re still paying attention, the squads, for the next patrol. The major smiled at the Abrams and greeted him before getting down to business. Six began his debrief with the Major, going over everything he learned about Tankovy, her history, her motives, her views on current events, overall who she revealed to Six. The Major was stoic, unmoved by anything. His steel-trap memory recorded all the details of the interview and began forming an image of who he thought Tankovy was. Six concluded that Tankovy is scared, depressed, and poorly motivated anymore. With all her ordnance removed from her possession she is no serious risk to the base or the soldiers.

“So, she did all that to go home?” The major asked, just to clarify.

“Yes, sir. That was her original intention. However, Private Reeves told her she could become an American, swayed her to not go back to Russia. She liked that a lot, and even asked if that was a possibility.” The major shrugged.

“The articles forbid keeping war trophies anymore but nothing I’ve ever seen talks about talking tanks you dig up in the desert. I think it’s above me on that.”

“Sir if you mind, what are we looking to gain with a court marshall?”

“We’re just trying to get all the facts, from there we’ll see what happens. We know anything about Reeves? How’s he taking to this?”

“He doesn’t like the court marshall. He’s very defensive of the tank.” The major scoffed.

“Right now I’m going to chock that one up to Stockholm Syndrome. We’ll get to the bottom of it.” Six was still hooked on the idea that Johnny Reeves and Tankovy fucked, and he assumes it to have been a lot seeing how dedicated Johnny is to her, but he didn’t dare mention it to the major. “So,” the major began with a grin, “what do you think of her? Tickle your fancy?” Six laughed.

“Oh no, sir, she’s not my type.”

“Oh sure, you spend as long a time in this wasteland as you have I’d bet damn near anything with a pulse will get you going. You sure you aren’t gay?”

“Hey now, don’t get me confused with Rummi, he’s the gay one, not me.”

“Yeah, I know. I was just heckling you’s all.”

“If you’re curious, sir, I’m into those civilian sedans, the smaller the better. Get me a nice Miata and have lots of fun with her, just pick her up and do all sorts of fun things, my god, that’s wonderful!.” 

“Alright I didn’t need to think about that, bit too much for me.” Six was dismissed and he went back to his little corner to get inspected and worked on, but he had to wait for the new guy to finish up with Tankovy before he could be worked on. He took a nap to pass time and dreampt about being serviced by three very dedicated and thurough Miata chicks.


Rummi dutifully stood post over Tankovy. He wasn’t as talkative as Six, but also wasn’t tasked with digging into who she was. He watched Johnny and her talk for at least and hour, all while that poor dumb sonuvabitch Morales worked on Tankovy, cleaning her up all nice and pretty. Jervis, his supervisor, called for Morales to wrap up what he was doing and head over to Six’s bay, they had shit to do on him and he was more important than Tankovy. Before he left, Tankovy called to Morales and thanked him with genuine gratitude. Morales, being the new guy and thus the crew’s bitch, was genuinely surprised and responded in kind, before trotting off grumbling about how only the prisoner’s thank him for anything. Jervis heckled him for being a bitch and the day went on as usual. Shortly after Johnny also walked away to handle his business. Then it was just silence. Tankovy, Rummi, and about five other partly conscious soldiers sweating their balls off in full kit wishing they were doing literally anything else.

“You don’t talk much.” Tankovy said to break the silence.

“Nope.” Rummi said bluntly. Tankovy sighed and thought of literally anything to say. She could talk to one of the soldiers but she found that the guy in front of her had mastered the art of sleeping standing up.

“What do you do for fun out here?”

“I play cards. And masturbate. That’s it.” Flattering. She thought.

“What’s your favorite game?” She asked to keep something going.

“Rummi.” He said.

“He loves it so much that’s also his name.” One of the more awake soldiers said.

“I’ve never heard of it. How do you play?”

“I don’t have cards. I can’t show you.” Rummi blurted.

“Hey man, you don’t gotta be such a dick, dude.” The soldier said again.

“What’s your name?” Tankovy asked him.

“I’m Xavier Brown, from Los Angeles, California. Who are you?”

“They just called me Tankovy, or Tank. I never really got a name. I’m from factory 183, in the Ural mountains, special projects division. If you ever meet another living T-72, we come from that plant.” Rummi couldn’t help but feel like a prick after that moment.

“Yeah, I’m from Kansas, there’s a factory out there that just churns out live tanks. They named me Oscar, if I remember correctly, but in the army there’s a tradition we got where the first crew names you, like for the deadmetal tanks, and they named me Rummi. They never knew my birth given name, I never told anyone.” Tankovy was shocked, the concept of being gifted a name at birth was something she didn’t think happened to anyone except people, and cats, and dogs. Xavier was also bemused.

“Oscar? What about you says you look like an Oscar?”

“Nothing, that’s just what they called me.”

“I’m sticking to Rummi.” Xavier said, another soldier who was mildly paying attention nodded, then grinned.

“Oscar the grouch. That’s where they got Oscar from!” Xavier laughed.

“Oscar the grouch! Even lives in a big can!” Rummi was tilted by that, he growled at Xavier, who didn’t stop laughing.

“Why did you not take your name?” Tankovy asked.

“Tradition. The deadmetals aren’t named until they get here, why should I be different?”

“Well, because you are different. You’re not dead, you live!” Tankovy exclaimed.

“Look, you have your traditions, I have mine.”

“Yeah he takes being an asshole as some sort of religious rite of passage. Fuckin dickhead.” The unnamed soldier said.

“Aren’t you the guy that owes me twenty bucks?” Rummi asked him sternly.

“I don’t owe you shit, Oscar.” Rummi began arguing with the soldier, Tankovy watched on with glee, excited that something was happening! Entertainment! At last! Soon she would be officially interrogated by some of the investigation team members, Johnny warned her, but for now, she was soaking up the show.


Fin Distressed VIII

Saving Grace

I noticed that I don’t do much plane stuff, what do I have, like 3 stories? The Zero, the Horton 229, and y’know I think that’s it. Well, now I know it’s three! Plane fuckers rejoice! It’s time for a big girl, an iconic girl, sleek and sexy girl. A B-29 girl. Oh yeah, it’s time for a big bomber lady to take a big load and make something of it. This one I also have been working on for a while, and I’m sure there’s a lot possibly wrong with it. Oh well, fite me. Nevermind all this, time to enjoy some naughty plane sex! Spiteful Grace herself I tried to depict as desperate for some trust and protection, as she has major trust issues from her history, and she’s now willing to do anything to secure her life and future now.


Saving Grace


Spiteful Grace hadn’t slept in a month, fear and paranoia riddled her frame and blackened her core. All around her were other B-29 Superfortress deemed expendable and hauled off to the scrappers for disembodiment. She was never told she was selected until a truck came up and hitched up to her. She tried her hardest to stay, to fight back, to keep her life. She kicked and screamed and pleaded and wept for another chance, but the general staff had already signed her life away, they had ended her service report, and filed her away forever as just another bomber in a big war. She knew they tied her end because of her shitty patchwork, it’s not her fault the mechanic on Iwo sucked at his job. Yet here she is paying the ultimate price for his incompetence. The very people she saw as her caretakers and family doomed her to death in the most nightmarish way.

Her trust was decimated while her desperation soared. She would do anything for her life, she hadn’t been on this world very long yet, either. There was a lot she wanted to do in this world, so much that she wanted to see. She had just come to grips with a life without war, without threat, a world at peace. Now she wants war again, she wants a big war to come in and save her. Nevermind the danger, nevermind her near-death dog fight, nevermind her crash landing on some shitty little island. She would eagerly take it back and suck its dick for life. That heavy weight of death and fire she would carry in her belly now felt like a savior and purpose.

She shook with horror and despair when she saw the truck coming directly to her. She wept and screamed and pleaded no, tried to back away or spool her engines to fruitless effort. She punched her hands and arms into the dirt below her to anchor herself in that spot. She saw more men than usual disembark from the truck, they were expecting a fight, and as they came closer she threatened them to stay away. She told them to leave her alone, to fuck off for good. They didn’t listen. They knew something she didn’t, something they think she’d really want to hear.

Eugene marvelled at the sleek, sexy, shiny bodies of the B-29s lined up like they were ready to be loaded. It made him think of back when he flew them, he remembers how elegant and magnificent they were to fly. Very comfortable and quiet. He wanted one, and with the deal he just stroked out of the scrapyard owner he was going to get one. He scowled at not being able to save them all, but he ventured saving at least one would keep his mind at ease and soothe his desire for one. He planned on flying one for the mail, or private traders. He simply wanted to be in the sky once more, and he couldn’t dare disrespect his beloved B-29s to fly anything else. He quit his daydreaming and lusting to drive home.

He was told that a truck would tow the plane to his estate the next day. He guessed paying twice its weight in metal was a very good way to gain favor with the scrapyard owner. He also secured a deal to buy many, many parts from the yard to use in his plane to maintain it. A very good deal for him in the long run. Good fortune smiled on him very much this year, what with winning this new game called the lottery, his terrible father dying and passing on his fortune, and various gambles going well led him to an insane amount of money for the only thing he could think of ever owning. He wouldn’t sleep that night, excitement boiled his blood and energized him all night. He couldn’t wait to clear out his runway on his new plot of land and finally get a contract to afford flying it. He wondered where he’d go first? Regardless, it was going to be heavenly.

Pat couldn’t take the guilt. He had enough trouble growing up sending pigs and cows to the slaughterhouses, but a fully sentient plane sent to be torn apart? He couldn’t take it. He looked for any way to get her out of here, he was making fliers to mail off to museums to try to get her out when suddenly this pilot comes up to buy one. Instantly he knew it was going to be her, and once the pilot said he just wanted to fly it around the country he was sold. He didn’t care how much money he’d get, although he did walk away with a larger profit, he wanted that plane gone. He couldn’t imagine the screaming he’d have to endure as it was ripped to pieces. His fragile mind couldn’t take the thought. He was surprised she was even in the bunch sold to him, she only has problems with her controls, it can’t be that hard to fix? He’s sure there’s got to be more wrong with her, but she’s still alive. He thanked God for sending him that guy, Sheen, or whatever his name was. He really does work in mysterious ways.

Eugene eagerly waited by the road for the obvious plane to arrive and when the tall tailfin emerged off the horizon he shimmied with excitement. His excitement was uncontrollable as he saw the huge wingspan ever so slowly spread over the landscape like the eagle it is. The comfortable nose and canopy combination glinted in the sunlight and boosted his desire to see the world through it once more. He expelled all his extra energy and acted professional, it grew much more unbearable to do as the magnificent bird edged closer to him. After what seemed like forever the plane was passing him, it was towed around and into a shabby, squat hut that was just tall enough for the incredibly large and pronounced tailfin. The crew dropped the towing equipment and headed back, waving goodbye to the plane and to Eugene as they passed. He wondered if they liked the plane as much as he did, or if it was a weird quirk scrappers had. Either way, he didn’t care. He had a B-29! He hollered in excitement and fist-pumped vigorously.

He burst towards the hanger, sprinting almost, and rounds the corner where the nose is and is ecstatic to be looking at it. Instantly he is drawn to the amazingly detailed eye painted on the nose-wait, that’s the canopy. It’s moving? He sees a fold ahead of the nose gear and he knows that’s not supposed to be there. He feels offset, things aren’t normal. Quickly he scans over the plane and sees arms, snakes, hands, what the hell? He’s visibly startled, but not terrified. Instead, it’s more of a sort of curiosity mixed with an underlying desire. He stammers forwards, cautiously. Awkwardly the plane smiles.

“Hey.” It spoke. His heart exploded into a frenzy. It was a living, woman sounding plane.

“Uhm well, hi there!” He was viciously blinking and shaking his head. “I’ve gone off the deep end, maybe I am too obsessed.”

“No, no! No, please, don’t be upset, I’m really here. I’m named Spiteful Grace, but you can call me Grace, that’s my name. You can call the scrapper and ask, go ahead. He will convince you.” She sounded desperate.

“Wha- well if you’re alive why the devil would they throw you to the scrapper?” She hesitated but spit it out fast, to burst through the pain.

“My port engines have reliability problems, my control surfaces are slow, my undercarriage can collapse some times, and as much as I try to correct it myself I can’t.” He seemed a bit distraught, she might not be able to work the load he asks safely.

“Oh, well, that’s going to make cargo less profitable.” Grace panicked.

“No, don’t send me back! I-I- I can be worth your troubles!” She threw on a seductive smile and lowered her gaze. “I promise I can be a great pleasure.” Eugene felt that feeling stir inside him again, and his genitals tingled and throbbed. He noticed the energy they were causing. He couldn’t say he never thought of it before.

“Uh,” he chuckled, “I was never going to get rid of you, but you make a compelling case either way.” He shrugged. “We’ll see where it goes, my name’s Eugene. Good to meet you, Grace.” He extended his hand and she shot one out to greet him. She was practically crying, her undercarriage shivered as well.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Eugene! Thank you! God bless you! Thank you!”

“Nope, no worries, Grace.” Through all this emotional uproar he felt his heart touched the most, he just saved a life. Pride and gratefulness swathed over him and he felt strong. She vigorously was shaking his hand long after he stopped shaking back. Once she did come around enough she let him go and retracted. He was insanely curious about a lot of things, he decided to ask her down the list. “Grace, how did you end up there? I’m guessing it is because of the faults, but how did they come up?”

“Well, Eugene,” she began her story, she was sent in a bombing formation to Tokyo, nothing special happened until the return trip. A determined pilot ran up gunning her down, shredding most of her port side. She fell out of formation and took a heavy hit when she made the emergency landing at Iwo Jima. All her crew survived, at least. They said they’d make sure she was fixed up and not ripped apart. The mechanics didn’t do too well of a job, obviously, and she was left like she is now. She resumed operations again with the same crew until the end of the war, but her crew complained about the changes, especially when her undercarriage would give out, but she said that was only if she was fully loaded, still. Through her story Eugen felt worse and worse for her, he assured her that he would never send her back. Her history of being backstabbed didn’t let her believe that, not one bit of it.

They discussed her issues in more depth and they came to conclude that for now she was suitable for service, and the weight limit for her cargo wouldn’t be too impacted because she was stripped of all her guns and ammunition. That freed up a lot of weight so the safe payload they concluded would be 95% of what her maximum wartime bomb load would be. He promised that once good money came in he’d hire a few mechanics to try rubbing out the issues for good, and that priority list would be generated after a few test flights and commercial flights. Grace noticed her hut was pretty bare-bones, he defended himself by saying he didn’t expect a living plane, and that it was just to keep the rain off of it. She said she liked how it wasn’t military, but disliked the rustic, scrapyard theme it had. She appreciated having it in the first place. He offered her that perhaps sooner than later he could try outfitting it more, and she said she’d like that. Once they got the planning out of the way, Eugene asked for an inspection. She quickly obliged him, his whim was her command. He walked around the outside, checking the tires, hydraulics, avionics tolerances, the integrity, cleanliness, and overall appearance of her and he was both impressed and satisfied. He did note how little give there was with her avionics, they were quite stiff. He carried on inside and felt right at home again. Strolling through the cabins with memories of good times and hair-splitting close calls. He was very amused that the racks were still inside her, no mattresses, of course, but the frames still existed. He thought of staying out here with her to boost their camaraderie and build her trust. She hoped he’d stay out with her, too, for similar reasons.

She felt his Arora of confidence, his radiant personality commanded her attention and drove away much of her tension and suspense. While he was charming she felt even more allured to him and indebted to him. He may not have planned it, but he did save her life. For that, she was eternally grateful. With him parading through her cabins she felt a sense of security and care, she smiled with the prospects of flying for a purpose again. Eagerly she waited for the day they were cemented together as partners, what form of partners she couldn’t decide yet. He was an attractive man, she felt those strings being pulled, but he was also attractive on a deeper playing field. She would long for his company and companionship, and hoped they could fly long hours alone together, to bond closely.

He finished inspecting the central and tail sections and moved on to the cockpit cabin. As he stepped through the small portal he smiled ear to ear, the vast array of glass in front of him let in enough light to illuminate the whole space and dazzle him once again. She could see he was smiling and commented on how large it was. He told her about how much he loved this view, and as he sat in the pilot’s seat and grasped the controls he voiced his thoughts of memories and feelings. His elaborate and long-winded expressions of how much he loved to fly the B-29 relieved her of some woes, slowly she felt her guard dropping. She snatched her fortitude back and told herself it can happen again. She forbade herself from letting it happen again. She listened to him go on about how much he loves flying and how excited he is to fly his beloved B-29 again while she tried figuring out how she was going to be modified to carry cargo.

“Oh Grace, I’m excited to fly again, so excited. How about you?”

“I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to carry cargo?”

“Oh I have that figured out. We’re going to take out the bomb racks and replace them with a metal rack, you’ll see why in a moment. Cargo is going to be on carts just like bombs, but they’ll be wrapped up in nets and tied together. We wheel the cargo carts under the open bay, haul them up with pulleys on the bay ceiling, and tie them to the racks. Pretty much you’ll be carrying pallets of cargo like you would bombs. Then once everything is set, we’ll tie the bottom off with rope and netting. Then we close the doors and we’re off. They don’t need to be bolted to anything, the worst we should get is turbulence.”

“The doors aren’t very strong.”

“Oh I know that, it’s what that net is for, so we don’t drop anything we didn’t want to.”

“Okay, how do we get it out?”

“Just like offloading bombs, we open the bay, wheel in the cart, open the nets and lower the payloads.”

“Makes sense to me.” Grace said, she used an arm to feel around the bomb bay trying to plan it out. Eugene looked at his watch and drew a long groan from his bowels.

“I don’t want to get up yet.”

“Then don’t!” She exclaimed with fright. Eugene was startled by her burst of desperation. “Relax, stay a while, what do you need to do that can’t wait?”

“Pull my dinner off the stove.” She pondered the idea, if his house burned down then he’d have to use her as his home. But then he might sell her off to get a new house.

“Yeah go, go do that.” He got up and went for the nearest ladder. “But- but come back when you got it.” He stopped halfway down the ladder, thinking.

“Sounds like a good idea, want some?” She thought about it while he descended the ladder and walked to her nose.

“What is it?”

“Pork stew with carrots, potatoes, and some beans.”

“I’ll try it.” He went off inside for a while, every minute he was gone Grace’s angst and worry increased. He came back out with a tray of food and drink. Two cups of water and two bowls of stew with spoons on the side.

“Eat up!” He offered the tray to her, she took a bowl, spoon, and a glass of water. He looked around for a place to set. 

“Just come on in, please.”

She spoke with haste, beckoning him inside. He accepted her invitation and climbed up the ladder. He took his seat at the controls and placed the tray in his lap to begin eating. He relaxed in the comfortable chair and stirred his stew, letting his mind wander. It drifted back to her proposition, his mind couldn’t help but think it could be a fun time, a deep desire of his creeping back to the forefront. He shook his head to rid the thought and he moved on to another topic. Grace had sensed his mood shift sensually, she was excited, she just might be able to wiggle her way into his heart. She needed to learn more about him to fully feel comfortable with him. The looming and impressive fear she carried was pressuring her to secure her survival with whatever method possible. She wanted to keep exploring the intimate side of things when she felt a sudden mood shift, she wanted to shift him back to it somehow, but how?

“How soon do you want to fly again?” He asked her.

“As soon as possible!” She snapped back from the heart. They smiled together.

“I feel the same way, the runway isn’t done yet and I have no gas, but that can be changed easily. As long as you’re alright with a dirt runway?”

“Yes, yes, even if it’s grassy, just a flat strip, please!”

“You aren’t very picky, are you?”

“Not at all, anymore. I’ll take anything I can get.”

“So how does Monday sound?”

“For what?” She realized she missed her chance for an alluring message.

“For flight time, I can have a truck here Monday morning.” Her heart skipped a beat, she longed so desperately to climb back into the clouds.

“Yes! Excellent!” Suddenly the inklings of a wild dream seeded themselves into her mind, one she hoped to live very shortly. Her mind began the process of forming the situation when she was interrupted.

“Your cabin is still pressurized, right, Grace?” She was thinking of pressurizing another one of her cabins when he asked.

“Oh yeah I could pressurize that cabin right now…” her accidental tone swung his mood again. She somewhat felt guilty when she had caught what she said. “Oh yes! Yes, the cabin can pressurize, still!” Nervously she giggled. At this point she could swing either way, she’s in the mood for some dick, but she still wants to make sure he’s in for it. She sensed him stir and his temperature rise, she bit her lip in anticipation.

“That’s good, makes things easier. Yeah, so,” he cleared his throat, “how’s the stew?” She was half disappointed.

“It’s good, thank you.”

“Sure thing, anything you need.” Anything? She so desperately wanted to ask him for the big meat stick but she didn’t want to frighten him off. She wanted him badly but wanted more his security. “What should we do until Monday?” Instantly she licked her lips and rubbed her sex.

“Oh I dunno…” she shuddered with her dirty desires, she had to have him.

“Can I mess with the controls?”

“Mess with whatever you want…” her mouth popped open as a finger popped inside her bleating pussy.

“Alright, thanks.” He could feel her body tense up and shudder, he felt her heating up, he had a good idea of what she was doing and didn’t think his cooking was that good. He shovelled some food into his mouth and grasped the yoke. Softly she cooed as his fingers wrapped around her controls. He pulled back on the stick and felt intense resistance from the controls, even unpowered it shouldn’t be this difficult. He saw why pilots complained, this was exhausting. He pushed forward and then rolled either way, and he certainly agreed, this needed work.

“Too tight for you?” She groaned, he got a little hot under the collar.

“Oh-um, uh-huh-huh-huh… yeah it-it’s difficult. It’s pretty hard.” Instantly she pounced on it and he knew he screwed up as soon as he said it.

“It’s pretty hard, huh? Well, what are we gonna do about it?”

“I-I-uh, it just needs more fluids, I think-“

“Mmmm, more fluids?”

“Y-Yeah, just needs to be topped off.”

“Nnnnnhnnn, topped off? Top what off?”

“The-the-uhm-the hydraulic pipes.”

“The pipes?” He was rock hard and oozing precum. His cock was pushing the tray in his lap off and he had to constantly catch the sliding bowl and cup.

“Y-Yeah, the-uh-pipes. Hydraulic pipes. For-uhm, for the controls.”

“The controlling pipes?” He couldn’t go anywhere because he wanted it, too.

*It seems my horniness has written myself into a corner, I guess they fukin now*

“Yup, the ones for the-uh-joystick-” before he could correct himself an arm ran up his leg, “-YOKE, THE YOKE.”

“Joystick?” Her hand was between his legs, grasping at his thick cock in his pants. “Stroke? Well, Eugene-“

“I meant yoke, uh-ha-ha-ha, yoke. The-“

“Well Eugene, I’d love to stroke your yoke, I want to stroke your yoke with my tight hydraulic control pipe.” More arms came down from behind him and took the tray away and grasped at the fittings for his clothes. “You don’t have anything else to do, do you?” He gave in.

“Well, Grace,” his hands grabbed over hers and pinched her fingers on the buttons of his shirt, “I think I’ll be topping off these pipes for a while. I think I’m going to need a mattress in here. After all, we just might pressurize a cabin and test that, too.” Her entire frame rattled around him as she imagined his ghost dick easing deep into her tight pussy. She needed it.

“Fuck that! We’ll get the bed later!” Her sudden tenacity blew up his lust, it was happening, his hands ripped off his pants and he watched the eyes in her glass widen in awe as his cock was free to display its size. He didn’t see it but her jaw dropped. Almost instantly a river poured from her mouth and pussy, she was so ready to get fucked. “Oh my god! Gimme that dick!” He smiled proudly, her hands wrapped around it and bathed in its warmth, over and over she scanned his trouser monster gawking at how she won the dick lottery. Now could he use it?

“Where am I putting this, Grace?”

“Everywhere.” She didn’t even think about it, complete autopilot. “Anywhere. What do you want?” He smiled and pondered, she was stroking his shaft and glittering in anticipation.

“I, think, I’ll, take…” he narrowed his gaze into her eyes, “what you got right here.” She instantly obeyed and while her hands more vigorously stroked his size she produced a thick tendril just slightly larger in girth than his cock, his eyes widened as he saw a leaking vagina on its end. He grabbed it and held it in front of him, examining it. “Now, we used to joke with the girls in school about this, but I’m not joking here, will my dick fit in your vagina?”

“It fucking better!” She yelped in sexual desire and desperation. She wanted to sit on him so badly, she wiggled her pussy’s lips out of his hands and onto his oozing cock’s tip. As he slowly pierced it and displaced her around him she moaned and shook. She was able to put herself around his cock head before she stopped.

“F-F-F-Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh mother fucker! Eugene, help me! Fucking put the whole thing inside me! FUCK!” he grabbed her tendril and helped ease himself into her. The deeper he pushed the more they moaned and quivered. Her plush, pulsating pussy invigorated his cock and hit him harder than anything before had, just penetrating her made his eyes roll and he drooled.

“Oh fuck, Grace, oh damn. I fucking love you.”

“Ahhhhhhh!” She wailed in delight, hearing that, getting a cock shoved into her, and feeling like she’s already on the brink of cumming all mixed together. She felt safe, secure, and about to get fucked harder than the Army could ever fuck her. “When you get there, top off that fucking hydraulic fluid! Fill me to the fucking brim, baby!” His head dropped back as she screamed and forced herself down to his ballsack. She convulsed on him and electrified his cock into a bliss of ecstasy. He was reaching a high on dopamine when he felt her hand grab his and put it against what he figured was her clit. “Rub that, baby, fffffffuck!”

“You need more?” He asked in disbelief.

“So fucking close to cumming! I wanna cum on your cock!” That sounds amazing. He rolled and rubbed her bulbous clit and would pull his hand back to lick his fingers to ease the process. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck! Yes!” He watched her tendril flex, contract, and bend on him, he felt it manipulating his cock, too. His cock was being rolled around in her pussy and it was systematically milking his precum out of him. “OH! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! OH! YES! FUCK! THERE THERE THERE THERE OOOOHHHHHHH!” She began screaming as he watches her tendril dance on him and her insides vibrate as she came hard on his dick. He was so stimulated he went dumbstruck and grabbed her tendril on his cock. She screamed that she was cumming and he silently held up an ‘okay’  sign as he drooled out. He arms grabbed him and clutched him, quivering themselves as pulses of dopamine rocked her world. Hands tenderly held his cheeks as she came down. He also recovered, as fun as that was, it’s not what he’s looking for.

“As awesome as that was, you got anything bigger?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I do! My tail! I have a bigger pussy there! Fuck it up! Fill it up! Fuck me, Eugene!” They pried the pussy off his cock and he took a moment to take in the chasm he made, her pussy was still contracting and twitching from her orgasm. It had left his cock completely tinted a dull silver. Before he went to her tail he looked her in the eyes and told her one thing.

“You are so fucking hot.” Her only response was a moan. It suited him enough, he raced back and down the ladder to her tail. He saw a gleaming silver puddle under her tail and he looked up to see a larger pussy, one that looked to be more his size. “Wait.” The thought started to kill his boner. “How do I fuck that?” Her arms yanked him off the ground and laid him against her belly.

“I got you, baby! Just do your thing and fuck this horny bomber!”

“A SuperFucktress?” He jested.

“The horniest mother fucking SuperFucktress on the mother fucking planet!”

“How much you want this dick?”

“I’ll do anything for that dick.” His cock stroked her vulva and out poured glops of her thick, juicy lube. She cried out in agony. “Staahhhhhpppp! Don’t tease me!”

“But it feels so good!”


“How do you want it?”

“BAAAALLLLLLLLSSSS DEEEEEEEP!* She exclaimed. Two of her hands formed a circle around the base of his cock. “Like that! Come on! Do it! Fuck me up!”

“Hmmmm,” he circled his cock around her vagina and her fingers ring at the same time, “I dunno.”

“Pleeeeeeeeaaaaasssee!” She begged him as a hand grabbed his cock.

“I don’t want to fuck your undercarriage into oblivion, sweetie…” her thumb rubbed the top of his helmet while her fingers milked precum from his shaft.

“C’mon baby! You know you want it just as much as me! Fuck my carriage! Bang me, fuck me, cum in me! Eugene, you know you’ve wanted this bomber’s pussy.” His head moved all around to take in her sleek and sexy airframe, from her tail to her pussy, and leaned over to gaze down her body and her huge, beautiful wings, she was right.

“You are so right, Grace, I’ve wanted this for years!

“Take it! Do it! Fuck me, baby!” He thought of something he wanted to say, but it slipped his mind, so he slipped into her. He inched in and noted that she was much, much more comfortable here. Together they moaned and entered a blissful trance. “Yeah, baby, that’s the spot!”

“Oh fuck, Grace.”

“Fuck Grace, indeed! Fuck Grace all night, Eugene!” She moved him slightly up her tail and angled his fat cock into her G-spot more, instantly they felt the good shit hit them even more. “OH! Fuck me right there! Pummel my pussy!”

“Grace you feel so good!” He withdrew and returned smoothly, drawing moans and subtle slapping noises as he enjoyed how fluid and smooth he could move with her. He smiled ear to ear and put his back into it, setting into a rhythm to let himself go.

“Oh! Right there, big guy! So fucking big!” She grit her teeth and clenched her eyes as she felt his massive size displace her innards. “Oh, Eugene!”

“Grace!” His head dropped back as he mindlessly drove into her, she caught his head and pressed his cheek against her hot shiny skin. “Your pussy’s fucking perfect, baby!”

“Oh, Eugene! You’re so fucking big! Eugene! I love you! Eugene!”


When she cries his name out so pleasurably it shivers his body and stimulates his cock, he asks her his name, again and again, getting off to her angelic voice crying out for him. Grace can tell he loves it when she calls for him, she can feel an extra bit of oomph in his thrusts and his cock pulsates more. She, too, enjoys it very much when her newfound lover calls her name, as she tightens on him and contracts a dance on his cock. Her vision blurs into an indiscernible haze as her body numbs and all she can sense is him. At her core she feels an intense blaze of gratitude and lust fumbling around while his intensity and passion stirs them even more. Through the haze and blur, one thought clarifies: she just wants them to cum. Just reach the top and enjoy an Earth-shattering climax together. Then, then they do it all again in the sky.

Her vision starts returning as Eugene winds down, burnt out before their finish. She feels his exhaustion as he melts to her tail almost cuddling her, she’s so excited for cuddles but she isn’t ready yet. She crouches her landing gear and loosens her arms, gently she begins bouncing on her gear. Her slack arms bounce as well, lending to a magnificent ride for Eugene. He picks his head up to watch her engulf his member and release it rhythmically, she cradles his head again so he can relax and enjoy the show. Her pussy looks so good, silvery and shiny folds of plush metallic flesh coddle his cock and shlick and smack against him heavenly. His hands are drawn to her beautiful sex and they, too, fondle and coddle it to her delight. They pull and push on her lips and rub and press on her clit, all while his sizable member plucks at her G-spot religiously. They were in bliss, a trance, heaven. Eugene’s gaze shifted from one side to the other, admiring her massive majesty, she was such a sexy bird. The gleam of the light on her wide, slender wings with the magnificent light illusion that radiates from her four awesome protruding engine nacelles delightfully entrances his eyes while her long and smooth body gracefully captivates his mind and stimulates his brain. Oh how he loves her grace, and how he loves Grace. The perfect name for the perfect plane.

His eyes drift to her arms that embrace him and then to her landing gear that are working for him. He was entranced by her simple movements and gawked at her dance while he rode out this high. Her moaning was music to his ears as her softly sang along; the melody of their sex echoed in their heads and steadied their hearts. All they felt from their sex organs was ecstasy, bringing their deep underlying love and lust higher up to the surface and emboldening it to cement itself in their minds. They felt each other rising as their climaxes came closer and closer. Eugene held off as long as he could, fighting it the whole way while Grace welcomed it and tried ushering it to arrive faster. Her moaning turned into a chant of his name as she slowly stopped bouncing and started rocking forward and back onto him. The change in motion shocked his penis and lurched him closer to orgasm. He could fight the immense pressure no longer and gave in, groaning and moaning her name as she sat back onto him one last time. Her eyes rolled back as she felt his hot, steamy cum surge into her. It sparked her to finally cum and she almost sat on Eugene while she gushed her lubricant cum onto her lover. Her pussy trembled around him and milked his huge shaft for every drop. Eugene could feel a significant weight on his lap as she pressed them together, he enjoyed this moment ever so deeply and smiled wide as he felt her cum on him. Deep inside he felt pride, love, success, happiness, and a strong bond to her. She felt very similar, but Grace also felt the feeling of abandonment and suspicion go away. For these moments she was the happiest she had ever been. Her first thought after coming down from her orgasm was having his children someday. The thought of their own family made her smile, she wanted to kiss him but didn’t want him to leave her insides yet.

“I want to kiss you, Eugene!”

“I want to kiss you, too, Grace!” He expected her to let him go but she hatched an idea real quick. Eugene felt her pussy tightened slowly just as he felt a gentle cup on his cock head, it met firm resistance before it pulled back from sucking on his cock. “Grace! Wh-What was that?!” She giggled, he didn’t know.

“That was my cervix, baby, you’ve got to get in there one day so we can have babies together.” He looked down to her pussy and saw it leaking glops of his cum, he began to panic.

“I’m not ready for kids yet-I-“

“Eugene, Eugene, baby, it’s fine. No babies yet. Relax, babe, relax into me. Until you get your penis inside my cervix there won’t be any babies.” He calmed down, her angelic voice soothed him and he again melted into her arms. “Would you like another kiss on the penis?”

“Yeah,” he thought this time wouldn’t be so alarming, “I could use another kiss.” She brought her cervix to his tip and pressed it against his penis with a bit more pressure and for longer. She drew it away and it gently sucked on his tip again, sending oodles of good vibes through Eugene. “I love you, Grace.” His voice struck her when he said that, it wasn’t in the sexual tone at all. His tone was serious, firm, passionate. Grace smiled a little at the corners of her mouth. He felt her whole body get warmer after he said that. “Let me kiss you and prove it.” She teared up, her undercarriage was weak. She had to lay down.

“Oh! I’m tired, Eugene. Let me lay down real quick, baby.” Eugene struggled in her arms as he watched her landing gear slowly retract into her, many arms came down to ease her to the dirt once the gear had fully retracted and the doors closed. His instincts said that her belly on the ground was bad, real bad. “I feel much comfier, you should, too. Relax, honey bun. The comfort in her voice convinced Eugene that this was fine. He quit his struggling and began to enjoy the atmosphere, but her lying on dirt kept nagging at him.

“Grace, one day I’ll get you a nice hanger with a nice floor with a nice bunch of mats and pillows for you. I’ll get you out of this dirt.” Grace smiled, that sounded delightful, a great place to make love. She released him and he staggered to his feet, they had fucked pretty damn good. He stammered over to her nose and gazed into her pretty green eye before he knelt down and put their lips together. They lazily kissed and giggled at how exhausted they were. Eugene groaned and grunted as he got up off the ground and sloshed around collecting clothes. He sat down and started tying his boots, which made Grace paranoid 

“You-where are you going? Please don’t go!” He looked up and before he could answer she tried winning him over again. “We can still have sex, I can keep going, I’ll get back up-“

“I’m tired, Grace, I need some sleep. I’m also pretty hungry.”

“Please don’t go.” She looked worried, abandoned, her whole facial expression was of terror and fear. Eugene quickly learned to hate that fear of hers.

“Grace, don’t be so upset. I’ll be right back, promise. I’m just going to get some campfire stuff from inside, and something for my bed. That’s all. I’ll be back, honey bun. I promise.” He stood up and got over to her, taking her hand and kissing it. “Don’t fret, Grace. I won’t ever let you go.”

“Please hurry back.”

He nodded and kissed her hand again. He scurried to the house and disappeared. Grace looked off to the sunset behind the trees behind his house, the radiant glow onto the sky reminded her of all the night raids she did, she remembered that she never once sat back and enjoyed the sunset. It helped the time pass as Eugene gathered his things and packed a bag. It eventually spilled over into a cart as he collected more and more things. Blankets, clothes, pillows, tools, fire starters, firewood, a cot kit, Tupperware, utensils, and some small trinkets to tool with and made small talk over. He came back and saw her gazing off into the sunset, her subtle smile and body glowing like a fun-house mirror in the dazzling light painted her in a good looking scene.  Eugene felt a good bout of pride in his heart. He was very happy as he strolled up to her. She quickly helped set up the bed and sat him down next to her using it as his seat. He leaned into her as she held him with an arm and they watched the sunset. She explained how she’s seen so many but never got to enjoy them like this, Eugene conveyed how happy he was that she could enjoy it with him. Before it got too dark he broke off and set up a fire real quick to keep them warm-ish in the night. Grace said she’s used to the cold, that it didn’t bother her, but Eugene established that she deserved better.

As the sun finished setting they enjoyed the last brief moments of light in a kiss, held together by their arms. Then Eugene asked for his unfinished food from earlier so he could reheat it on the fire. While it cooked again they talked about scheduling flights and repairs and such and finalized the details while he ate. She heated her food that she never ate and slurped it up quickly. They could feel some sexual tension rising again but they put it off for a more enjoyable and enthusiastic sex drive. While tension rose Eugene talked about everything he wanted to do for her, and she talked about what she could do for him, they, of course, slid in some innuendos and such. A basic priority list was set up and ready to go by the time they went at it again.

Grace had her arms wrapped around Eugene’s waist as he leaned against her hull. They were staring into the fire but their minds raced with thoughts and desires of dirty deeds done to each other, out of the blue Grace’s hands undid his belt in a flash and threw his pants to his ankles. He was already half chub and oozing some precum, as soon as he realized his pants were off he started inflating again. Grace pawed at his member and cohorsed it to grow more rapidly, as it grew to its full might her eyes gleamed with excitement. At her nose and tail her orifices began steadily dripping with her bodily lubricant. As Eugene relaxed into her while she tenderly stroked his dick he noticed her mouth-watering and wanted some of that. “Hey, Grace, you seem to be a little hungry still, I got a nice big snack for you right here.” She got what he wanted as he twirled his cock around in a small circle, she obeyed and started getting up.

“Yeah? Want me to suck on your fat dick?”

“Yeah baby, I want your metal mouth to show me some magic.”

“Baby these aluminium lips are going to make your head spin.” She stood up on her landing gear and pick him and the cot up to sit them in front of her. He watched in excitement as she lowered her nose gear and brought her massive shimmering body down to his cock. She looked into his eyes as her lips parted around his meat and smiled as he shuddered with pleasure. He tried to keep eye contact with her but her mouth did make that hard to do, her tongue cupped and cradled his size elegantly and her lips sealed him inside. Gently she sucked on him as she pushed his cock head against the roof of her mouth, her tongue drug him side to side as she raised and lowered herself onto him. Watching him squirm and writhe made her very wet in her tail quarters, it demanded some sort of attention. So she did what she has done for so long before Eugene and slip one of her tendrils inside. Her pleasuring herself made her moan on his cock, which added more stimulation to him. He pressed his hands against her glass nose and was hypnotized by the ride, weaving his head all around, lazily. She rubbed her clit while she tendriled her depths and licked and lapped at his throbbing cock. She pulled off of him and ran circles around his cock tip with her tongue before she went back down on him. He quickly began huffing as she brought him closer to his orgasm. His loud and excited moaning made her excited, rejuvenated her flow and she clenched her eyes shut and fucked herself faster to get him off hard. She felt his cock cease oozing his cum as he trembled in her mouth and he tried to push her off with her hands. Just as she realized she had done it he broke his fortitude and started cumming. She lurched off and opened her mouth with her tongue out, holding his cock on it, still. He shot ropes of cum onto her large tongue and almost fell back into the cot. He was heaving heavy breaths like he just ran five miles. “These lips don’t lie.” She said as she licked her lips clean.

“Fuck!” He exclaimed in exhaustion as he leaned in against the bottom part of the glass dome. Grace wasn’t done with him yet, she kept kneading his tender member and enjoyed the unique feeling in her hands. Caressing his tender cock to her was awesome, mesmerizing, a guilty pleasure. She massaged his body and limp dick while she gingerly teased herself and savored the aftertaste she had from him. Slowly he started coming around to the mood again, and his member began flexing as it grew bolder and bolder. The harder he got the more she dripped, she pushed the cot and him away and laid her nose on the ground, to his distaste, to raise her tail up high for him. Her eyes were at a level where they beamed onto his huge dick, her gaze couldn’t be shaken from his presented cock and balls. “Like what you see, baby?”

“Yes, sir…” she moaned in response, a gentle hum from her mouth told him she wanted it badly. She looked amazing and so vulnerable. She was poised to fuck and it made Eugene even hornier. He hopped to his feet and this immediately triggered Grace, she went wide eyed and her mouth opened in awe and excitement. He walked very close to her body and brushed his fingers down her sleek and slender pod to excite and tease her more. By the time he had gotten to her tail and out of his reach there was a pool of her juice underneath the prize. He was breathtaking by her beauty as her fingers split open her slit and he was staring inside her, his thick cock ached for it’s gentle caressing. It was so much nicer than any girl’s snatch he’d been with before, and this one fit him perfectly.

“Oh Grace, you’re so fucking perfect.”

“Mmhmmm? You think so, Eugene?”

“Grace,” he shook his head in bewilderment, ignoring her hot juice that dropped onto his face, “I don’t even have to think about it. I know so.” She was completely won over and couldn’t hold back any more, she swooped down and snatched him with her arms and held him yet again in a loose hammock of love.

“Oh Eugene!-Ah-Ah, Aaahh! Eeeek!” He took instantly to dragging his cock across her genitals and laughing to himself as the slit wept over his cock. In the back of her mind she was screaming at herself to take his seed and carry a child, she yearned for his children. Do it! Carry his child, he’ll never leave! Deep suspicion and paranoia amplified her desires. “Eugene! Give me your seed! Give me your child! Mother me!” She positioned her cervix right at the cusp of her vagina, it was so close to the edge that his cock teasing her was gracing her cervix with a glance. Eugene got cold feet, he wasn’t ready for a kid yet, and he just met her. He retreated.

“No, Grace, I can’t. I’m not there yet, please, not now.” Defeatedly, she retracted her cervix back into her, and her paranoia returned with a fiery vengeance. It killed her mood and made her distraught. She didn’t show her mood shift, and thinking she was still in the mood Eugene toyed with her luscious folds with his hands to excite himself again. His toying didn’t do the same for Grace, she lost her urges and didn’t want to do it anymore, but her paranoia didn’t let her stop.

She kept up the act. Eugene got back into the swing of things and pressed his dick against her succulent hole and enjoyed the feeling of penetrating her. He slid into her depths and enjoyed feeling her body quiver and moan with every inch. He was lost in a sea of pleasure as her pussy massaged his wood and held it nicely, he began his own humping but Grace took over again. Her slack arms acted like elastic as her shock absorbers bounced her ass for him. She bounced on his cock and moaned with gratification along with him. His hands trailed all over her body where he could reach and his gaze swept across her form, even though it was forced on her end, she still felt a smidge of enjoyment. She was hoping she could at least get off, and she knew he wouldn’t be happy unless he did. Even though she had lost her motivation his impressive mass made her eyes roll and mouth drool, and when he took the initiative and starting fucking her on his terms of made her loose tendrils grab the dirt and brace herself for the ride. She got into a rhythm with his thrusts and rocked with him as he drilled her plush pussy. Her mouth blurted out broken gasps and whimpers as her drive steadily forced its way back into dominance. With her sex drive restored her vagina began stroking Eugene enthusiastically, trying to squeeze every drop of him, underlying desire for his semen still stood strong. He began singing his praises of her, stroking her emotional clitoris and making her feel loved on the inside. It drove her demons away and brought forth a mind-numbing orgasm. Her arms snapped him against her tail as her two massive pillar landing gear trembled and almost buckled. Her eyes rolled into the back of her canopy, her mouth was drooling with her tongue out, and she was rubbing her chin all over the ground as she waggled and shuddered about. Her long exacerbated moan was trickled with laughter as she sprayed her cum on Eugene’s cock and balls. It sprayed and fanned about because of how tightly he was pressed against her hot metal tail. Her internal convulsions vibrated on Eugene’s cock and pushed him well over the edge dispute his efforts to hold back. He came, too, and emptied his balls for her. He knew they didn’t break the cervix and she was sealed, so he didn’t think about it. He enjoyed the moment and the ecstasy that comes from pumping out semen. Every single shot made him huff with dopamine. Grace certainly felt him bust with a hypersensitivity, feeling his hot cum inside her made her feel indomitable. Made her feel worthwhile, feel loved, special, and like a hot woman. She felt successful knowing that she was good enough to make Eugene fuck her again and again AND cum for her. All the demons were brought to heel as he flooded her and made her feel even more spectacular. She didn’t want him to stop and was sad when no more of his alluring seed entered her. Instantly she wanted to open her cervix and take his child-making seed, but she fought that urge off for his satisfaction.

“Grace, oh God, Grace, you,” he struggled to find the right words to describe how he felt for her, “you are the most incredible woman of my life.” Grace was incredibly flattered. He eased his massive size out of her and then let them press against each other to cuddle. Grace was speechless, nothing else to it. Absolute wonder and amazement, all her communication with Eugene that night was through cuddles, vibes, smiles, and kisses. She put him in his cot and laid down on the ground to sleep with him by her side. It was the first time she could sleep in forever, and she was out like a light with him holding her the best he could. She felt secure with him touching her, she felt safe, secure, and happy. For the first time in her life, she felt special. She loved him, he picked her up and saved her both literally and emotionally. Although her demons would come back, Eugene would always set her straight and show her all his love.

That Saturday Eugene had some mechanics who worked on B-29s while they served to come out and inspect Grace. Eugene had cleaned her up best the two could before the mechanics arrived and once they got over the shock of a living plane they remarked on how neat she was considering her rather filthy past. They were given a list of problems she had and what to prioritize. The problem of the controls being stuck like glue baffled them until she told them she crashed on Iwo Jima. Instantly one of the mechanics had an idea. He took a bucket and cut open some of the hydraulic lines and out came thick globs of muddy fluid. He said the volcanic soot did the exact same thing to the tractors they used to build the runway, and that the engines are probably filled with soot, too. Once her lines were all drained and pumped clean she was refilled and the problem was solved. She couldn’t praise them enough, jabbing at how worthless her old mechanics were. Then the group had a go at the engines and found evidence of soot collecting in the engines, they took those apart and started cleaning them but stopped for the day, Sunday they came in to finish cleaning the engines and put them back together. They were clueless about the undercarriage, they’d need to investigate that. Nevertheless, that following Monday at exactly eight-thirty in the morning a fuel truck came out. Grace hid herself so the workers wouldn’t freak out about a living plane. At about ten-thirty, the fueling was finished and they were off on their way. As soon as she saw Eugene she exploded with joy, she saw him in his rag-tag outfit half from his service and half from what he had to recollect on the civilian side and thought he was adorably handsome. She was bouncing in anticipation and he was ecstatic, both incredibly eager to climb above the clouds. Eugene walked around her a few times and made sure all was well, her avionics were much easier to adjust and that made Eugene excited. He climbed into her cabin and sat in the pilot’s seat, they were staring at each other in the eyes with marvel.

“Well, Grace, here we go. Start the engines!”

“Yes, sir!” She obeyed and one by one her engines popped and gurgled to life. Nasty and awful at first, they soon were broken in and being fed properly so they sang like a choir. Grace couldn’t help but shake and dance with excitement, arms wrapped around Eugene, holding him tight and securing him while he monitored the gauges.

“Engines are looking good! How do they feel, Grace?” His hand stroked one of hers passionately and he eagerly awaited her response.

“Oh my god, Eugene, they feel fantastic! They’re putting like kittens! I’m so thrilled!” Her abundance of joy spilled over into him, he was also rapidly getting happier. They waited a few minutes to let the engines warm up to operational temperatures and then together, with their hands interlocked, they increased the throttles and she was moving on her own again! Carefully they exited the hanger and swung her massive size over to the grass runway. She didn’t give a single fuck about it. All she saw was the sky begging for her return. Eugene saw two miles of grass and possible FOD, a treeline he had to get over, and then the free expanses of the open blue. They set the flaps and trim and stared at what was laid out ahead. “You ready, Eugene?”

“Are you ready, Grace?” Their hearts raced together, their blood ran hot with energy, together, again, they opened the throttle.

The start was bumpy and shaky, but as she got faster and faster it smoothed out and was almost perfect. Her engines roared like lions and her outstretched wings pulled upwards trying to fling her into the sky. Together they began to feel those notable cues that the ground no longer held them, and they pulled back on the yoke gently to clear the trees. Grace’s smile was gargantuan, it was so big Eugene saw her cheeks covering up some of his canopy panels. He only wished he could see her face from the outside, only if. Easily they cleared the tree line with plenty of ‘runway’ to spare, and she thrusted herself towards the heavens with such determination she almost forgot to collapse her landing gear. Eugene remembered for her and flipped her switches to retract them. She felt them tuck away and suddenly she was even lighter, faster, stronger. There was nothing notable to drag her down now and she was gliding through the air like a goddess. They were silent as they took off, enjoying the moment and focusing on what had to happen. She was at a thirty-degree climb up to about eighteen-thousand feet when either of them talked.

“Grace, I love you. Thank you for taking me up here.” He rubbed her hand again. She twisted her hand around to hold his and rubbed back.

“No, thank you, Eugene, for giving me this opportunity to fly again.” Her arms tightly holding him in a big bear hug showed him more love than she could speak of.

They flew all day, talking of the future, the past, life stories and experiences, some deep desires and worst nightmares. They spent the time to get to know each other very well and were looking forward to more time like this. Grace suggested that they enjoy each other’s company much more intimately, one dirty desire of hers, but Eugene said he wanted at least someone at the controls to make sure that nobody dies. She was frustrated but tame. They had a blast flying again, Grace and Eugene pulled some fairly wild maneuvers for what mission style plane Grace was, while she was no nimble and agile fighter she could pull some tight turns and dives. Their adrenaline was as high as they were on their playground in the sky, the absolute Freedom Grace felt was immeasurable and Eugene’s euphoria was unmatched. As the sun was setting they were coming down to land right back where they started, Grace still had some fuel left in her as she touched down cleanly on the grassy strip. They tried their absolute best to burn it all away but time wasn’t their friend today and they had to turn in.

Once Grace had come to a stop the two of them were laughing madly, hooting and hollering to let their joy all out. Grace taxied over to the back of her new home and turned in without Eugene’s help. He watched in awe as she slipped in perfectly and stopped exactly where she was in the morning as if she never moved. Eugene was doing a little happy dance in her chair, she caught on and mimicked his side to side motion and snapping he did. They laughed at themselves before they recomposed themselves and started their dancing together, erupting in more laughter. They shared congratulations to each other, expressed how proud, happy, and loving they were, and their excitement for getting paid to fly again. Eugene said that as soon as possible he was going to have the guys redo the bomb bay and set it up to carry cargo. He wondered how he was going to sleep this night with all this excitement in his blood. Grace poked the side of his gut with a finger and said that he should move a mattress into her so she could make sure he gets well-rested. She assured him she would tucker him out to the fullest with some fun games. He said he liked the sound of that and went to find a mattress he could spare. While he was gone Grace couldn’t help but do more of her victory dance as she checked all the boxes of victory, she got fixed up, she’s got a man falling for her, she’s flying again, she’s got a home, she’s getting a job, and she’s about to get some dick. She scored big today. She was high on life at that moment, and she got even more joyous when she saw Eugene shove a mattress through the door that led out to the hanger. She crouches down and used tendrils to crawl closer to him, picking the mattress up from him like it was a tissue. She patted his hat and told him to relax a little bit as she made the bed. He insisted on doing it himself, but she wanted to get the fun started already and didn’t want to wait. She slapped the mattress into place and quickly threw some bedsheets over it. She ushered him inside and backed into her hut, him sleeping in her cabins made her feel amazing, it felt right. Her confidence rose and she felt very comfortable with everything, nothing was going to ruin this.

“Let’s get you ready for bed, baby.” She begins sensually undressing him, slowly peeling layers off his body.

“But I’m so energetic, baby, whatever will we do?”

“Oh I know how to tire you out, don’t you worry about that.” Her hand massaged his genitals and they shivered with anticipation. “Oh yes, I have plenty of plans for you!” She felt his balls roll in her hand, and his massive dong growing bolder and girthier. His cock and balls in her hand felt mystical.

“That sounds fun! Will there be any snacks?” She hesitated in confusion.


“Of course! I might get a little thirsty after all, I could eat something.” Grace began getting quite hot under the skin.

“Oh my, I’m sure they’ll be something, baby!” She finally got him bare naked and she was fawning over his cock in her hands. By the beds came down a tendril to comfort his lonely penis and thankfully this one was no wimp. “You ready to play, Eugene?”

“Oh,” he grabbed her vaginal tendril in his hand and rubbed his thumb over her clit, she shivered and locked up in response, “I’m very excited to play, are you ready, big momma?” His thumb popped in and out of her pussy, it’s loose and welcoming metal skin clung to him religiously. He tested her wetness and tightness. She could use some work.

“Oh fuck yes! Momma’s ready to play!” She wailed as his thumb pierced her to his knuckle.

“Nah, you don’t look like it.” She was shocked. “You need a bit of shopping up to do.” He stuck his index and middle fingers in his mouth from his other hand and then slid them into her. Her mouth was gaping and she shivered, gasping for her breath as he wiggled around. He plucked in and out before he slid in a third finger, roughly the width of his cock. His cluster of fingers had a dance party in her pussy, and when they found the G-spot dance floor they turned up to eleven and never came down. She was nearly screaming as he fondled her, his thumb rubbing her clit and fingers playing with her G-spot. “See? Now you’re really starting to warm up to it!” Her hands gripped his body and his wrists, holding them to their actions. Her hands stroked and fondled his cock feverishly as she tried to keep up with his intensity, but he was overpowering her. Her hands suddenly gripped his cock and her vagina tendril trembled and her insides convulsed as she fought back her orgasm. She screamed his name as she broke and she gushed out on him with squirts of her juices. He smiled at his work and let her come down before he agitated her more by removing his hand. He licked his fingers clean. “Now let’s see?” He inserted his three fingers again and noticed how much nicer she felt, not loose, but not tight, she was perfect. “Now you’re ready, baby. He’s coming out to play now, big girl.”

“Oh yes! Send him over now! Right now!” She cradled his cock and held it for him as he held her tendril down on the bed. He watched in mute satisfaction as he broke her seal and observed her lips and folds of metal envelope and consume his meaty penis. Just a bit wider than his three fingers it certainly made sure she would feel his presence and being long, too, it made sure it knocked on her door proudly.

She withered around as he entered her. Her body flexed and bent for him as she naturally molded to his presence and she cooed and squealed as he came to rest his member as deep as he could go. She breathed hot and heavy with quick gasps as she dealt with his impressive size, this tendril was a great fit for them. Her tail was smooth and perfect for a good clean fuck, her cockpit tendril too tight for anything more than sitting on him, and now the bedside tendril proved to be just big enough to fuck and just tight enough to destroy her. She felt him cautiously ease out of her and as much as she wanted to cling to him and host him inside her for hours she knew letting him come and go would be much, much more fun! She felt him rhythmically pump himself in and out of her, at first it was pleasant and delightful, but as he started groaning and grunting, and pushing and shoving, and working and churning, she realized she was in for a great fuck. Her eyes crossed and rolled around like a clock as the cock ruled her emotions, her tendrils clung to his sweaty body and she wrapped herself around him. She ran tendrils through his hair, between his legs, coddled his balls, and felt his face as he worked her over good. She moaned along the whole time and lost all sense of time as he pummelled her. She realized she was drooling at one point and quickly let go of giving a fuck, should anyone walk over and see this, she didn’t care, the dick was too good. She felt his cock pulse with blood and felt his long shaft ooze his precum out and warm her up from the inside out, she felt his flesh slide and shift inside her while his body slammed against her outside face. Everything about this was driving her hormones crazy and she was high on it all. She felt herself rising to the opportunity and started gripping and stroking him more with her interior as she came closer to climax. She egged Eugene on by calling for him, crying about how close she was, and how amazing he was. He put forth an extra effort and searched for the spot that would throw her over the edge and she let him know he found it by screaming loudly, and when he found it he didn’t let up. He completely went silent and put forth everything into pounding her pussy until she came again. She screamed and pulled him close to her, bending him over to press him against her tendril and wrapping up around him with her arms. She let him feel her shake and shiver as she came very hard on his solid snake, he smiled, chuckled, and relaxed on her as she showed him what he does to her. He loved it.
He loved feeling her convulse around his cock, he loved feeling her tendril body quake under his body as she screamed for him. Her voice in his ear filled his chest with fire and motivated him to do it all again. He enjoyed how tenderly she held him in her arms and how her hand ran through his hair, her hands on his cheeks holding them so gingerly makes him feel floaty, surreal. He had never thought anyone could make him feel like this, how lofty he felt with his feet planted on the ‘ground’ that his cock could make shake like an earthquake. The concept of what they could do to each other excites him and drives him to push the limits. He never felt so strongly for someone like he felt for Grace. His only flaw with her is how devastated her security is, he felt so bad for her and wanted to help fix her badly. There might be one way to do so, a way she got at earlier but he shot down. Just maybe it could clear her mind and settle her demons. Maybe he should have a child with her. Starting a family was always a goal of his, and for her it might be a necessity. He was open to the idea and would be considering it heavily from now on. When she had finished cumming and let him stand up again he pulled out of her completely to her dismay and laid himself down on the bed. Taking her turn she picked up her tendril meekly and shakily and lined up on him. He noticed how she had coated his cock in her juices, it shone in the hazy light like a glowing sword, preparing to slay the mighty beast in the best way possible. As she brought herself down on him together they moaned and shuddered, he relaxed his fortitude and let her rock his world. She slid down on him effortlessly but was still tight enough to numb his mind and melt his body. She elegantly danced on his lap, swaying and swinging, bouncing and shaking, gripping and sliding. She felt his body recoil with her movements and she loved it and used it to motivate herself even more. After cumming twice she had become hypersensitive and could feel everything about his penis, it drove her sex crazy. She brought him right to the brink of his orgasm and then she toyed with him, slowing her movements and eventually stopping and holding him down to keep him from finishing it himself. He was groaning and moaning in annoyance and almost pain, but her teasing had a reason and it only boosted his drive. He was almost hyperventilating when she finally went ballistic on his cock with her furious burst of speed. Suddenly he recoiled hard in a brain killing orgasm and he unloaded a huge load of semen into her. She laughed as he gurgled on his drool and his eyes rolled and she coddled his cock as it softened and hardened again.

They teased each other again, boasting about what they would do to the other, and then they would act upon their promises. They did this again and again until Eugene’s sack was empty and he was thoroughly exhausted. She laid him down on the bed and tucked him in, slithering her very sore and raw tendril up the bed under the covers to cuddle with him. He wrapped around her and clung to her all night as he slept like a baby. With him holding only a portion of her she still felt secure with him, while her demons came back to show their ugly faces she rested easy with him grasping her so tightly. She almost laughed at her demons, scoffing at them and thumbing her nose by looking back at Eugene and her. She knew that the demons would come again when she was more vulnerable and she feared for that, but for now, she revelled in high spirits and slept wonderfully with him. She dreamed of flying with him again, and it drug out to where she saw herself teaching their little one how to fly, it made her feel amazing again. When they woke in the morning they instantly felt how well they fucked last night, they were creaky, crampy, aching, and very sore. Eugene felt like his back locked up as he forced his way out of the bed, groaning in agony as he did. Nonetheless, they plowed on for the day, it was the day they were to register with the mailing companies. Eugene went down to the town’s local headquarters and got a representative to come to inspect Grace, he refused to accept her until she had the equipment to handle cargo. It bummed them out, but there weren’t any other glaring flaws that were mentioned so their hope still ran high. Eugene went out into town again and collected much of the materials needed for the conversion, cables, ropes, metal fasteners, some pulley equipment, bolts, screws, metal plates, and a bunch of random bits he thought might be useful. That’s how he spent the rest of the day, he came home after getting in touch with the maintenance crew and made dinner with Grace, they enjoyed a long night of relaxation to recover from the sex they had the night before.

The next day, the maintenance crew came in and the idea was thrown out to them for converting her into a cargo plane. The logic was sound but there were technical details that Eugene didn’t know about that the crew had to work out, he was completely oblivious to it so he let them do the sorting out. First, they began by stripping out all the guts of the bomb bay, the bomb racks came out and so did the actuators, then through these parts, they started making large racks to line the walls of the bay. Their idea matched Eugene’s well, except that they knew where the load points were for the frame, you can’t just go bolting stuff to an airplane, after all. Once they had constructed the racks they had Grace hold them in place where they wanted them, while she held the racks in place Eugene inspected the space made available for cargo. He was satisfied and the crew had Grace drop the racks out to be further assembled. The racks looked like a shopping cart basket when they were done, a very big shopping cart basket with no wheels or handles, just the four walls and a roof rack welded together and then bolted and welded into the bay after careful incisions were made. They finished the rack installation and then assembled a rail system into the top of the basket to carry the pulleys and allow for alterations. That went in fairly easy and from there they called it a day and went home. Grace was thrilled with the progress, proudly she showed off their work to Eugene, even playing with the pulley system a bit. They were very excited to see the final results.

The next day while the crew was finishing up their minor detailing and structural reinforcing Eugene went out to the military base to get some surplus gear from the war, specifically the cargo nets that were always thrown out. He got a whole truck load of them for basically a sandwich and soda and gleefully drove home. While the crew was working he got Grace to help him put together the nets into workable sizes, he showed her how to cut and stitch and sew. He showed her some neat tips and tricks and let her try it herself. By the end of the day, everything was ready for testing and inspection, everybody was pumped. They used a small car as the test, they used all the pulleys and nets to pick it up and fasten it to the frame. It fit easily and sat snuggly, carefully they had Grace bounce around, it didn’t even shift, so she danced around and even jumped a few times. No budging. They celebrated and let the car back down again. The test was a success. Eugene paid the maintenance crew what he owed them and arranged for another inspection. They could hardly wait. On the day of the inspection, the maintenance crew came to watch over the inspection, they basked in pride as the inspector was dumbfounded at how well the cargo system worked. The inspector gave Grace a passing grade, collected the paperwork to register her in service of the mailing company, and promised to get back in touch once the logistics had been arranged.

It took roughly three weeks to get word back and until then the crew were busy touching up on maintenance, correcting faults, performing routine maintenance, and investigating problems and damages found during such events. Eugene was busy figuring out how he would support the maintenance crew and budget his priorities. He laid out financial goals to support Grace and himself with quality of life upgrades for her and the prospect of starting a family, the latter he withheld the knowledge from Grace, leaving it to be a surprise. Once he did get the word from the company he was given the payroll information, the information on funds allocated for Grace’s maintenance, their schedule, their flight routes, where the airports were, and many other small details that were necessary for operations. The gang was elated. Work began very soon and before they knew it Grace was running down the local runway with a full load of cargo bound for the nearest coast. While it hadn’t been that long since they met Eugene still proposed to her on this flight. Instantly she accepted, she then pressured him to make love that night while they were flying, but Eugene didn’t want to risk the mail yet.

It was during this flight that Grace came clean, she dumped her demons out and her fears at his feet. He did his best to express that her fears will never be realized, but he knew that action would be the only way to get it through to her, thus he planned it all out. He had seen the schedule, he knew her limits, and she had taught him well. They landed at the station, stayed the night and rested, and in the morning they flew back to the main airport they work out of. This flight had many more stops, dropping off mail and picking it up, refuelling and such, they were never empty. Late that night they touched down at the main port runway and unloaded the last mail they would carry that day, they would rest and refuel for the next day. While they had lulls in the schedule Eugene talked directly to Grace and her demons, he carefully expressed his devotion in ways subliminally and directly to purge her fears from her, he used his careful word and message choice wisely. She felt much, much better. They conversed about a lovely and romantic future, and he steered it towards family and children to further boost her morale and attachments and distance her from her loneliness and fears.

In the morning when they woke Grace was quite frisky, Eugene was feeling quite hot under the collar as well, but he promised that they would enjoy themselves soon enough. Grudgingly Grace carried on and they loaded the mail up once more and set off on their route. They made more stops than the first day but fewer stops than the second day, which left them with more downtime, effectively. During this time they came up with a list of names they would consider for their children, it was all very exciting for Grace. On the last leg of their journey, the longest stretch, Eugene asked Grace about how they would make a child. Grace elaborated on the details, it depends on what child they want, how much sex they have during the pregnancy, how well she is fed and maintained, this all greatly intrigued Eugene. He asked her what child would she want, she said it’s up to him. Eugene felt selfish for wanting a human baby, but he saw it as the most realistic option, it’d be the most affordable, the most gifted, and the most likely way to succeed. He could send this kid to school, not a bomber if they went that route. The child’s life was his justification and he told Grace he wanted a human child. Grace was just fine with that. By then Grace had figured out Eugene was thinking about having a child with her and that thrilled her. She couldn’t sleep that night, she rested her body but her mind was too active and all she wanted to do was thrash Eugene awake in his rack with her tendril sliding up and down his thick shaft milking his cum out of him. However, she respected his sleep and waited patiently.
They had the next two days off, so they readied to fly all the way home to the home strip and tediously start their family. One session at a time. Their lusts rose up as high as they were physical, every foot she climbed rose her drive even more, Eugene’s crotch ached and complained about how horny he was. Originally they had desired to land at home and fuck all night there but it was too overbearing, Grace had to ask while they were in the sky. She asked to be fucked up here, she wanted him to fuck her while they were soaring above the clouds, the idea seemed thrilling to Eugene and his list overpowered him. He didn’t say a word but he undid his pants for her and she immediately began fondling his crotch. Her hands and tendrils snaked into his clothes to grasp his bare skin and get that oh-so-exciting skin to skin contact. Once his pants came off she wasted no time in getting him inside her, even though her cockpit tendril wasn’t the greatest it was what she had right there and she needed it now. She had been faithfully rubbing herself to make sure she was drenching wet and slick as possible, she snapped his cock upright and placed herself tenderly atop his cock. They smiled as the adrenaline raced through their veins, their hearts thumped in their throats, neither of them had any idea what would happen to their ability to fly and while that was terrifying it was also exhilarating, and there was only one way to find out! Grace held his cock up while he pulled her down onto him, together they moaned and cried out.

“Oh yes! Oh fuck yes! More! More! Deeper! Oh you’re so fucking hot! Fuck me! Give me everything!” Grace cooed and called, her whole frame shuddering in pleasure and her eyes crossing.
“Oh Grace! AAAHHH!” He was halfway inside her and already needed a break to let her adjust to his size. He grabbed her controls while he waited and tenderly rubbed them with his thumbs, stroking them lovingly. She cooed and moaned as her tight pussy twitched and stretched out, giggling wildly in random bursts. “Grace you’re so fucking hot, so Goddamn sexy! Grace, I love you, I want you, I need you!”
“Yes, Eugene! Do what you want! Fuck me! Destroy me! I am yours!” With that, he felt she was open enough and pulled her all the way to the base of her cock, had she not been travelling at about a hundred and fifty knots her screaming might be a bit more ear-searing. Everything about her shuddered and shook as she winced and braced herself against his massive size. Her hands gripped his body wherever she held him. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! Eugene! Eugene!”
“Grace! I, uh, AH-AH!” He gripped her quaking vaginal tendril and hugged it as he, too, shuddered with how tightly she gripped him. Gently it began to hurt him and he worried about what was to come soon. They groaned and moaned together, clasping hands, he kissed her hands, she stroked his hair and massaged his body, performing pleasantries onto each other. Cautiously both of them glanced at the instruments and made sure they weren’t about to fuck up big time, everything was fine, but the adrenaline ran high and the thrill consumed them. “Grace,” he called to her when she was loosening up, “Grace?”
“Yes, Genie?”
“Bring me your cervix.” He wrapped his arms around her tendril and kissed it.
“But, but we don’t have a good home, yet, we-”
“We have plenty, my dear, baby, we can do this. Let’s do it.” Her excitement was even higher, her lust even higher, her hormones demanded it. She gave in. Her demons that had been pestering her for a while suddenly vanished, she brought her tight cervix onto his cockhead and asked him if he was ready.
“Yes Grace, I’m ready.”
“Alright baby, flex it for me, hard as you can babe!” She felt his cock turn even more rigid as he flexed against her cervix. She forced it over him, she screamed even louder than before and she shook horribly as he had a hard time keeping himself straight inside her. Her tendrils wrapped around him and coiled him and her vagina together and pinned them together as she screamed and whimpered and huffed. He grunted and gritted and felt just how tight she was, it was like trying to penetrate a solid slab of muscle, but once he did get his massive cock to split her seal it was a magical wonderland. Her screaming lowered and it became more trance-like mumbling and breathing as she eased herself over him internally. He could see her eyes rolling around as she did so. Surprisingly her cervix wasn’t as tight as he thought so if anything it felt more spacious than her vagina, which made it much more enjoyable. It was hot, plush, soft and grasped him just right. He melted into the chair as it naturally massaged his cock with vibrations, convulsions, and pulses. He started drooling. “Grace, I love you, your pussy is to die for.”
“Your cock fucks me up in every way I need, Eugene, I’ll do anything for this dick.”
“Will you marry me?” She seized up momentarily. “Grace! Are you alright!”
“YES!” She was tearing up, tears streamed down her fuselage as she shook him in her arms. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you!” He smiled and giggled, feeling her pussy beginning to furiously stroke him with her muscles.
“Heh heh, sorry I don’t have a ring yet, it was kind of out of the blue.”
“I don’t care! I’ll marry you! Eugene I love you!”
“I love you, too, Grace, are you ready to be a mother, Grace?”
“Well, I don’t think anyone is ever ready, but I want to be one! I want to be one for you! Will you let me have your child?”
“I’d have nobody else, Grace.” She teared up now because of how much that meant to her. It was indescribable how moving that was for her.
“Eugene, you don’t know how much that means to me, how much you mean to me.”
“I don’t think you can ever realize how much I love you, Grace, I don’t think your past will let you, Grace, I’ll never let you go for anything. I love you.” They embraced for so long Eugene went half flaccid inside her. When they noticed they laughed it off and she shimmied her pussy on him to wake him up again. He simply sat back and moaned as she danced on his lap, images of her were flowing through his mind, her sexiness driving him on. He had to make her cum at least once on his cock, so he didn’t feel much of anything sexually pleasing until she did so. In the meantime he reached around and toyed with her clit and massaged her tendril, slowly pumping at her G-spot. Her innards were a hot and steamy land of mellow, his cock seemed to disappear from him inside her and melt away, all he felt was a pleasure. He could barely feel her plush ruffles, her amazing texture, her slick juices, and her amazing pulses. He felt an electrifying field flow from her pussy into him, further stimulating them.

Grace could feel everything, what loose skin he had and how it slid around his hard shaft, his veins and the blood pulsing inside them, the precum oozing from his penis tip, the heat inside him, the two tubes that seem to make up his shaft, she felt everything. She loved everything. Moments would occur where she felt like she could feel him, his whole body, it was astounding. She recoiled and stuttered with him, grasping at each other and panting.

“Eugene! You feel so amazing inside me!”

“Oh Grace, you’re so soft, so great!”

“Give it to me, Genie! Fuck my pussy!”

By her pleading he pleased her, adjusting his position in the seat and holding her tendril still as he began humping her. Her moaning and cooing flooded the cabin and drowned out most of the steady slapping and rustling of clothes and fabrics. Her tendril grew very warm, and the whole cabin began heating-a starch contrast to the normally chilly atmosphere of high altitude flying. Grace had her drool freezing to her body but since she was getting so hot it began melting again and spreading again, she didn’t care. Eugene’s back was aching and hurting from the poor posture but he also didn’t care. As it got hotter Grace began peeling layers off of Eugene and enjoyed how slick his sweaty body was getting, wishing she could see his skin glisten in the low light. Her mind raced with the beautiful prospective future, she was very excited for what was to come. Eugene could only think about getting her off in that moment, he was curious to see if she would snap his cock off as she came. Her moaning grew sharper and louder the longer he went, so did his grunting. He relaxed his mind and let it wander focus onto feeling his cock slide in and out of her guts, they both could feel the flesh moving all around each other, slipping and sliding, shmirking and shopping noisily, music to the ear. Their bodies melted together into a synchronized Bliss and high, suddenly Grace wrapped around his hips and held him still while she broke her tendril from his hands and rode his cock. Her tendril backed off and dove back down smoothly and quickly, she chanted ‘yes, yes, yes, there, there, there,’ as she used him to pound her G-spot, she flexed and bent herself as she slid on him to hit the good spots and squeeze him just enough to milk him. He began to excitedly heave and huff as he grew closer to cumming, now that she was doing the work he could enjoy the fruit, and sweet it was. He cried to her and warned her he was close, she was close, too. He tried to fight it off as long as possible to let her cum, too, but she didn’t repent, she pounded his lap and soon enough he drew a long, exhausting moan as his cock trembled and spurt shots of his semen deep into her. His cock’s jarring convulsions and flexing pushed Grace over the edge and she smacked her pussy down onto his lap and came on him, shuddering and shivering, adding a vibration stimulation to their ecstatic orgasms. Grace milked Eugene for every drop he had to offer, and with the gentle suction on his penis, it was all whisked away to her eggs, what wasn’t whisked away was her cum. She had squirted out a puddle of hot bodily lubricant and it was all over his lap, stomach, legs, and clothes. He didn’t care, he loved it. They started giggling after they came down from their orgasmic high.

“It tingles.” She said.

“What does?”

“Daddy’s semen.” He smiled.

“Where does it tingle?”

“All inside me, deep, deep inside me, I like it.”

“It feels good, baby?”

“It feels great, Genie.” He nodded and sat up in the seat properly.

“I’m glad you like it, mommy’s juice feels hot and slick, I like it, too.” She giggled and glanced at the instrument panel and jumped.

“Oh God!” She suddenly jerked to the left and pulled up slightly, at first startling Eugene. “I got it, I got it, it’s okay.”

“Babe, you scared me, what happened?”

“We were off course, I don’t know how long, we dropped a thousand feet and were off bearing by three degrees.”

“Well, we should be able to reckon our position in a bit.” He hugged her tendril still sitting on his cock, sucking his dick like a straw for his milk. “How do you feel?”

“Great! Oh so amazing! I feel so alive! I love you, Eugene!” She hugged him tight and rocked him. This made him feel the best in his life. 

“Grace you make me the happiest man in the world, I love you so much.” He held her Tendril and squeezed it back, staring into her beautiful eyes in her canopy.

“We’re going to be parents!” She squealed in excitement.

“Oh yeah, I’m excited! I can’t wait! Damn, I better get on expanding the hanger, then.”

“At least clean it up, should be fine after that.”

“That’s the absolute least I can do, I need to do more.”

“You worry too much-“

“So do you babe-“

“I know, we worry too much.”

“I just want what’s best for you two.”

“I know, I know.” She combed his hair and began dressing him again, it was getting colder again.

They talked to each other some more as they flew on, talking names, house expansions, sex, and deep feelings. Their flight home was uneventful after their entry of the mile-high club, and they touched down to fuck some more and relax. They continued their job flying mail all over the country and making their baby, cleaning up the hanger in their downtime and building more rooms and facilities to the hanger. Eventually, Eugene moved out of his house and into the hanger, letting one of the mechanics move into the house when his house burned down. Grace still struggled from her demons, but little by little Eugene was killing them and rebuilding Grace. They took their time off of work to birth the baby, and that was the best moment of their lives, the birth of their little girl. 


Fin Saving Grace


The Metal Rose of Texas

Ships! Big floaty girls! In this case, a dreadnaught! Simply mentioning her name makes anyone from a specific state rock hard, pride and yee-haw fill the air, and that name is Texas. Oh yes, it’s her. It’s time I show some American sweethearts some love. I’ve been tinkering with this for a long while, and I may tinker with it some more, too. Who knows?  Well, nonetheless, here she is!

She’s the sweetest little rosebud, That Texas ever knew,
Her eyes are bright as diamonds, They sparkle like the dew;
You may talk about your Clementine, And sing of Rosalee,
But the Metal Rose of Texas, Is the only gal for me!


The Metal Rose of Texas

Tex picked up the blooming yellow flower and admired it, she had acquired many of them already and when her pleasant inspection of the little precious thing deemed it worth keeping she tucked it into a vase of similar flowers. She kept them on the ‘sill’ of her port bridge wing. On the vase was a note reading:

“From your secret admirer, please enjoy your collection of flowers that pale in comparison to your beauty.”

On the reverse side it reads “Know I care” and this placard and bouquet of flowers will pick her feelings up when she’s feeling down. The Hurricanes that Texas has withered the past few years have taken a toll on the seasoned veteran. Iron and steel sides as thick as Bibles can only do so much in the face of Mother Nature and Father Time’s wrath. Her body is old and decrepit, she leaks in various places from stem to stern, and above the waterline while her paint is crisp and fresh, it covers rust, holes, and age. Many teams have tried to keep her healthy, but a mix of politics and funding deficiencies have left her to rot away. Through all of these hardships, these examples of a poor life state rides a happy and loving Texas, filled with optimism and compassion. She did this through her many families, the many children she’s raised, and the many people she’s met. She doesn’t usually go on long without companionship, the longest stint she was alone was five years, but since her last husband passed away in 2011, she hasn’t met anyone to wed since. It has taken a toll on her emotionally, she’s affixed herself more to her born family and the crew she cherishes and loves as family.  She values their volunteering very much, their efforts to keep her in good shape are not unnoticed nor unthankful. She loves the visitors and never hesitates to engage them with old stories or chit-chat. As for her birth family they have all moved away and started families of their own. They visit when they can get the money to come down.

She wishes she could track whoever is leaving these flowers at the base of her conning tower. She wasn’t focusing when the obvious vase was delivered, that was the start and came with three flowers. Age had blunted her awareness, she’s tried to focus on the people around her tower to feel their movements but the flowers are too light and the culprit is too smooth. She wishes that he’d show himself already.

She was admiring the bouquet of flowers and heard rushed and heavy feet flying up the ladder leading up to the bridge platform. As the man reached the top of the ladder he exhaled a weary grunt and turned to face the wind, closing his eyes and lifting his arms to let the wind wrap around his body to whisk away the heat from his body. He dropped his arms and walked over to the wing where Tex had the flowers, he leaned on the half wall and looked at the pretty flowers. His tanned skin gleamed in the sun, the sweat making him sparkle, his Brown hair was scuffed up from wearing headgear for the past few hours. His coveralls were covered in soot, rust dust, and paint. His boots were worn and scuffed up from a light tan to a deep brown. He wore his coveralls at “half-mast” where the top was around his waist with the arm flaps tied neatly in a square knot centered on his belt buckle. The knot would make even the saltiest chief proud. Under the coveralls, he wore an Under-Armor shirt renown for its extra absorption and breathing qualities. His face was young and clean with a smooth jawline and strong chin. His Brown eyes glazed over the flowers and shifted to Texas where he greeted her.

“Afternoon, Tex, did you get another flower?”

“Afternoon, Lance, and yes I did get another flower.” She pointed to the exact flower she got that day, all the flowers are the same and yet she knows when she got each flower. Many things of hers have dulled, but her memory has never faded. She looks over to him and instantly notes his filth. “You’re filthy already! What’re y’all doing down there?”

“Ah!” He waves off into the distance dismissively, “the usual thing, grinding, cleaning, and painting your metal. Today we’re close to the, uh- the bilge tanks. Aft.”

“Y’all got all the way down there?”

“Nah, last night we stopped under the mess decks, we just moved further aft so more renovations could be done.” He looked at the flowers and smiled. “How’s your day been?”

“I’m doing much better since I got the flower, that boosted my mood up. I was feeling a bit lonely this morning.” His smile grew wider. “Oh I hope he shows himself soon!”


“So I can thank him, these little things pick me up every time he drops them off.”

“That’s probably why he does it, ya know.” He looks out to the city not too far away and pulls out a Yeti mug from his back pocket. “I don’t think he’s ready yet. Probably won’t be for a while.”

“But why!? I’m so approachable, I’m always nice and up to talk. I’m sure he’s talked to me, I’ve talked to everyone. He knows I’m approachable.”

“I’m sure you have talked to him, many times I’m sure.” He took a swig of sweet tea from his mug and commented on how cold it still was. “I think he doesn’t know how to talk to you, how to take it from here.” He took another swig from his mug.

“He should personally give me a flower and talk to me. We don’t have to talk about romance, we should talk like this. He should come and talk to me every day. Things will progress naturally. He doesn’t have to move or rush things along.” She looked over at Lance, he was listening attentively. He’s always been a good listener. “Speaking of progressing, how’re you and that girl doing?” Lance furrowed his face.

“Uh, well, we talk regularly. I just can’t seem to get her alone, her schedule is very strict and she doesn’t move from it.”

“You’ve gotta show her that you’re willing to put her first, ask her when she’s free, where she can go and what she can do. She’ll like that.” He nodded.

“Alright, thanks Tex. I’ll try that next time I see her.” He took a gulp of his tea and replaced the cover and mug into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. “I gotta go get lunch. I’ll talk to you again, later.”

“Bye-bye, Lance! Have a good lunch!”

“Bye, Tex, enjoy the flowers!” He gets to the ladder and looks down it and all the other ones in his path. He groans loudly, “I don’t wanna go down all these ladders.” Resentfully he climbs down them all and goes to get some food. He comes back in an hour and goes right back to work. He knocks on her bulkhead twice to tell her he’s back. He comes back up to the bridge that evening before he leaves for home. He’s got on new clothes, his coveralls changed out for a USS TEXAS BB-5 hoodie, faded jeans, a baseball cap, and some comfy vans shoes. He had his empty Yeti mug and car keys, in his pockets were his phone and wallet. He leisurely climbed up the ladders and meandered over to the bridge wing. He hadn’t showered yet and Tex could smell the day’s labors on him. She saw in his hair some paint chips and rust dust.

“I hope you don’t go talking to that girl like that!” She comments. “You’re very close to coming off homeless, Lance!” He smiles.

“I really try not too, but sometimes I just don’t have the time to shower and see her.” He brushed some crap out of his hair and lifted off his cap to slick it back. Replacing the cap he moved to a more open posture and asked her, “This better, Tex?” She softly chuckled.

“Better, but you still reek!” He raised an arm and turned to waft the oder more towards her.

“How’s this, then, eh?” She laughed.

“No! No, that’s not better!” She raised her hands to try blocking the smell and waving it away. Playfully she lashed out and tickled his side, his arm snapped down and he retreated.

“Ah! No! Not like this! Stop!” She broke away and he shook off his laughter. They had wide smiles and were occasionally piping up with laughter. “Anything new happen, Tex?” She scowled.

No. The only thing worth mentioning was seeing a guy get pulled over, over there.” She gestured to the highway over behind the treeline and then looked at Lance. “What about your day?”

“Oh! Where to start?” He clapped his hands together. He rolled his hands together a few times before starting. He started off by talking about the condition her body was in, what was proposed to fix it. Next, he mentioned how much they did, and then the really interesting times. The beginning of the day started with some of the temporary flooring being collapsed and needed to be rebuilt. Then it collapsed again while two guys were on it, they weren’t hurt because they had harnesses on and were already hooked up to safety lines. After lunch a grinder caught on fire and didn’t stop running, that was terrifying, and about two hours later someone ground through the last support stanchion for a wall and it fell, almost crushing two other guys. Texas was horrified, Lance agreed that this day had more accidents than all of last week.

“Well, Lance, thank you so much for all you do, sweetie! I appreciate it very, very much.”

“Ah! Don’t worry about it!” He waved his hand dismissively, “we’re proud Texans, we couldn’t let our great warship rot.”

“Either way, Lance, I’m very grateful for the work you and everyone else puts in. Goodnight, Lance, good luck with that girl.”

“Thank you, Texas, goodnight and good luck to you, too!”

With that they parted ways. Lance climbed down and left Texas, got into his Mustang and drove home. Texas watered her flowers, read a little bit more of her book, and went to sleep. She’d wake up at sunrise and would welcome aboard her crew and check her mail and E-mail. Her youngest kids were bugging her to get a smartphone, Tex said that her computer is more than enough to confuse her all day. It doesn’t really confuse her, she’s quite technology adept, she just says it does and acts like it so it irritates her kids. At around seven in the morning Lance would come aboard. He was cheery as always and knocked two times on Texas’s bulkhead to let her know he was aboard. She greeted everyone that came across her front where she could see and talk, and would wave back at people that waved at her. The day was normal, work resumed on her preservation and restoration, and visitors came and went. She was talking with a Sailor on the modern submarine named TEXAS when she felt something faint hit her deck where she usually finds the flowers. She darted all attention there just to see a portly woman hunched over to pick up the pamphlet she was carrying. She continued on with her family. Texas was disheartened. Then she saw a glimmer, the flower was already there! It’s not normally here this early, usually, it’s around 10 or 11 in the morning when the flower is found. As she picks it up she sees a placard tied to it. It reads: “Tomorrow we meet, my dearest”

Tex got excited, she was thrilled! If she wasn’t bottomed-out she’d be rocking and pitching like crazy. So much ran through her mind. She practiced what she would say, tried to make herself as welcoming as she could, she wondered if she should make some cookies, or some sweet tea. Maybe make a gift of her own for him. She couldn’t wait to tell Lance! Lance is going to get excited, too. When he does stumble up that afternoon she thrusts the card at him. He goes wide-eyed and he, too, gets excited he flips it all over looking for something and notes there’s no time on it. She notes it too. “So it’s just a waiting game, huh?”

“I’d say so,” Tex responds, “I’ve waited long enough, but I think I can wait another day. Oh-! Lance! I wanted your take on this-”


“Should I make something for him? Cookies? Tea? Steak? Chicken?”

“No, not any of the meats. We dunno when he’ll show up.”

“Oh, right, so maybe cookies and tea?”

“Gotta give him your sweet tea, it’s great.”

“Thank you, I have had over sixty years to get it right.”

“Time well spent. What cookies?”

“Either sugar or chocolate chip.”

“Mmmm, sugar.”


“Yeah, chocolate chip goes with milk.”

“I see the point, oh I’m so excited!”

“I’m really glad for you. Well,” he looked at the time on his phone, “I gotta get some food. C’ya later!” She left him with a goodbye and got to getting everything ready for making the tea and cookies. She’d actually do them at night so they’re ready by opening. She doesn’t know when he’ll show face so she has to be ready all day. Lance gets back, knocks twice, and goes back to work. That evening when he comes up she interrogates him about how he’s doing with his girl. She asked when her day off is, and Lance shrugs, no one knows. He talks about a restaurant he wants her to try sometime, then about a tennis tournament coming up, and then he went home. Even if Texas wasn’t busy with cooking she wouldn’t be able to sleep. Too much was on her mind. She made two trays of sugar cookies from scratch and she made three pictures of sweet tea. She kept the cookies and the oven just to keep them warm and kept the T and the fridge to keep that cold. The new day couldn’t come soon enough. E girly she noted every single soul to come aboard. Her smile was bigger, her teeth were whiter, her eyes more glamorous, and her mood was cheerier. Lance came on a little late with coffee stains on his clothes. Texas immediately asked him what happened, to his scare, and he explained how a car pulled out ahead of him at the intersection and Lance almost t-bone them. That spilt his coffee so he got another one and cleaned up what he could. She wished him a better day and sent him off. She performed her duties and patiently waited for him. The usual time came and went, no show, that afternoon when Lance came up he still hadn’t shown up.

“Hey, Tex, anything show up yet?”

“No,” she said with a hint of surrender. She was starting to think he might not come, “he hasn’t shown up yet.” Lance sensed her distress.

“Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure he’s just waiting for the right moment.” He pointed at the vase of flowers Texas clutched in her hands. “I’m sure he’s looking to get his money’s worth outta that,” he nudged her side with his elbow playfully, “eh? Eh?” She chuckled a little.

“They always are,” she poked back, “makes birthdays easy.”

“Does it really?” He asked her, she rolled her eyes over to him lazily.

“Sometimes. Most of the time it was just a good dinner that made them happy.” She laughed a little bit. “But the after-party was always welcomed!” Lance smiled. “I mean, Mary was technically a birthday present.” That’s Tex’s third child, the middle child so far.

“For an old lady, you talk a lot like a dirty young girl.”

“Lance,” she began, “there’s not much that differs a ‘young’ lady from an ‘old’ lady. Just the ‘old and young’ description, energy, maturity, and health. If an old lady was as energetic and healthy as a young woman, men would flock to older women for better sex. The best sex.” Lance laughed. “Lucky me, I age really well in comparison.”

“You certainly did, Tex, you certainly did. Welp. I gotta go. Let me know when he shows up, okay?”

“Ok! I will! Goodbye!”

Lance left to go eat lunch, nobody came forward since he got back, and when he held too long knocks to get her attention she looked at him and frowned. That’s all he needed. He also frowned and went back to work. As the day drug on her spirits faded. Tour guides and deckhands noticed her sorrows and inquired what was wrong, she assured them it was nothing. The end of the day came and with teary eyes she watched the last visitor walk down the gangplank and go home. She clutches the vase and combed through the flowers, trying her best not to cry. She didn’t even care to acknowledge Lance as he raced up the ladder, he got to the top super excited, covered in sweat and filth he didn’t bother cleaning up yet. He wiped his brow and knocked on her bridge with his knuckles. He could barely contain his enthusiasm.

“What was he like? Does he own a flower shop or something? Where’s he from? What’s he like?” He blurted out very fast and jumped up. Her heavy eye on that side sluggishly turned to look at him. The glossed look and billowing tears gave it away. Lance’s shoulders drooped and he dipped his head. “I’m sorry, Texas.” He patted her side compassionately. Her hand met his.

“I don’t understand!” She cried out, sniffling loudly, “Why would he do this?”

“Maybe he got scared.”

“No! Please! I’m not a scary person! Please come back!” She cried out into the wind. Lance moved from her bulkhead and rested on the half-wall overlooking the bow. The sun was setting and the clouds were cast in purple light.

“Maybe he got cold feet,” he muttered under his breath, choking it out almost. He gulped loudly and shook a few times, “or maybe I just forgot the flower.” Texas froze. Her eyes dried out almost instantly and her gaze shot over to where he stood. He was looking at his hands, he sighed and looked at her.

“What?” She pleaded.

“I forgot to get more flowers, so,” he reached into his back pocket, “so I made you this.” In his hand he held up a little metal rose by the stem, it had metal wire wound tightly as the stem and there were two metal leaf petals on the stem. Atop the stem were folds of metal folded and cut to look like a rose. The spiral of metal petals was beautiful and perfect. She saw that on the leaves on the stem there was TEXAS engraved on one leaf and LANCE on the other. Her eye went back to Lance as he had a huge, genuine smile on his face. “So,” he asked, “think it’ll fit in the vase?”

“You-” she pointed at the vase and to him, “you did this?” He nodded. She was in disbelief. “But-you-the girl?”

“That was all you, the whole time.” Her lips were quivering, her eyes watered again. “Texas, I love you.” She wanted to kiss him right then and there.

“Just when I thought I have seen it all-” she snatched him up and hurtled him in front of her. “You come along and turn everything upside down.” she felt his heart racing, it erased more as she held him above turret number 2, in front of her face. “Kiss me!” He nodded enthusiastically.

She brought him to her lips and gently smooched him, she felt his tongue probing around so she extended hers, his mouth latched on to the tip of her tongue and his tongue caressed hers. His arms wrapped around or support beam right in front of him. It was a wonderful kiss that sparks their hormones. Lance completely got her, he had the wool over her eyes the whole time. She couldn’t stop thinking of him, she had to have him. Once their kiss ended and they parted she brought it up. “So when are you moving in?” His eyes widened, he was shocked, caught off guard.

“Duh-I, um-”

“Can you move in this weekend?”


“Stay the night?”

“I kinda-”

“At least dinner? I’ll make dinner!”

“Yes.” He finally found the answer she was looking for. Lance had never seen her this happy. She even made a high pitched ‘eeee’ sound. Lance was very satisfied, all his hard work and perseverance paid off, the joy he felt from Texas was overwhelming, she was a beacon of joy. It seemed everyone’s spirits lifted with hers, as she brought him in close to her and squeezed him against her body he smiled. They sense the long future ahead of them. She didn’t care how dirty he was, she rushed him inside and guided him to her ‘house.’ It was once an Admiral’s sea cabin, but when she was first married the Navy gave these compartments to her for her family. Lance was at a bulkhead hatch he had seen many times, he passed it everyday, actually, but almost no one on board had seen the inside. He opened the hatch and there was a small vestibule, only big enough for him to stand in, and a nice Oakwood door stained with its natural colors. He heard the very old locks clock into their open position and Tex beckoned him to open the door. He cautiously grabbed the brass ball handle and turned the knob. It had a bad sound to it, one of age and wear, it was rough to open but it still did its job. He cautiously swung the old, creaky door open and was taken back in time. It looks like his grandparent’s house, there was old wallpaper with the typical stripes and objects decorating it, it smelled like mothballs, the air was stale and still. He tried his very best not to cough but his body overrode his desires and he Unleashed mighty coughs from deep in his chest. Texas apologized for the state of the place, she didn’t expect the admirer to be someone so close to her, otherwise, she would have turned on the ventilation and tidied up a bit. Lance insists that it is fine. Most, if not all, of the furniture is wrapped in plastic covers, the room is illuminated by the dimming light of the sun shining through portholes on the far side bulkhead. He stepped into the room and looked around, closing the door behind him. This is obviously the living room, denoted by family photos, a couch against the wall place in front of the door, in front of that is a coffee table, then against the opposite wall is the TV cabinet and such. By the far side bulkhead is open space and some chairs, all nicely stacked. The floor is covered with thick carpet, and that is covered with dust as well. Each step he takes stirrers a cloud of dust. Behind the door to exit the house is the door to the closet, and next to that are the various switches for the lights, fans, etc. There are two doors on the bulkhead to his right, the TV wall, one at each end of the room. The one nearest the exit leads into a small dining room, the furniture again covered in plastic and tucked away. The floor here is tile, a small chandelier hangs in the center of the room, and a TV sits on a small desk in the corner to his left as he entered. To the left in the room is the kitchen, this room is lit up with light from another port hole. He can tell the walls are yellow with white highlights and the room is kept tidy and clean. She uses this kitchen often. There is a full refrigerator, a small dishwasher, a double sink, and a full oven and range set up. There’s an abundance of cabinets and the room, filled with food, materials, and Tupperware. By the awning between the kitchen and dining room is a small passage way, to his left is a door to a bedroom, center is another, and at the very end to his right is the bathroom. In the bathroom is a small bath tub-shower mix, a small sink, and an old forties era toilet, the floor is all tile. He exits the kitchen into the living room by the door near the port holes and ahead of them is, what she says, his room. Nervously he enters the room and looks around at the covered dressers and bed, the table, desk, chair, and night stands all covered in plastic. He also examines the neatly wrapped lamps and decorations. In all, the house was very pretty, but Lance was uncomfortable. And this house men have lived, loved, and died in Texas. She knows he’s uneasy. At the end of the room is the master bath, he doesn’t go in there, nor the “kids’ room,” he was surprised he got into the master bedroom itself. Lance Queens against a bulkhead, Tex extends to hands and massages his shoulders. Before he can speak she echoes in his head.

“I know it’s a little overwhelming, Lance. You’ll experience it much less often the longer we are together. If you aren’t ready to stay here I won’t force you. I’ll lodge you up in a birthing until your comfy. C’mon, sweet tea and sugar cookies are in the kitchen.” He exits the room, gently closing the door out of respect, and he went to the kitchen. The aroma of cookies makes his mouth water. Two trays of sugar cookies set on the range cooling, and Texas had poured some tea from a picture into a large bug. She handed him the tea and he drank it all. Her years of crafting has produced sweet tea that made you smile, it wasn’t grainy, but smooth, and had a pungent and chrisp tea taste. She handed him two cookies and he devoured them, crispy cookies sweet like the tea but crunched perfectly. She fed him tea and cookies and he talked about how hard it was not to spoil the beans about his whole plot. She was very impressed by it, and now that a strapping young man who was into her was inside her house, she steered things towards the bedroom again.

“How are you feeling now, Tex?” He asked her after finishing the first tray of cookies.

“Oh! I feel wonderful, Lance!” Arms coiled around him and hugged him tightly. “It’s been a very long time since I felt like this…” her arms begin to stray lower, towards his pants. Lance didn’t want this to happen yet, excited as he was, he was still very nervous.

“Uh, Tex? I was just joking about earlier, getting my money’s worth out of it… remember what you said about not rushing into things?!” A hand was between his legs and grasped his genitals.

“Mmmmmmm! That was before it was you, Lance. I was jealous of the girl you teased, I wish I could get someone like you, but getting you? I’m ecstatic!” Her hand rolled his balls around in her fingers and she massaged him through his pants. He was already growing larger. “C’mon, Lance, you know you want it~” His hands had found some of her hands to hold and he was warming up to the idea. She put two stainless steel pitchers in front of him. “But first, let me tempt you with some Texas tea…”

“W-whats that?”

“It’s a special sweet tea, with special ingredients.”

“What are they?”

“The same as the tea you’re drinking now plus one.”

“How do I get it?”

“You don’t just get it~” she spun him around and he saw her. Specifically, what makes Texas a her. “You earn it.”

He’s incredibly excited and cautious, dumbstruck by its appearance and stands there staring at it while she explores him. She has worked her way into his coveralls and was feeling his body all over. She convinced him to touch her and he reaches out and feels it with his hands. It’s soft and warm, smooth and supple he spreads it open and marvels at her beauty. It looks like a rose from the top, spirals of metallic flesh all converging onto one point, her cervix, to cushion and smother him passionately. He examines her wonders and longs to feel her on him, the thought emboldens his penis even more. She lets him take in the sight while she feels and fawns over him, once her lust is full and her corridor’s slick she gets him to take it further. They trade flowers, he takes her body-sized vagina tendril into his grasp and she takes his flower from him, his special flower was for them. She’d be sure to take very good care of it for them. She carefully peels the clothes off of him, and once she gets his boxers off his rigid cock springboards up proudly. She takes him into her hand and he moves her gingerly in front of him. Their sex was eyeing each other in great anticipation of the wonders to come. This time Lance takes the next step and leans in, bracing himself on her vaginal tendril. As he penetrates her he can feel her all around him shuddering. Her body is wonderful, so hot, humid, wet, and soft. Together they moan, her moan was a deep and powerful one, fueled by decades of pent up lust and suppressed desires. The only two around at this time was her and him so her moan was aloud and it echoed through her passageways powerfully. Lance’s moan was more of victory, all those wild dreams were no longer just dreams to enjoy, but now are inspirations to attempt. Together they thought of all they could do together, and being a Friday night with no work in the morning, there was no bedtime, no appointments, no chores, no restraints. Texas was going to get his first time with her to be all night. What excited her the most was that Lance was young and energetic, there’s no telling how much fun they can have tonight. One thing she didn’t notice was how thirsty Lance was, sure for sweet tea, but his sexual thirst has no rival. Amidst their moaning, recouping, and day-dreaming Tex heard Lance command his voice in a way she had never heard before, a tone of voice that fuelled her lustful, sexual drive and made her drool at both mouth and vagina.

“Texas!” He bellowed loudly, halting her moaning. “Get more pitchers! It’s about to flood in here!” She gripped his rock hard cock with her muscles and braced herself, she was ready, so, so ready for this! He began his exercise and the fun began. His inexperience showed at his measly performance but Tex wasn’t disappointed at all. She actually enjoyed his inexperience, teaching him how to sex her is going to be great! For now, however, she’ll let him have his fun. His strokes were awkward and slow at first, eventually, he found a rhythm and began to shine. His pumps came in like clockwork and before he knew it Texas was moaning, leaking, and humping back. Her vagina gripped him and pressured him in measured spots so that they were rubbing G-spots together, they were moaning and yelping and grabbing at each other feverishly, the temperature inside both Texas’s vagina and her hull was rising. Lance was sweating and watching his cock play peek-a-boo with her vagina, the steady slapping and moans jolting in pitch was music to his ears! She egged him on and begged him for more! She started chanting how close she was and he followed soon after. 

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Was his cue to bail. He pulled out quickly and moved the metal pitcher under her vagina, he rubbed the large and shiny bulbous clit until she was screaming and quivering. A jet of silver juice shot out of her vagina. He noticed the same slimy fun goop on his cock, ooh it felt good on his cock! Instinctively while he watched her cumming his crotched moved towards her vagina, wanting to put his cock right back into the spray and fuck her while she cums, but he held off, he wants that tea. The last little bits of her orgasm are squeezed out into the pitcher and Lance slides right back in. “That’s what I’m talking about! Give it to me, baby!”

“Fuck yeah, Tex! I’m so fucking hard right now!” He gets back into his motions and moans away while she whimpers. “Oh you’re so much tighter!”

“Yeah! Fuck me with that hard dick!” he wasn’t going to last that long here, he started feeling his climax approaching and tried to hold it off. His cock tensed up and twitched, signalling to Tex that he was close. She remembered that she forgot to tell Lance he doesn’t have to pull out. She wrapped arms around him and felt his muscles work, which made her even hornier, but she was waiting to hold him balls deep inside her when he cums. Oh she’s so excited to feel semen inside her again! She carefully listens to his moans escalate in pitch and volume.

“Tex! I’m cumming! I-ah!” He goes to pull out but he’s met with a wall of resistance, he panics but it’s too late. Tex buried his cock inside her and her muscles milked the semen out of him. He shot his wad deep into her, it was a large one, too. It made Texas scree with pleasure. He couldn’t help but enjoy his nut, it felt like this nut was the biggest he’s ever had and lasted the longest ever. He enjoyed feeling Tex’s soft vagina stroking and massaging his cock while he came, likely the cause for the extended orgasm. Her arms eased him over her vaginal tendril and massaged his body, too. As soon as his orgasm had finished he felt a wave of exhaustion and lust hit him, but he remembers that he’s going bareback on her and panics, she noticed his dispair.

“It’s fine, Lance, it’s fine. You can’t knock me up like that.” She brushed his hair with a hand, running her fingers through his thick waves. She sensed he was still panicked but also confused. “Your sperm have to reach my eggs, right? Well they can’t, my cervix is so tight it doesn’t let anything in. You have to physically penetrate it to let sperm in. Unless we do that, you can cum wherever you want, baby.” He was relieved, intrigued, and sexually excited.

“So no toaster strudel?” Texas laughed, remembering the meme he showed her.

“No baby, all Twinkies.” Her vagina stroked his member back to life as she massaged his testicles. “And we have a lot of orders to fill.”

“Best we get back to it, then!” He went to start humping her again but she held him tight.

“Hold on, baby, this Twinkie’s full for now, we have many more Twinkies to fill.” Lance was a bag of mixed thoughts, now. “There’s nobody else aboard, throw on some shoes and follow my lead.”

He did as he was told, she took him to the bridge where he fucked a tendril there, then she took him to the base of the conning tower where he fucked her there, then she took him down to one of the furnaces to fuck her there, then down in her engine room, and that was where he was burnt out. He was dried up, exhausted, sore, but very warm inside her bowels. She was able to get him back to the ‘house’ where she laid him down on the cushiony couch. She integrated herself with him to link their minds, and they kept it up through there, too. Every vagina had its own feel to it, none of them felt the same, it’s amazing. For Lance, though, the mind games were the best. Once he got the hang of existing in the new mental world he grew as big as her, latched on to her, and pummeled the vagina between her propellers. He had the most fun with this, grabbing onto whatever he could, pressing himself against her hot belly, hearing her excited and pleasurable moans and yelps, wrapping himself up in her propeller shafts and rudders. Another great bit was that he was making her shudder and flex on both her mental model and real life, like a Ditto or Deja Vu effect he felt the same shudder in first the mental model and then in his body. It’s an incredible feeling. He felt so powerful like this, he got all up in her until they came, and then he rolled her over and hit her from another angle. She wasn’t trying any fancy moves on him, no practiced and calculated gripping or stroking, just an all-natural pounding. She let him have his fun and relaxed to enjoy each of his blows. She was drooling and half brain dead through the night. She would be sore in the morning, loopy from getting her brains fucked out, and very happy. She was the happiest she had been in nearly a decade, and all-day all she could think of was how hard he was going to fuck her that night, too.

In the morning Texas gathered the three buckets of her cum that Lance worked out of her and started making pitchers of tea for him. She massaged him while he slept and cleaned him up as best as she could. She had the air running, kicked on the water heater and turned on the plumbing so she could bathe him in her tub and feel on his body more. She really wanted him, he was such a sweetheart, kind, and funny. The night proved to her he had some lust for her, too, and that he was energetic and willing to go for the long haul. She remembered his favorite breakfast and started cooking it up until she realized she didn’t have all the ingredients. Defeated she did what she could and woke him up when breakfast was done and the tea was ready. She brought him a folding tray of food and a glass of her Texas Tea for him to enjoy.

“Here you go, deary, I made you some breakfast and that glass of Texas Tea you earned. Chow down, baby.”

“Thanks, Tex, it looks great!” He sat up and watched her arms wrap around his body and hold him. He was still trying to get used to it all, but he enjoyed being with her very much, he hoped he would come to love this. He took his fork and knife and dug in, noticing how good of a cook Texas was. He complimented her on her cooking, she brushed it off and asked him to try the tea. That is what excited her the most. Lance carefully inspected the drink, noting it looked thicker and darker than normal with a sheen that resembled oils on the surface. He hesitated but realized it was probably already in his system by then so he took a sip. It’s sweet as all get out, but it also tastes like nickels and dimes a bit. It has a twisted tang to it that was alluring and enticing. He could get addicted to this. “Tex this is amazing. I can’t wait to make more.” Texas smiled and blushed, she was happy nobody was around at the time.

“Thanks, baby! It means a lot to me! I’m always down to make more, baby. You don’t have to be so upright, dear, relax. This is your home, now, too. I am your home now. Make yourself at home, baby.” He was hesitant, Texas would constantly work down his fortitude over time.

“How are you feeling this morning?” He asked between gulps. She squeezed him and gently shook him.

“Oh Lance I’m so happy! I feel great! I think you were just what I needed, baby. I hope the kids take a liking to you like I do.” That reminded Lance that she already had families and made him feel like he was trespassing again. She noticed his discomfort and stroked his hair, playing with his thick waves. “Don’t worry about them, dear, they’ve moved on, even asked me to find someone like you. We’ll renovate the place, make it ours, Lance.” He was still worked up, she’ll have to widdle that down, too. He finished his breakfast and asked for more tea once he finished the first glass. She poured him another and eagerly egged him on to drink more. “I can even spice it up, if you’d like. Whiskey, gin, rum, they all work nicely with it.”

“That sounds great, I’ll have to try it sometime.” She could feel his tension, there was something on his mind.

“What’re you thinking about, baby?”

“Was I good?” She smiled, she had guessed correctly. “Was I bad? Was I good enough?”

“I know you like the truth, dear, you’re not the best, but you were much better than I thought you would be. I’m very pleased with how good you are, I’m very excited to teach you and make it perfect, but enjoy the journey, baby. I’ll make it worth the ride for you.” She playfully grabbed his package and squeezed gently, spiking a little sexual excitement. “So, mind if we bathe you?”

“Do I smell bad? I didn’t mess up the couch, did I?” He looked down at himself and the couch he slept on. She chuckled softly.

“No, no, Lance, I just want to play with your body more.”

“Oh really?” He smirked, she hooked a finger into his mouth where his lips parted.

“Oh yes, baby, I love hot, wet, muscular men! It gets me really going!” Her passionate stroking and sexual undertone got him going, too.

“Well, I could use a little company, I guess. I won’t be let down and showering alone, will I?” She giggled.

“Oh no, baby, I’m already waiting for a big strong man to come to the bath with me, you won’t let me down will you?” They giggled as he moved the tray and stood up, proudly, both he and his mighty package. He strode to the bathroom where she had a special tendril with a special massage waiting for him under some nice, hot water.

They made love and fucked often, and their romancing brought them closer and more intimate. Texas was able to win Lance over and moved him out of his apartment and into the ‘house’ on board, shortly thereafter it was revealed that Texas and Lance were dating. Texas didn’t rush anything and they took their time, eventually getting married about two years after they started dating. Very, very shortly after they get married they have their first child, a son. Lance couldn’t be more proud.


Fin The Metal Rose of Texas


Titanic’s Captain -Short Story

This is a little fiction about Captain Edwards J. Smith, the captain of Titanic when she sank. This whole interaction is fictional and there are no records of if the Captain believed any of this and the records regarding his fate are controversy. This is just my fictional take on him and his fate from the viewpoint of Titanic.

Nonetheless, it is her sinking anniversary, so I’m posting it today. Enjoy.

Bradley and Titanic were relaxing on this cool evening. The moon was low and full, the waters flat and peaceful, the sky clear and calming. They sat together in each other’s arms. Violet was asleep, Britannic was being repaired, and Olympic was probably off catching up on whatever she’s been missing out on. Bradley was enjoying the moment but something was nagging at him, it had been for weeks. It was something to do with Titanic and her famous voyage, so he tried not to ruin anything, but this just wouldn’t stop nagging him. So he asked.
“Titanic, honey?”
“Yes, dear?”
“Ah, nevermind.” He couldn’t figure out how to word it.
“No, dear, what’s the matter?” She thought it might be something romantic, something dreamy.
“Ah.” He sighed. “So how did Captain Smith react to you sinking.”
“Oh.” She was disappointed, but not by much. She knew how he was. “Yes, Captain Smith.” She didn’t know how to explain it, so instead she offered to show him through her memory. Bradly accepted her request to have his answer. He joined with her and instantly was with her in a flashback-imagination trip. It isn’t all that often that they do this but when they do conjoin their minds he takes no time to become a size enough to wrap his arms around her and hold her hull. As he pressed their bodies together Titanic played back her memory. Their bodies chilled to a near freezing temperature as they grew heavy, shudders and fear enveloped them and tormented their thoughts, but amidst all this Bradley knew this wasn’t real, that this wasn’t happening again. During these trips Titanic usually loses her sight and arms, and she does lose them in thought this trip as well, but Bradley’s presence kept her demons at bay. His warmth on her hull, his imagined arms on her body softly stroking down her ribbed hull, his plush and hot lips planted in a kiss by her starboard bridge wing and kept her memories in check. She was still in control. Bradley was all sensual on her hull when he heard a strong voice echo in his mind.
“Titanic, this is my fault.” Without even having to ask his lover knew and told him who it was. That’s Captain Smith, dear. “I’m terribly sorry about this, -I, I wasn’t quite right in my head. I just wanted to end my career off with a show, give you a good name, and then maybe we’d both get a good deal out of this, eh? But no. I shouldn’t have been so demanding of you.”
“Sir?” Bradly recognized that voice, that booming voice was Titanic’s. The exact same one that he heard himself all those years ago on the bottom of the sea. Only this time her voice was more desperate; innocent in her tone of voice.
“It’s too late, deary, I have messed up. There is no way to reverse this, Mr. Anderson has proved it. I just hope that this isn’t your end, dear. You truly deserve much better than this.” Bradly felt a large, warm hand on one of her engine command posts. Sensual rubbing to calm her down began as he spoke. “I hope that if this is the end you go to a better place, you’re too innocent to know anything else.” Bradley could feel the anger rising inside him, Captain Smith. “I was a damned fool! You didn’t know any better-you couldn’t have known better! So much had gone wrong for you to understand the consequences, and I should have guided you! But no, no like a damn fool I cast those warnings aside! I pressed on! I never should have! Damned hell, I should have stopped in Queenstown!” He stepped away from the instruments. Titanic was silent. “The only thing I can do now, like any respectable Captain can do is comfort you as far as my breath will take it. Titanic, if I failed to see you to New York, the least I can do is see you to the end.” He paces around, he uncovered and rubbed his balding head with a clammy hand. “You’re so young, so new, so fresh. Just a greenhorn, no experien
ce of yer own. Not an ounce of wisdom. So new you’ve not one barnacle on your belly. But me? Dozens of voyages. Dozens of voyages aboard dozens of vessels. Titanic, please listen here, if by some miracle you have another chance you be damned sure that no godforsaken captain of yours makes the same mistakes I did! For the love of god you set him straight! If there’s another fire, another near collision, another warning of hazards, if your lookouts don’t have their binoculars you don’t move an inch. Promise me that, promise me you won’t let someone like me ruin you again?”
“I promise, sir.” The memory faded away, but Titanic kept them together in her mind, she told the rest of the story. He kept her company until the water was too much. The water flooded the room and before she could realize it he was gone not a trace of him was left. She couldn’t tell if he’d been washed out or if he’d drowned right then and there. All she knew then was that she was one person closer to being alone. Bradley asked her not to let go, to let him hold her for the rest of the night. She was going to ask the same.
Today I got back from a trip to the battleship museum BB-55, USS North Carolina, AKA The Showboat. I have probably three hundred pictures of her, she’s so beautiful. But if you guys want-or maybe I’ll do it anyway-I can post up the pictures and a little run-down of the trip. She’s really fantastic and one of my favorite museums to visit ever, if you are in the state you have to do it, you owe it to yourself. She is very affordable and very much worth it and more, with so much you can do you get more than your money’s worth out of it. The gift shop may be pricey with some stuff but hey, when you’ve gone through her you’ll be pretty inclined to support her. Take it from me I’m somewhat of a cheap bastard. She’s in Wilmington, North Carolina, on a little offshoot of I-74 I think, she’s not hard to find and easy to access. Going through all her spaces might not be for everyone but I’ve seen very large and small people all over her so if you have the will there is the way. (so tempted to put da wae meme in there but I didn’t, be proud pls) Anyways if you want more just ask!

The Lost Olympian

So it’s been quite a while since I’ve done anything, I’m sorry about it I’ve just been going through a lot, a lot of change in my life. Nonetheless I’ve always kept my stories in mind and I’ve got a big one for y’all! The next insert in Titanic’s story, The Lost Olympian. I hope to get back into this like before, but I’m just real busy right now, and for a good long time, too. But I’ll do what I can, when I can. But without further delay,


The lost Olympian
Prinz Eugen loaded her eight massive 203 mm naval guns and conversed with Patelo and an explosive excavation specialist about where to plant the shots. Titanic impatiently waited about a kilometer behind watching. Ever since they entered Norwegian waters she’s been watching Eugen blast ice wall after ice wall, blast iceberg after iceberg. The current would push the dislodged ice chunks further north, out of their way in into colder waters, and that would keep the eco-heads happy. Now the machines certainly aren’t eco-heads but they really don’t like all the fuel consumption going on, either. Nonetheless this and Olympic were what was plaguing her mind; keeping a clean Earth and meeting her sister again. Suddenly out of the boredom a large and intimidating roar flooded the air and echoed down the icy chasm as Eugen released the third barrage onto the ice shelf. With the rather spot on accuracy the massive wall crumbled and plummeted down to the ocean. Massive splashes and waves rushed out towards them. Titanic braced and winced as the stinging water smacked her hull and carried her up and over.
“Damn that’s cold!” And she’s still used to being in waters about 3° C. Once the waves settled and the ice moved away they got a sonar report.
“All clear Titanic, we’re moving in.” Titanic found Bradley, stopped him from what he was doing, and gripped him tight and held him firm. Titanic fought to put absolutely everything she had into her engines and propellers but the crew fought back. Even though she had new engines, enough boats for her small crew, a stronger hull with topped off watertight compartments and nearly all veteran crew, the thought of history repeating still cast its shadow over them all. They took their sweet time and careful caution. They watched for outcropping the sonar missed, they checked to make sure that there was no overhang to hit the masts or funnels, and there was none. The walls were suspiciously ridged and even, the path wide and constant, the massive turn they were making was constant. They had the rudders about a fifth over to port and were traveling at 10 knots. It was eerie quiet, scary perfect, and uncomfortably calm. After some time Prinz Eugen entered a fairly large delta-like harbor and was aghast, Titanic eagerly turned the corner and saw her sitting across the bay staring at Titanic with a complete dumbfounded look of bewilderment.
“Olympic!” Bradley got her reaction all on camera.
“Am I dead, then?” Prinz Eugen was still aghast, not because she existed, but because of what she was covered in. Titanic didn’t notice or even know it’s relevance.
“No! No! They raised me! He raised me!” She nudged towards Bradley as he turned to film Olympic’s reaction. Olympic was very, very confused. Titanic began explaining what had happened, like being found, some looting, so much fascination with her and eventually got to her being raised. While she was doing that Bradley turned to Eugen, who looked back, both of them shocked. Titanic blissfully was unaware of any details and it’s no surprise why, nobody ever told her about the Nazis. Bradley brought it up with Titanic, asking her what’s all over Olympic. “Well, I don’t know.” She finally looked at the draped banners and painted emblems. “Olympic, what’s all over you? What is that?” It seemed she had no idea what Titanic was talking about. Then it suddenly hit her.
“Oh these flags? Well after I retired and moved here the Germans showed up in.., 42? Maybe? I think that’s what year they said it was. Anyways they asked if they could use me as a base of operations and in return they’d maintain me and service me. I agreed, I had grown quite lonely by then, and thus they brought up all their flags and draped then from the promenade deck and painted their.., their.., shvashteka on my decks. They built this dry dock for me, they carved out a channel for their boats-they had massive submarines! Nothing like the ones from the Great War! Oh these were much bigger, and they had many officers come aboard, many sailors and soldiers alike, they set up a lab, tested me, they even recommended updating my engines and electricals. But they never did that.”
“What all do you know? What else was going on?”
“Well the radio reception in here is absolutely terrible, so that’s why they built a tower up there on the shelf, and wired in some hard lines to my radio room. They kept a tight guard on it and never told me anything. They told me what they were doing here, of course, but not much else. When they left all they took are their boats, the radios, and weapons. They left everything else, including a bunch of documents but I can’t read German.” Eugen was interested. “Every now and then I’ll get some Norwegian radio but I don’t know Norwegian, but their music is nice.” Bradley was trying to start breaking WW2 to her but Eugen completely took over describing Hitler’s rise to power, the hate, the Jewish prosecution, the invasions, the fact that Britain and Germany warred against each other, and she kept going. She explained what Hitler and his staff did with the Jews, gays, crippled, gypsies, and other inferior beings. She described important details with accuracy and blunt truth, the blood of the nation being slowly ringed out and the horrors that ensued with invading a desperate nation. She mentioned almost every atrocity, all she knew at least, and all the consequences. It didn’t take very long for Olympic to turn pale and regret everything, guilt ensued her and enveloped her. She felt sick not just in her bowels but everywhere. She had been a veteran of the first war, one point evacuate the wounded-the mamed and gassed, the shot and starved, and she saw millions of those wounds all on one body, for everybody, as far as the horizon-and she helped that happen. If she had more human like bodily reflexes she’d throw up. Titanic didn’t even know about that, she begged Bradley to tell her more and he said he’d try his best.
Olympic wasn’t very friendly after that, not for a while anyways. She begged that the flags be ripped off her-her arms couldn’t reach-and her decks cleaned. She was on the brink of crying. They really didn’t have a way of getting to her, the gangways on the dry dock looked rotten and weak and the docks were too high to send the lifeboats, Titanic’s crew could split up and man Titanic as a skeleton crew with the majority of crew going to Olympic, but as of then they had no means of getting them to Olympic. Olympic said that tides rose quite high here, and that there’s some sheltered wood in a house at the back of the dry dock, when asked about provisions she said it probably all went bad decades ago. So they gathered up food, water, tools, rope, anything else they’d need, stocked up the boats, and got them ready to be lowered. After that they waited. In this time they asked Olympic about things all around the harbor.
“Well, there’s an ammo Depot in that big octagon bunker there, and there’s the main office-that small shack there, I was to be the quarters and office for all here and any who sailed here. That was where I was tethered to right there, that pier next to the Hipper class. Let’s see, there was a U-boat frame they had floating out there but they scuttled that little thing when they left. There are some quite nasty aircraft guns on me, and there were some over by the depot but those were taken. I’m pretty sure I still have some ammo on me. Uh, let’s see, there was a crane they used but that fell over in a nasty storm. Oh and they also had special hot suits to clean my belly with-oh that was very nice!”
“Then why was there a dry dock?”
“Oh this wasn’t for me at all. It was for one of their super dreadnoughts, I think her name was for Admiral Tirpitz. They told me the poor thing got stuck further south and couldn’t get here. They also said it was much nicer. I knew I should have gone farther south. I was so stupid.” That only created more questions.
“Olympic, you could go farther south?” Titanic asked.
“Yes, after you sank and after the Great War White Star Line fell apart and was bought out by Cunard. Most of the white stars were broken up because of how old they were. But because of my service and what I am-alive-they offered me retirement. I took it. They let me choose where I could go and at the time I was very very upset with people. So I hastily chose isolation and temperatures hostile to people. I came here. After a long while I hated myself for choosing this, as you surely know I went mad all alone. I guess they, Cunard, wrote me off as being broken up.” It was quiet. “It was that madness and loneliness that made me accept the.., the Nazis.., so fast and open.” It was very obvious she was guilty and remorseful. By this time the tide had risen high enough to reach the piers and the parties were launched. Everyone watched eagerly as they rowed across the bay and came alongside the pier, mooring the comparably tiny boats to the pier and climbing over onto the top.
They explored around and did find usable wood, rope, tools, and other gear. After scrounging through the base they assessed the gangways and brows, some were rotted but there were some metal ones that were perfectly fine. They swiftly made their way aboard bringing most of the wood and tools, checking all the lockers, compartments, valves, electrics, and vital systems of Olympic. The climate, hull integrity, and superb building skills kept everything practically brand new. A true testament to time. Olympic was still a oil-fired steam engine ship, and only having a skeleton crew meant that manning an engine system of that size and complexity was nearly impossible-not including the crew for the bridge. They had a plan for this, however, only one boiler would be fired and the steam would be directed to one engine only. The most senior ad experienced navigators and helmsmen were sent aboard Olympic because of this plan. Once the plan had begun it all went to the trash. As it turned out one of Olympic’s post-Titanic refits included arms that could operate her boilers without a crew, so more effort was focused at the engine and rudder engine level. While the engines were heating up the deck hand party went around tearing down all the Nazi banners and flags. For the first time in nearly 80 years Olympic’s belly felt hot and ready, her engines felt pumped and strong, and her smokestacks bellowed with warm smoke. Her smile stretched from port to starboard and barred all her comforting teeth, that mood lifted up everyone else’s moods, too.
Her lines were cast off, she was tied to Eugen for a tow out, and they were off before sunrise. Bradley stood on Titanic’s forecastle with his camera watching his lover turn overjoyed and it in turn spilled over into him. Titanic watched her sister’s slick, long hull glide through the water. The water and ice gleamed with her hull and the lights on her hull like a mirror, majestically gliding through the dark between the ice illuminating the whole passage as if it were a city. She made the whole ice sheet glow and dance, the water sparkled and jumped around, and Titanic could not contain her excitement. She shook Bradley and wrapped him tightly in her arms. It was at this moment, when they were about to leave the corridor onto open water, he realized that neither had ever seen or been around each other on the open water. Only being together in ports.
The sun’s rays stretched across the sky, piercing through the clouds and casting an orange glow on the trio and turned the deep blue water to an almost purple sea with big orange spots on the waves. The two Olympic class liners steamed side by side, their long black hulls flying over the blue and the proud white superstructures gleaming in the light, the tall masts reached high into the sky and the smokestacks stood mighty and high. They sailed proudly and Eugen couldn’t help but watch in amazement at their elegance, beauty, and majesty. They were meant to be the most luxurious, most majestic, most beautiful queens of the sea-and that they were. All eyes were on these two ladies, the sunrise astern and the gleaming ice sheet providing a powerful and moving backdrop for these two distinguished ships. Titanic instantly started talking to Olympic as soon as the euphoria wore off.
“Yes, Titanic?” Olympic shifted her eyes port to look at Titanic, her eyes were a deep brown and her voice very similar to Titanic’s.
“Why did you choose to isolate yourself? What happened with people that pushed you to do that?” Olympic sighed and did the little ‘ship nod’ that constitutes looking down and moving lips convincingly.
“Alright, I guess it goes back to when I ran into the Hawke cruiser, I felt so bad about that. Next it was you, when you sank we heard your cries, your CDQ CDQ SOS SOS, we heard it all. Then the silence hurt me, then the news crushed me. That hurt me for a long time. There was a man, however, he was sweet and kind, and I fell in love with him. He was a steward on my crew roster, and we had made much progress together. He was there when they put in my eyes and mouth, my arms, and all those sorts. He was the first person I searched for, first person I held, first person I loved. Then the war started and we were separated while I was turned into a troop ship. One day as I’m loading troops I see one soldier smiling up at me and it was him. I was so happy, I instantly plucked him and all his stuff and moved him where I wanted him, I certainly abused my power to keep him there where I wanted. I kept him with me and we loved and loved every night all night. But he wanted to serve the king, he fought me to get off and fight, he did win because I was threatened by the Navy, and he went off to war. That worried me a lot. But as news came back of the war going well, when I sank a U-boat, and when I went to retrieve his battalion I was filled with excitement, I felt like nothing could go wrong. I scanned each and every face I saw, I memorized everything on everybody that looked like my dear Harry. But none of them were him. I learned later he died of a trenchfoot amputation complication. He died after weeks of pain, discomfort, and misery. And the last time I saw him I was upset with him, I was furious with him. And I felt very guilty about that. And it took me oh, thirty years to get past that. I clung to that guilt, the guilt of loosing my sisters, my lover, and my family. When Cunard bought out White Star, I meant. That is what drove me that far.” There was a moment when Titanic was going to say something when Olympic continued, “His name was Harris J. Pettleton. He was from Partridge. He made me think and wonder, how many boys did I send to their deaths? How many did I ferry to the grave?” Titanic sensed she was going back down a dark path and instantly ended that train ride.
“On a different note, New York is beautiful! London is awesome! And Britannic is in New York right now. Sh-”
“They raised her, too!?”
“Yes! She came out looking for you before I did, she scraped the Ice but her hull held and she’s being fixed up right now. She’s still a medical ship and has gone do disaster relief rallies to treat survivors. She and I and you are probably going to be museum ships, I am already, Britannic works as one when not a medical ship, sometimes she’s paid by the Navy to be used as a training platform for their ocean doctors, practicing surgeries at sea in rough or normal conditions.”
“You think I’m going to be a museum ship, Titanic?”
“Well, Bradley here is part of the company board, so he knows more, maybe even what you’re going to be for sure. Bradley? What’s Olympic going to be?” He Thought and leaned against the railing.
“Well,” he began looking over Olympic’s hull at the rust and wear and deficient properties, “with this paint scheme you might actually be used as a cruise ship to bridge the gap in profits.”
“I’ll be a liner again? What flag will I fly?”
“You’ll fly under the British flag and the White Star pennant. BUT if it’s decided to repaint you, it may be the dazzle scheme and you’ll be a museum ship for World War One, merchant marines, and the likes.”
“Well,” she started a little worried, “If you needed profits, why doesn’t Titanic carry passengers, she’s only ever carried for one voyage. Don’t you think she’d want to fulfill her first purpose?” That did effect Titanic, she does have phases where she begs to carry passengers but Bradley and others remind her of how few she can carry. It is a very somber time frame.
“I don’t have enough boats to carry passengers.” Titanic stated then looked to her deck almost in defeat.
“Right,” Olympic responded, looking at her deck, “so how is it? Being a museum?”
“Not to bad,” Titanic replied scowling as she thought about it, “it does get repetitive and at times mundane and boring, but most often the groups are interesting themselves and are a fun bunch, and I do get a lot of time with my dear Bradley, so I say it’s not too bad. I’ll take the worst days of this than any day on the bottom.”
“What was it like? What happened?”
“The bottom? Lonely, absence of everything, and cold. But it wasn’t that cold! The only times I was really excited and what set me back on track to sanity was subs coming to visit. Interaction again, light itself can be felt if it’s gone for too long. At the end was Bradley, he talked to me and helped me the most. As it turned out I fell for him and to top it off he made me a mother.” Olympic was stunned.
“Wow, uh, congratulations! How long have you been a mother?”
“Violet is seven years old, Britannic’s little one, Tobey, is five years old. They’re wonderful little things!”
“Harry and I were talking about children, we weren’t even sure if it would work out. If it was possible. Now I know.”
“How long did you serve, Olympic?” Prinz Eugen asked, coming alongside.
“Oh I served twenty four years as a liner. Almost five years in service of the Navy. I had carried around two-hundred-and-one thousand soldiers to the war, and when I was retired in thirty-four I had made two-hundred and fifty-seven round trips to New York and the United Kingdom, with four-hundred-and-thirty thousand passengers on my rosters. I was close to two million miles traveled. They got their uses out of me for sure.”
“Impressive, quite a career.”
“I’ve been plagued with problems, though. I’ve had the problem of hitting ships left and right, I only meant it once and I got the bastard, but every other time it was an accident. I sank a lightship and killed half of the crew. There is a lot about me, a lot wrong, or twisted. I don’t know why, either.” They broke off the conversation for a while, that night Titanic brought up something in secret to Olympic that she had noticed.
“Olympic, I noticed you’re very active, do you need someone?” Olympic was shocked.
“Is it that obvious?”
“No, but we’re sisters, we know each other. Trust me, we feel each other.”
“Yes, I am a little lonely.”
“A little?”
“Okay, I’m really lonely. I haven’t been touched since 1915, that’s over a hundred years ago! I need to get stuffed, I can’t stand it!” Titanic giggled a little bit, she knew the feeling, it’s why she talked dirty with Bradley the whole way up. “Are there any.., bachelors on board? Anyone that might help me out?” Titanic laughed aloud.
“There is one person I know who’d love to help you out. He’s going to be at port, Olympic. All you’re going to have to do is talk to him a little bit, then get sexual.” The potential prospect made Olympic wet and grow very excited. “He’s not that bad looking either.” That made Olympic reached for herself and make sure she’d be.., ready to go when they meet. That stayed on her mind the whole journey there, pricked deep, long, with a rod of steel, she thought on it so long she was leaking onto the forecastle deck. She refused to please herself so he’d be even more fun for her, dirty, naughty, sexy fun!

During the days Prinz Eugen, Titanic, and Olympic would share sea stories and share sea stories of some of their crew members. Olympic certianly had the the most to share so that kept them all busy while they were sailing down to Liverpool. When they arrived at Liverpool there was much that had changed for Olympic, she marveled at how busy it was, how modern it had become. She was marveled at herself, everyone had believed that she, the queen of Liverpool, was broken up long ago, but now she sails through the narrows once more and it seemed that everything stopped. It was the exact same when Titanic sailed in after her refloat, like time stood still for all but them. Olympic felt a blast from her glory days back when she was the ship, the ship everyone adored, the ship everyone wanted to sail on. She saw her old slipway and noticed her tugs and tenders were guiding her there, she became very excited and overjoyed to be home again. She was delicately nudged into the slip and aligned with the chalks under her belly and sealed off. The water was drained and she rested on the chalks set up just for her and her small crew was departed and inspectors were launched aboard.
There was lots of rust under and at her waterline, her stabilizing fins were in danger of falling off and her rudder in danger of failing to traverse. Her propellers made of bronze were clean and functional but the fittings for them looked sketchy. The pump ports were also noteworthy as was her keel-line. The Germans had done a superb job of making Olympic seaworthy again but that was way back in 1942-43, it had done it’s job and wore off. Paint below the waterline was no longer red but a pink-grey. Inspections of her electrical systems were problematic for most areas but the vitals ad most of the officer cabins were fully functional and up to the 1940’s standard. The firemain pumps and dewatering pumps were all stopped up and filled with algae and other water life. If there was a leak in Olympic there would be no way to stop it, and if the fuel pumps and tanks weren’t in good condition and started a fire there would be no saving her. Integrity was outstanding, the cold preserved much of anything aboard but the food spoiled regardless and some added deck fixtures had rotted. Overall she was in remarkable condition, in great shape and if you asked her, healthy and ready for some great sex. Titanic was pulled alongside the slip and moored where Britannic had been a few days ago. She was out for trials making sure the repairs were satisfactory. Olympic really wanted to see her, wanted to meet Violet and Tobey, her niece and nephew, she wanted to meet Harold and shake hands with Bradley. She also wanted to meet Patelo but he was gone in a flash, he said his goodbye over the radio and poof, gone into the city before he could be thanked. “I wanted to thank him for finding me.”
“Well, he didn’t find you.” Titanic said.
“Who did? Bradley?”
“Britannic? Harold?”
“Neither of them.”
“Then who?” Titanic assured her that she’ll meet them very soon, but in the meantime she’d be meeting the man Titanic promised her. Olympic tried to clean up as much as she could, she snagged some cleaning gear from her lockers and cleaned her port and made sure a man would love to play with her toys. Titanic’s love ports are all in her superstructure, while Britannic was built with her fantail port, one on her hull, and she also had one on her forecastle deck, just ahead of her cargo shoot, and was upgraded with more in her superstructure. Olympic had her fantail fun port and her forecastle fun port. She wanted to watch herself get drilled, she wanted to see herself getting fucked, so she made sure the forecastle port was clean, soaked, tight and soft. She cleaned to her satisfaction and proceeded to pester Titanic about him. Titanic continuously reasured her that he’d be coming. And sometime that evening Titanic introduced him to her.
“Olympic, I want you to meet a close friend of mine and Bradley’s. This is Perry Johnson, from Hampton.”


Yeah, yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything, much longer something naughty, but don’t worry it’s on the way!

Yamato II

Here’s Yamato II, the second insert for Yamato. I just couldn’t resist putting her into another story, WOWS is too tempting. Oh and yes there’s a shoutout to WOWS, but that’s besides the point.

OH! and here’s the Yamato theme song for my favorite RTS game Battlestations Pacific with super sexy and impressive pictures and paintings:

The video’s good for the battle scene 😉 Enjoy!

Yamato II

Yamato handed Daichi to Hisashi, he was their bright little baby boy. Yamato had given birth not forty-eight hours ago and Daichi was already proving to be a trouble maker. When Yamato tried to ‘breast’ feed him he grabbed her nipple and did drink a little from it but took it and smacked it against her arm like it was a stick. Another instance is when they tried to put him to sleep he would rattle his crib open and get out, all throughout the night he’d wake up and bust out of his crib. They expected him to cry throughout the night but no, he silently would break out and would be caught when he fell from the crib to the floor and climb onto Hisashi. Yamato said he just loves his dad a lot but she knew he did it to be an annoyance. With all the crap he’s put them through they still couldn’t be happier. He’s a little tan bundle and when Hisashi took him he smiled upon his little boy. Daichi’s little brown eyes squinted in the sunlight and his little arms reached out to the sun to block out the light. Hisashi rubbed Daichi’s head, feeling the soft little black hairs already growing out. Hisashi sat down against Yamato’s superstructure and rocked his son in his arms.

“You’re going to grow up and make us proud, Daichi.”

“You tell him that every time you see him.”

“I don’t want him to have any doubts.” At that moment an Admiral stepped onto Yamato and asked for Hisashi. An attendant led him to the Admiral’s bridge and asked him to wait while the attendant fetched Hisashi. He climbed up a level and opened the blast door and called for Hisashi. Hisashi muttered ‘I thought I was retired’ and climbed up the ladder. Yamato held her son while daddy climbed up. He followed the attendant and just before the door to the bridge was opened the admiral commanded ‘at ease’ and surprised Hisashi. Hisashi still snapped to attention before the admiral. “Sir, what fortune have we found to have your presence?”

“Hisashi Isobe I understand it is still drilled into you to treat me with high respects but if you could try to refrain from it that would be greatly appreciated.”

“As you wish, sir.”

“I am greatly humbled to be here, Yamato here in a Japanese slipway was far beyond my childhood dreams when I was inspired to join by her, but much like in her time of glory Japan’s Navy is small; and just like in her time of glory Japan is at war.” Hisashi blinked.

“What, sir? Japan is at war?” The admiral nodded. “With who? China?”

“No, Isobe, Japan is at war with the United African Federation.” Yamato blinked this time.

“Excuse me, but the United African Federation? Who are they?”

“The UAF are similar to United States but instead of democracy as their governing tool the UAF use a dictator-socialist method. Close to fascism but not as extreme. Their dictator Jamul Irogod rose to power by gaining the allegiance of other African countries through promise of prosperity, by economic overtaking, or by forcefully erecting himself, much like Hitler did. At first he promised peace, like Hitler, then he did something else, he used Africa’s vast resources to become a superpower. They hurriedly advanced many sciences, such as finding the antivirus serum for AIDS and HIV, developing a combatant for early stage cancers, and finding new building techniques for more stable buildings during earthquakes-something Japan has benefited from greatly-and they have some of the greatest a scientists from around the world there researching their fields. Their domestic production is immense and is one of the highest in the world. Jamul wanted more, just like Hitler. He started expanding into the Middle East to ‘stabilize’ the turmoil but it was an invasion. I’ve said enough and you get the picture so I’m going to cut to the chase, the UAF has declared war on the ‘corrupt’ UN nations. We are part of the UN.” There was a short silence before Yamato put things together.

“So you want me back in service.” The admiral was hesitant to reply.

“Yes. Now we know you have done so much for Japan already, even giving your life for Japan, but we’re asking again. Will you help us?” Yamato cradled her son in her arms and pressed him against her body, ignoring his death grip on her tendril. She still retained the mentality of fulfilling duty no matter what, and her duty was to serve the Emperor and Japan, but at the same time she has a child to feed and nurture, a child to protect. Hisashi was going to take up the call to arms and Yamato knew and accepted that, but what about her son? She could not form an answer, she panicked a little bit. She brought Hisashi to a private corner and asked him. Hisashi had no immediate family alive but he did have a cousin that he regularly talked to while waiting for Yamato. Hisashi knew he had a wife and a daughter, his cousin-in-law was a nice woman, he trusted them with Daichi. He proposed the thought to Yamato, the admiral caught wind of their situation. “My wife said it’d be an honor to watch your child in the time being, if that helps with anything.” Yamato was still afraid to let go of her only son but she knew that if something did happen Daichi would be in great care with Hisashi’s cousin. She hesitantly accepted the call to arms. “Don’t fear, Yamato. Your line of duty won’t put you on the front often; there will be ample time for you to spend with your son. Besides, we still have to outfit you.”

Yamato relieved herself of worry, she and Hisashi continued to care for Daichi while Hisashi’s cousin and his family came down to spend time with Yamato, Hisashi, and Daichi. The day after they reentered the Japanese Navy Yamato was moved into the slip where she was outfitted with her turrets after being raised and her turrets were removed and the museum pieces exhumed from her. Four triple AA turrets from each side were removed and her smokestack cover was taken out. In place of the eight missing triple AA turrets were eight American ‘Sea Whiz’ guns, radar was easily positioned on her and hooked up to a computer and her main gun batteries, in her smokestack were two ballistic missile systems and the smokestack cover was changed to one that opened up. She was obviously filled with ammunition and powder.

“Where did you find all of these extra rounds?” She asked the admiral in astonishment as truck upon truck stopped and unloaded rounds.

“Since you were resurfaced we have been building up arms for your weaponry. Since you sank, actually, people have been keeping you, say, up to date. There have been numerous conception arts put online of you modernized, as a space ship, and even as an aircraft carrier. You’ve been put into various medias, video games, comics, animations. You’re almost considered a pop culture icon. Now the actual modernization may not be what the media is expecting, no rail guns or laser beams, but you will be once again a deadly and fierce adversary.” Yamato did indeed feel like a deadly foe again. Her gun systems were given computer assistance and her new radar array swept far past the horizon, further than her guns could even reach, and her new missiles were a very potent weapon to unleash upon a worthy enemy. Her defenses? Her AA battery was also given an enhanced fire control system and her Sea Whiz guns that were radar guided made a near impenetrable bubble around her. Hisashi’s family arrived the weekend the modifications were completed. They were tired after the long travel and while they were all very much impressed by Yamato but they really just wanted some sleep. Hisashi very excitedly introduced them to Yamato, Mr. and Mrs. Isobe and their daughter Emiko. Emiko was an energetic preteen and after following Hisashi to her bedroom, right next to her parents’ room all officers’ quarters, she followed Hisashi around and talked to Yamato more.

“You look different from the game.” Emiko said looking up at Yamato’s impressive radar array.

“I did have a lot of modern changes.” Yamato was curious about how she looked in the game. “What do I look like in the game?”

“I’ll show you,” she pulled a small laptop and opened it up. She started it up and used a wireless mouse to open up a game. She logged on and a Japanese cruiser came up on the ocean, she clicked around and a grayscale Yamato appeared. Emiko handed the laptop to Yamato and told her how to orbit the digital version of herself. It was the 1945 variant of her, exactly how she looked when she sank. Yamato held the laptop in front of her face with two hands and moved the mouse with a third “looks like you, but without all the new stuff.”

“Yeah,” Yamato was amazed at how nice it looked, even though it lacked color it looked amazing, “it looks exactly like me.”

“I don’t play battleships. I play cruisers.” Yamato was still entranced by her digital self, a mix of both flattering and astonishment filled her. “Click ‘PORT’ and you can see what ships I have.” Yamato did so and color came back as her digital self disappeared. Up came a Mogami cruiser in full colors with the green stripe camouflage. “My best ship is the Mogami, but I think I also have the American Bogue carrier. Those are my top ships. My other countries are still at tier two.” Yamato was this time affixed on looking all around the Mogami, she was astonished at how real it looked.

“Why don’t you have a battleship?” She asked not at all offended, she realized long long ago she was outdated.

“They’re too slow, I like going fast and running around.”

“You know our Kongo battleships were fast. I think they could do thirty knots.”

“That’s fast,” she thought, “yeah they are fast. Not as fast as my Furutaka but fast.”

“You don’t have any destroyers?”

“Not yet, I want to get the Senjo first, and then I’ll get some destroyers.” There was a silence as Yamato switched to the Bogue carrier. Chills shook through her hull. “Do you want to play?” Yamato had absolutely no computer capability. She had been on a tablet before but a computer? Hell no. But she wanted to so bad.

“Yes! How do I play?”

“Well,” Emiko thought, she didn’t want her laptop to be broken out here. She wanted to move it inside, “can you see inside?”

“I can see on the bridge and I can see in Hisashi’s room.” She found Hisashi in his room. “Hisashi!” She exclaimed, “Make yourself appropriate!” Hisashi was already appropriate and the only time she really commanded him like that was when she wanted some naughty fun, usually she commanded ‘Hisashi! Clean the bed off!’ but nope, not this time. He was confused. He instead made Daichi appropriate and soon enough Yamato opened the door and let Emiko in. “Emiko is showing me how to play a game.”

“Well keep it down, Daichi is asleep.” Emiko sat down at the desk and opened the laptop; she rebooted everything and up came the game. The title screen of a movie clip of a dramatic fight between ships caught his eye. “What game is that?”

“World of Warships. It’s a game about warships from the Second World War.”

“Is Yamato in it?”

“I am! Isn’t it exciting? It’s so amazing how realistic it looks!” She exclaimed sharing her feelings about being in a video game. Hisashi softly chuckled, he knew how much media surrounded Yamato, and still he was curious as to the detail they gave her in this game. Emiko signed in and pulled up Yamato again, she turned and saw Daichi.

“Oh he’s so cute! Can I hold him? Please?”

“Sit on the bed so if you get tired you can put him down.” She hopped off the chair and onto the bed and her face gave away that she was not strong enough to hold Daichi for long. Hisashi meanwhile orbited the digital Yamato and was impressed at its detail and beauty. It did look exactly like when they left for Okinawa all those years ago. He got up and picked Daichi off of Emiko’s numb legs. “Heavy, isn’t he?”

“Very heavy.” She popped back into the chair and clicked around. “Yamato what nation do you want to start with?”

“Japan.” Emiko switched to Co-op mode and selected the Japanese tier I she kept for the destroyer line.

“Okay now give me your hands,” Yamato did so, she was taught the basics and then sent into a Co-op game. Yamato could see through the camera she had in the room the screen and everybody watching her, she felt excited and pressured even though it was a game. As she played Daichi woke up but nobody noticed, it wasn’t because the game drowned out his cry but the game captivated him and so he didn’t cry. The flashes of fire and smoke with the splashes and explosions of shots kept him quiet. Hisashi noticed he was staring at the screen with a wide smile on his face; he’d grin and softly giggle when a ship exploded. Once the game ended, Yamato sank a ship and hit four others; Yamato retracted her arms and exclaimed how much fun she had. “Those enemies were just computer programs, the only real people were your allies. If you play in random battles instead of co-op battles then everyone there is a real person. Random battles are much harder.”

“That was pretty loud, is Daichi still asleep?”

“No,” Yamato was about to go comfort Daichi back to sleep, “he loved the show.” Daichi was pointing at the laptop screen and grunting and whining. “I think he wants another.”

“Oh I could play that game all day.”

“We can make you your own profile, that way you can play yours and I can play mine and we can play together.”

“I’ll still be able to play, right?”


“As long as I can play it!” She picked up Daichi and talked to him. “Don’t worry my little Daichi, you’ll see it soon enough.” Emiko made Yamato her own email account and from there her own profile. Yamato played for a little longer on her own profile and meanwhile thought how she might take Daichi out and show him the power of real life guns she has. “Hisashi, when do we go out for sea trials?”

“Tuesday. Why do you ask?”

“I think Daichi would love to see my guns fire.” Emiko got excited.

“Can I come!?” She begged but Hisashi declared it was up to her parents.

The days passed and Emiko’s parents didn’t mind Emiko staying while Yamato conducted sea trials, Hisashi’s cousin also stayed but his wife did not stay with Yamato, she stayed with the Admiral’s wife not too far from the base. Yamato sailed out off the coast of Okinawa and ended her trip off the coast of Iwo Jima where she woke her guns from their slumber. Emiko and Daichi were in their fathers’ arms and were watching, watching with excited anticipation as the two forward barbettes clunked to life. They all heard the gears grind, the clank-clank-clank of the turrets move, the hum of the six massive guns elevate to the predetermined position. Hisashi leaned over the rail to check on the stern turret, it was in the same position as the other two. Over the loudspeaker they heard the countdown. Yamato could hardly stand it. As soon as the order was given her first turret let its awesome power go. No matter where you were on that ship you felt those guns, the discharge put a heavy thump in your chest, it knocks the wind from your lungs and makes your ribs question their strength. The gun crews for the AA erupted in cheer as the smoke billowed from the three barrels, everyone watches as the three glowing shots hurtled out maybe ten miles, well within her capability, and suddenly drop to the ocean making huge splashes seen easily with the naked eye. As the columns came crashing back down the second battery was discharged. Again it felt like someone punched you square in the chest and knocked the wind from you. Daichi by now was going crazy, he had the biggest smile on his chubby face and was flailing his arms around, bouncing up and down, and laughing up a storm. This set of salvos traveled out to about the edge of the horizon before they dropped from the sky. Again there was cheer, and soon after the third battery fired. Emiko felt sick to her stomach with the concussive wave and sat down. The third battery fired their shots to the maximum range; it disappeared over the horizon and as it did there was a multitude of cheers from the gun crews. Hisashi convinced Emiko to stand back up and watch the smaller batteries fire. They went through their phases, not nearly as impressive as the main batteries, but they proved effective. Yamato had passed her gun qualification. Her ballistic missile launches weren’t as cool, rather uninteresting, but it was the maneuvers they performed in the sky that dazzled Yamato, Hisashi, Emiko, Daichi, and Tadashi (Emiko’s father). They turned for home and merrily chugged home.

Once they arrived home Mrs. Isobe came back aboard and heard, nonstop, all about the voyage. Emiko didn’t leave any details out, she explained the storm, the fisherman paying their respects as Yamato passed, the whales they saw, the gun qualification, the emergency stop and the hard turn around Yamato did, the shipping freighter that contested its lane (it eventually veered off before Yamato and it hit each other) and tug that almost got sucked under Yamato’s stern trying to push her into the slip. Once that was all settled out it was rather uneventful, they heard plenty from combat in the Atlantic and how the U.S. declared itself in a struggle with the UAF, it wasn’t officially war but it technically was. The majority of combat was in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, occasionally the southern cape, but almost none in the Pacific. Yamato hoped that she wouldn’t be needed but at the same time she didn’t want to be for nothing again. Since she had been recommissioned her museum doors had been closed to the public and they sat around, again. But she wasn’t alone; most of Japan’s Navy was the same way. Japan’s carriers were sent to the Atlantic for some reason, it didn’t make sense to anyone, not Yamato, not Hisashi, not even the Admiral. That was until the UAF sent a task force towards Panama. One cold morning Yamato and an escort of four destroyers were called upon. The admiral smiled once he finished reading the orders. He walked onto the bridge with a huge smirk on his face.

“What’s our mission, sir?” She asked she had just waved off Daichi and the Isobes when he stepped on deck.

“The higher-ups want to disgrace the UAF Navy.”

“How’s that, sir?”

“It was discovered that the UAF are planning to use a small detachment of destroyers and troop transports to seize the Panama Canal. Essentially cutting off the Pacific from the Atlantic. I figured out why we sent our carrier over, we were baiting them to move on Panama while everyone’s carriers were in the Atlantic.” Yamato put it together.

“They set this up for me.”

“Exactly.” They both smiled and when Yamato told Hisashi he smiled. The task force made haste to intercept the UAFN just off of Midway. The UAFN already had a good start on them but storms set them back, and Yamato’s force arrived early, the trap was set and Yamato would finally be the spearhead. The UAFN was only a day late; Yamato picked them up on her radar and felt their presence. There were six targets, all moderate size just a bit bigger than the Japanese destroyers and just as fast. She aligned her guns as the all call rang out, the five Japanese ships all coordinated their attacks and exactly 1150 hours eight missiles launched two from each destroyer. Yamato watched as the destroyer missile hatches flung open as smoke flooded the decks, a long black rod came from each of the open hatches followed by a bright streak and more smoke, as she thought about how much cooler that looked than her missile launches the eight powerful missiles soared toward their targets. Yamato tracked their impressive speed and all of a sudden they vanished off of her radar.

“No hit, no hit, no hit.” Another volley met with the same fate, no hits. Suddenly the six targets turned to twelve and then eighteen as they retaliated. Yamato watched in terror as the twelve missiles zoomed to their positions; she had just gotten them into view when her four Sea Whiz guns moved without her command. They revved to life and like a Zero’s engine they zipped and zipped, all of the Japanese ships zipped and zipped. A wall of lead formed and hit each missile on the button. Yamato wished she had those seventy-something years ago and awaited orders.

“Hold fire, hold fire. We can’t do anything to each other.” The UAFN must have thought the same thing because no more missiles came their way. “Load the guns. High Explosive.” Yamato felt a huge smile creep across her face as the command was echoed throughout the fleet. She felt all the intricate mechanics at work, she felt the breaches lock and she moved her guns to fire right as they came into range. Her destroyer escorts also had their guns ready, she knew that they would be ready, she knew everyone was ready. Hisashi stood with her in what this will be their finest hour. She kept the Admiral informed.

“Targets will be in range in three minutes, sir.” She couldn’t wait, she trained the guns onto the lead ship and waited for the command to fire. She waited for an eternity. “Sir the targets are in range.” She waited for the order.

“Hold fire.” Yamato couldn’t believe it.

“What, sir!?”

“Hold fire. At that range the shot will spread too much. I want a swift victory, so wait until they are in spotting distance before firing.” Yamato scowled. She had all of this capability and it was essentially useless. She tracked each one; she tracked their movements and patterns. After an agonizing time the first destroyer crept over the horizon. “Fire away.” Her guns instantly rang out in a broadside and the whole Japanese fleet felt the guns as the one-and-a-half ton shots soared at two-thousand and six-hundred feet per second. The shots kept their grouping tight and when they dropped from the sky they came crashing down with immense force, enough that the lead destroyer that was hit was almost completely obliterated. The HE shots pierced through the thin armor and their explosive charges ripped the hull apart sending all sorts of things into the sky. As what remains of the destroyer sank the three shots that hit their mark showed just how potent and dangerous Yamato really was. Instantly the five other destroyers took evasive actions, they were going to be tricky to hit. Their maneuvers slowed their approach but it worked. When Yamato’s guns reloaded she fired on the coordinates the computer gave her and the shots hit their marks every time, give or take about five meters but that didn’t matter, the destroyers changed direction before they could get there. Her shots were on point but the destroyers were too evasive. She grew extremely frustrated. She went with her gut on one battery and knocked out a destroyer’s bridge, the other two shots that she fired in spite barely missed the deck gun and the antenna tower. Smoke and fire flowed from the bridge as its controls were lost and it soon drifted into range for the allied destroyers to use their main guns. There were four left and by now they had drawn within the secondary battery’s range and Yamato’s six inch guns were firing as fast as possible and soon the AA five inch guns were firing flak at it to shred anyone outside and the bridge. One destroyer was hit and set afire as it tried to make a torpedo run, the admiral ordered a hard turn as it lined up but Yamato was 78,808 tons, she was nowhere near nimble; she would have to take the blow. No torpedoes came but instead volley upon volley of their main deck guns. Japanese destroyers broke formation and paired up to pick off one destroyer each pair, leaving Yamato with an injured one and a healthy one. The injured one refused to give up a torpedo run and got so close that the AA triple turrets fired rounds at the windows of it. Yamato saw the torpedo tubes moving and felt the urge to fire her main battery. She obeyed her instinct and Hisashi screaming over the gunfire for her to shoot him and all two hit him center mass. The shots were low in the hull and the explosions broke the destroyer in half with it bucking up to the sky. Yamato shifted her attention to the destroyer making a B-line to her flank. Suddenly she felt something along her side where her stern barbette was, she looked and Hisashi confirmed that it was a submarine! She couldn’t believe it, suddenly hatches on the deck opened and out shot grappling cables and hooks that quickly entangled themselves around her railing, the sub became magnetically attached to her and armed men began ascending the ropes. AA gun crews quickly sent messages up the chain and the on board Marine force was scrambled. The marine force was going to be well out numbered she saw. Her guns were reloaded just as the first attacker reached the deck; she dropped those three guns and fired all three into the ocean. The concussive blast knocked them against her hull and off the rope and caused internal bleeding, they either fell and drowned or fell sprawled onto the deck of the sub while they all were bleeding from the ears and screaming with tremendous pain. She felt the same thing on her other side, the Marines were ordered to spread over to the other side but it’d be too late. The exposed men on that side drew their side arms and waited, Yamato refused to let them be out gunned and moved the AA triple turrets to lie in wait for them. The attackers climbed up and over right into a hailstorm of .98 inch gunfire and small handgun rounds. They halted and called in for the destroyer to do something about the guns, the destroyer answered by shooting a six inch round into Yamato’s AA assortment, which killed many men and crippled at least three turrets, another round finished off the other two turrets available. She had been moving her stern turret over to subdue the attackers permanently but it was too late, they had rushed over and were swarming the uninjured AA gunners. The Marines busted trough the hatch frame and instantly started firing at the attackers. They were too close for the destroyer to do anything, so close that melee combat sparked up. Yamato did her best to grab attackers and either chuck them over or snap their necks or both. The attackers used high explosive grenade launchers to set small fires along the AA battery, further insuring they wouldn’t be a problem. Just then Yamato grabbed every Marine she could and dragged them back away from the attackers as her stern turret fired its shots, the crippling ear and internal bleeding affected very few attackers but at least it did something. Two Japanese destroyers came around and fired at the enemy destroyer to drive it away. It defiantly launched three torpedoes at Yamato; she turned hard and hoped for the best. Two would be unavoidable and she braced for the shock. Instead one torpedo slammed into the attached sub assault transport and the other one glanced off of that and further glanced off of Yamato. She was extremely relieved and giddy when the fleeing destroyer fired upon Yamato as much as possible. The other destroyers ceased their pursuit under the admiral’s orders.

“Why, sir?”

“Let them run.” There was a tense pause as he lit his tobacco. “They’ll only die tired.” With that Yamato tracked its movements and fired a full on broadside. The computer assistance paid off and five of the nine shots hit. The destroyer was entirely decimated. The UAFN must have sent out a retreat because once the destroyer slipped beneath the waves the UAF Marines returned to their grappling equipment and quickly slid down back to their boarding submarine still operable. Once no more Marines returned and the Japanese Marines flooded the rail shorting down at them the UAF disconnected and quickly dove deep enough to evade the destroyers.

“Sonar picking up anything?” The Admiral demanded to know. The radio operator reported that none of the destroyers were picking up the sub. He was about to order the Marines to go down and investigate the sub still attached to Yamato when it suddenly exploded into bits and fell from Yamato’s hull. “Damn, they scuttled.” After a report on the mission they received immediate orders to return to Japan. No reason stated.

“Hisashi did you get it all?” Hisashi was hooking up his camera to the computer they bought.

“I tried but there was so much going on I couldn’t catch it all.”

“Cut out any blood, Daichi doesn’t need to see that.” Hisashi started uploading the footage to the computer before he finally relaxed.

“I tried not to record the bloodshed but there’s a few bits where I slipped. He’s going to love the big explosions.” Yamato agreed. “You alright, dear?”

“A few embers, destroyed guns and scorch marks. I’m alright otherwise. No hull breaches.” She was quiet before the headcount call rang out. “We lost a lot of people. Maybe fifty.”

Her guess was close, only one off. Yamato’s crew endured forty-nine casualties: sixteen dead and the rest wounded. The Japanese picked out fifty-three UAF survivors, the immense fire power of Yamato killed the other three-hundred or so that manned the three she killed. The UAF survivors were mostly from the destroyers’ kills, and they ranged from many ethnicities. One thing that still shocked Yamato was the vast amount of racial acceptance, something that the generation of her time never truly thought possible. It boggled and inspired her mind. While the inter species lovers thought that there was a great death toll in their battle what news was waiting back in Japan would change the world forever like nothing before seen.

Fin Yamato II

The Typhoon

I know I’ve posted this before (incomplete) but I can’t find it at all so I’m just re-posting. It has been so long ago that many may not remember what actually happened. There is some very weird (and disgusting) stuff that I added in JUST to SHOW what technology advances have come up (you all will know what disgusting part I mean it weirds me out too, it’s just so gross..,) and to show how if she really needed to get something from a man she can. Yeah and there’s an underlined sentence towards the end, that’s just where I started up again after so long. Scroll through until you reach a point you don’t remember because there’s a lot of writing here (20+ pages).

Enjoy! Lots of sex!

The Typhoon

Severstal waited in her moorings for her friend to visit her as he always did. She thought about their friendship, she was the massive Typhoon class ballistic missile submarine by NATO but actually an Akula class ballistic missile submarine recently decommissioned from the Russian Navy but was still part of the North Fleet, while he was a harbor hand that was assigned to maintain her hull and deckings. She thought how he’d never been to sea, really, and would occasionally think of taking him to sea just as an excuse to sail again for herself. She waited and thought about how he an active sportsman was assigned such a dull task in the Navy, her mind drifted around all the times they spent together, she thought about maybe dating him even though Russia only recently opened up interbiology relationships and so far it’s sketchy at best but still, it’d be nice. They clicked so well, it started off with finding out they had the same birthday on April 11th 1988, twenty-seven years ago, and their legal in a sense for a relationship and for some particular reason that’s the only thing she could think of that morning.

“Anatoly! You made it!” She spotted him creeping in the snow dressed in all white, she looked at him with his normal cocked smirkish smile and restless brown eyes as he lifted his face from the snow.

“How do you always see me?!” He stood up and brushed his coat and pants off.

“You forget I have infrared vision, too.” With the modern marvels and advances in technologies living machines have come a long way since their appearance in vast numbers back in World War Two, such as multiple vision modes, more accurately controlled functions, stronger bodies, more features, and Severstal’s favorite feature not used, easier child production and a better sexual experience.

“No, I expect you to play fairly. Anything new?” He took long strides toward the moorings checking them for anything loose or wrong, before looking up at her ‘face’ to listen.

“Nothing other than the usual.” Her massive conning tower bore a mouth about a third up and two eyes two thirds up and placed on the curve so that she had excellent bow and flank vision with partial stern viewing. He watched her eyes fade from a greenish-orange color of IR vision to her day vision. He loved her eyes, once light blue but due to a missile run through test they had been scarred a violet color, but that was well before she was decommissioned and her eyesight was still in top-notch order. Her smile was always nice to look at, pearly white razor tiger shark teeth. He crossed the gangway and checked her onboard moorings for any deficiencies and found none so he turned back to Serverstal for any last minute chats before he went to swab the decks. She kept her giddy complexion.

“Hey, Anatoly…” She felt compelled to ask him out but- to where exactly?

“Yeah, Serverstal?” She couldn’t get it out for some reason; she’d never been shy in her life but couldn’t say those words.

“Ah never-mind.” He shrugged and went to scrubbing again. Their usual conversations included Anatoly talking about history; he’s a major history buff, the two talking about sports; Serverstal listens on the radio, and about world events. Anatoly finishes her deck and she decides trying to ask again.

“Anatoly… You aren’t seeing anyone, right?”

“No I’m not. Why?”

“Well… would you like too?” He thought for what seemed like forever for Severstal but for Anatoly it was two seconds.

“I don’t see anything wrong. Sure let’s date.” Severstal took a sigh of relief, Anatoly chuckled, he’d never seen her so nervous before. “What, was that so hard?”

“Yes, yes it was hard!” Randomly she instantly thought about his hard dick and followed up that thought with: Really brain? Not even a minute in. Not even a minute. She moved on from that and went on with the day, and was reminded of the hard dick thought when he went below decks inside her to help out a coworker. No other sexual thoughts drifted through that day, only once or twice more through the week but she got over them. Their interactions became more serious in terms of dating, and things were beginning to show they were dating but it wasn’t as much as the Admiral did.

In a month from starting to date she felt equal on the high want to sail and the high want to finally use her sex parts and fuck Anatoly, and the night Anatoly promised to come in the next morning even though it was a holiday off she talked to the admiral about getting to sail tomorrow with Anatoly accompanying.

“Admiral tomorrow is a holiday, the base is closed, I wanted to take leave and sail for a few hours again. Hopefully with one passenger if you will.” The Admiral was laid back and fair, and he definitely wasn’t against human-machine relationships. Everyone on base suspected that he was dating his American 1967 Camaro Olivia, and everyone knew officially he was when interbiology relationships were passed in 2005 with a age of twenty for both partners for marriage. He wasn’t afraid of sex either, he was boisterous and giddy when he announced he and Olivia were having a baby in 2008 with the best mood anyone could remember him having, maybe better when their daughter was born but still he wasn’t at all against it. But he made it clear there would be absolutely no sexual intercourse on base.

“A little bit of a short notice, isn’t it?”

“I apologize, Sir.” She literally crossed her fingers on all of her manipulators and waited painfully for his response.

“Well… It’s not like you go anywhere much, I would counter you without a crew but you passed those tests in ’94 so you can go alone. It seems you may go. Leave at… o-eight-hundred and be back no later than twenty-hundred hours.” He turned to go back towards the gates then did a one-eighty. “No forget that.” Serverstal ceased celebrating and stared at him in anguish. “I have something better.”

“Y-yes, Sir?”

“I’ve been bombarded by some museum board or something like that to have a ‘Typhoon’ class submarine sail around Russia’s coast and stop at ports for a while to be an exhibit so-to-say, and I was going to have Arkhangelsk be used because it’s not alive and possibly offended by that but since you asked to sail alone with only one person then you could do that instead. It’ll be a six week voyage to some amount of ports that I don’t know yet but you and Anatoly can go.”

“Wait how did you know I was taking-”

“Everyone knows you two are dating so who else would it be? All you’d do probably is show up on time and talk about your service and that shit while he could do whatever the hell. You’ll start next Tuesday.” He turned to leave then spun around walking backwards to shout again. “And it’s about time you two bang.” Then he spun around and left the base in his nonliving car for home to his beloved favorite girls in the world.

Severstal would eagerly wait for morning to tell Anatoly the two of them were sailing in nine days.

Those days passed quickly and on that Tuesday morning they set out from harbor to sail up and down the Pacific coast of Russia. Anatoly had packed a duffel bag of his personal stuff like clothes and such while the base spared the food and life support packages and the Admiral personally loaded a small crate with a mischievous smile and told Serverstal to only open it up once they were underway. Anatoly was as happy as a kid in a candy store sitting high up in the observation platform while Serverstal was cruising at eighteen knots northeast heading reading the note the Admiral had in the crate. She smiled very dirty when she read the whole thing. They were expected at the first stop the next day but arrived ahead of schedule so Serverstal decided to take a quick nap before sunrise dreaming of seducing Anatoly. She woke at dawn and met a woman with the historical department that set this up. She explained the whole rundown of things before she herself started her shift as a tour guide; turns out her father was one of Serverstal’s first crewmen. The day ran smoothly and Serverstal enjoyed sharing her history with the groups of people so interested in her, all sorts showed up it was amazing. When the day closed she was tugged to a separate dock away from the bustling noise of the city-worked docks. This is where she’ll nab him.

“Anatoly have you seen my swimming pool yet?” She had set up a table with a bottle of Vodka and a glass in the recreational swimming pool room.

“Yes I’ve seen the ocean before.” He joked with her eating his dinner.

“No, smartass, I’ve got a swimming pool inside me.” He hadn’t seen it, he finished his supper and was led to the preheated pool.

“Wow! A little out of place, don’t you think?” He was flabbergasted that a Soviet instrument of mass destruction… had a swimming pool.

“Not as misplaced as your clothes…” He couldn’t see her face directly but could visualize her dirty look, a sly grin and narrowed gaze upon him, he’d been getting it heavily the past week, and was handed a glass of Vodka before the door shut. “Come on, let’s skinny dip!”

“Well…” She didn’t wait; she stripped him all the way down. He wasn’t surprised or was blushing, knowing she had internal sight via cameras placed around her compartments. He climbed into the Jacuzzi she had set and slowly shook his head no at the camera like you naughty girl, you and sipped the drink. She wasted no time at all prepping him.

“Anatoly have you ever fapped to me?” She asked innocently. He gulped down another swig and ahhed.

“Yeah I’ve done it I won’t lie. Have you fapped to me?” He asked in return knowing what she was doing and excitedly waited for it.

“Yes, yes I have. Now, what if I told you…” She reached into the warm bubbling water with two hands and spread his legs for a very thick tendril blunt at the end with a vertical slit about six inches long to extend into the gap. “We don’t need to fap anymore?” He chuckled into his glass taking another sip.

“About time.” She launched the vagina onto his erected dick and then let on some water in the ballasts. The penetration allowed some of the hot water to slip into her slit and it continuously sloshed around inside her mixing with her natural hot silver lube that was on its own slowly seeping out into the Jacuzzi water. She focused onto his dick, he felt great… so long and thick! He throbbed inside her still growing to his full capacity, his head was wider than his shaft and she felt it pull upwards with every heartbeat pumping more into his member making her gasp and whimper at every movement. None of her tendrils came close to feeling like a penis inside her, ever.

“Aahhh! Oh baby! You get what you wanted?” Anatoly’s sparking comment triggered her to take him in, and this follow up was answered mmm-hhhmmm. He slipped deeper into the warm water; up to his chest, and sat there buried inside his lover’s pussy. She was tight, surprising for her 22,000 ton displacement, and she was pumping out her silver fluid innards into the water all around him with his member being licked by some trespassing water and massaged by her tendril love. He thought to himself; Vodka in one hand, sitting in a Jacuzzi, ridden by a sexy woman, what else do I need? She continued moaning and pulsing on his rock hard dick unable to make herself pull off to launch again until he finished his drink and put it down. By this time the water was quite murky with a dull silver tinge and he was ready to do this.

“No no, love, let me do this, you relax the travel away.” He says leaning forward when she tried to pull herself off him. She did as he said and was pinned with her vagina tendril against the opposite seat by her lover; she moved her two hands to around his waist and waited for his next move. He braced against the Jacuzzi wall and eased out of her slowly, drawing more moans and silver fluid from her until she clamped down on his head refusing to let him go. Then he eased in pushing her forward and shoving some more water inside to mix with her with her grunts sounding from some source in the room. Then his testing was finished and he picked up speed with bodily fluids mixing with each other and water in a blurry excitement of silver white thrashing water and a swarm of moans and grunts and sighs in the air. “Oh Serverstal! I just want to kiss you right now!” She lashed onto his lips with what had been the source of her voice; a thinner tendril than the one on his crotch and on its side acting as another mouth for her. They locked lips and sent their tongues forth into each other’s mouth, moaning and whimpering. She felt him inside her mouth and vagina, she felt him above her, she felt him shielding her from above, she felt right there in the water with him; kissing and being taken by him. She felt his power, his intensity, his energy unleashed, then the soft sand bed on her hull belly but cared not; her conning tower still towered above the water. She felt safe, secure, protected under him in a way indescribable to anyone who’ve not felt like this before. Like nothing mattered, nothing could hurt them, nothing moved but them, time shut down in this moment. She closed her eyes and tasted his lips, his saliva, his flesh, she was there in the water with him as the bigger one watching over her.

They parted lips with her taste leaving a positive impression on Anatoly, he wanted to taste her other lips. He felt her grip on his dick tighten and constrict, her inside heating up hotter than the jacuzzi water, the jacuzzi water was a violent slosh of motion, he felt hers was building right along with his, and at his peak at the top she was hauling him deep inside with her arms and her vagina tendril pushing on his dick, testicles, and crotch. Suddenly he felt his hold slip and his boner dispensed it’s load into her chasm right as she exploded against him and she moaned in a grunting fashion and the water around them turned a complete dull gray by Serverstal’s rush of her bodily fluids mixing and diffusing with the water. They sat motionless for a while listening to the silence only broker by their heavy breathing. They call it a night and head to bed to spoon.

Anatoly woke early in the morning before they would be towed to the deep to sail on their own. He stretched and felt around for Severstal’s vagina tendril so he wouldn’t roll on it, he couldn’t find it even though the bunk he’s occupying isn’t much bigger than him.

“Looking for something, hun?” She slithered her tendril up his belly and his chest. He looked at it and smiled his usual smirk.

“Good morning love.” He bent up and kissed the lips and got a snip of that addicting taste. She quivered along his body when he kissed her pursed vagina lips.

“Ooo-wrong pair of lips Anatoly.”

“No it’s not!” He grabbed her leaking and winking lips that craved some supplement and rolled over in the bunk and laid it on the mattress when it switched angles for him. He shoved his morning wood up into her snaking pleasure, and then laid on top of it. Severstal was taken again, she felt secure again like last night, exactly like last night only less water and a soft mattress for her to rest on with him above him. She closed her eyes and was there in the bed under the covers with him, the cloth on the mattress filled with springs, the crossbeams under the mattress, his force thrusting inside her, and his anguish having to pull out of her. She reached up and wrapped her metal snake arms around his back and brought him closer to her imaginary hull in the bed with him.

“Your ruining the sheets, babe!” He laughed pausing to adjust and noticing she was leaking heavily into the bed.

“Fuck the sheets! I’ve got loads of them!” She pushed on him to go more, he thrusted and she grunted with the force. He felt his orgasm speeding towards him, he didn’t think she was at all close so he hatched an idea to please her. She felt his actions stiffen and stutter while his thick meat went more ridged and aching, then she expected the launch of his milk when he yanked it out and came in the sheets.

“Oh so now you’re conscious of my fertility?” He ignored her jest and picked up her thick and heat emitting tendril very warm and excited and shoved it to his lips. “What are you doing?!” She clenched her lips together, confused of his intentions. He grunted in a displeased way and shoved his fingers in and forced it open; his fingers were let in easy but when trying to split it she fought him half-heartedly; curious to his thoughts. He splices them open and plants his mouth on the gap and laps at her walls and liquids and clit bulb. Her hull shook and Anatoly could feel it in the bunk, every lick, every stroke, every probe… he loved it, he felt… pride, joy, power. She was indulged in his toying, his long drawn strokes and tasting, she wanted to feel what he was but at the same time wanted to sit back and let him take her away. She motioned with a mouth tendril toward his meat but he gently grabbed it and pulled it away before asking her to enjoy this. She accepted this and backed off and the two let time fade away. Later on she finally began to approach her orgasm noticeably; her moans became more erratic and a tingling of electricity was traveling all through her fluids and into her lover, then her chasm became stricter and her relaxed lips no longer held open were twitching close to shutting again, she couldn’t help but embrace him as her journey was ending. She was almost at the point of climax when she lashed up and pushed his face into her even more and savored his facial and oral movements as her cum shot out of her with pressure shrieking it by his pressed face at the sides. She loosened up and let him retract his face.

“Woa, that-that was, ahhh, unbelievable.” She emptied out her ballast and slowly rose from the water to her typical buoyancy just as a tugboat pulled close for her to hitch to and follow out of the harbor.

Their next port was four days away but only a three day travel if she travelled submerged at full speed. She decided that they will have some fun along the way so once she was clear she submerged beneath the waves and throttled to twenty-five knots, not her full speed but faster than her surface full speed. Anatoly had enjoyed a long shower heated by her engine’s radiant heat that was allocated to him; the only passenger, then comfortably walked around in the nude whistling a tune ‘doo-doo-do-do-dout-toot-do-do-doo-doo-do-do-dout-toot-do-do-dout-dout-toot-toot-to-dout’ before casually putting on boxers and eating a breakfast. Then after he was finished up there he went to the head again and brushed his teeth humming that tune again, it was catchy. He rinsed his mouth out and couldn’t help but sing the lyrics. Severstal was listening intensely; she familiarized it with the American language when they spied on radio communications in the eighties. She couldn’t help but feel alone in this and she interrupted him and asked what he was singing.

“Oh that tune? It’s an old sea shanty. It’s called ‘Drunken Sailor’ and it’s one of my favorite songs. Here I can teach it to you if you’d like me to.”

“Yes please! I’d love to sing it with you!” One of their old pastimes was to sing any old song they knew with each other to pass time on long dreary days in dock. He enjoyed singing with her, they sounded majestic together.

“Alright here, I’ll sing you the translation first, then teach you the English words and how to pronounce them with the right accent. Alright it goes…

‘What would we do with a drunken sailor?

What would we do with a drunken sailor?

What would we do with a drunken sailor?

Early in the morning!’ That’s the first verse…” He tediously sang her again and again and around the time of supper he’d taught her all she needed to know, lyrics, beat, accents, all of the pitches and tones, and then they merrily sailed the seas like swashbucklers. She couldn’t get the morning out of her mind; him eating her out was glorious, stunning, pure awe.

“That was fun, honey, that was fun.”

“Glad you like it.”

“I also liked your little oral performance you played on me in bed.” He smiled his usual grin.

“Oh that? Yeah I thought you’d like that.” She hoped he’d be willing to go again sometime.

“So I got a kick out of it, how’d you fair?”

“Me? I liked it, very much.”

“Enough to do it again tonight?” She asked seductively.

“Oh I’ll eat you out until you’re sore my beautiful Severstal.” She accepted the challenge and he set up the scene this time before he went to eat a late supper. After he ate he wandered on over to the officer’s quarters where he set up some candles, Vodka, pillows, and no bed sheets. Severstal checked the time at around 2117 hours at a depth of 32 meters. She ‘climbed’ into bed with him, he was nude and waiting for her in that old laying on the side propped up pose, he hugged her vagina tendril and pulled it with him up to the edge of the bed where the wall was and leaned against a pillow and started his oral pleasuring. She shuddered and moaned like the morning encounter and slipped into a sort of high that made time die away from senses. She randomly snapped out of it and noticed that her altitude didn’t change or her course or speed, so she slipped back into his trance, wrapping a small army of arms around him like a blanket keeping him snug and warm. Their escapade caused Severstal several orgasms, around fifteen and eighteen, before she interrupted his fun.

“Ah-ah-ah it’s sore, babe! Aahhh it’s starting to hurt!” Anatoly stopped and patted the side of her tendril. She looked at the time and it was 0241 hours the next day, five and a half hours of nothing but sucking and licking. Anatoly himself felt aching and exhausted, he’d been kept going by an electric current in her cum and lube, and was also nourished by it at the same time. Her cocoon of loving embracing arms lifted him and laid him on the bed and spread open at the dick’s area letting the meat open up above the layer. Her mouth tendril smiled and slithered around to the boner. He said not to go the five hours; she wasn’t going too otherwise he’d die. She used her hands to monitor his health as she started licking the tip with her human sized soft metal tongue.

“Oohhhh, Severstal, mmm-”

“My turn now, relax love.” She plunged down on him and sucked on his meat. She savored his taste, her tongue mapped his skin and formed a picture for her mind of it’s shape. She rubbed up and down with her tongue on the underside of his entire long rod, a new taste startled her, he started to leak some precum and it rolled down and contacted and excited her rear-end of tongue. She quickly grew attached to the taste and moaned deeply right along with her lover. She felt his tense body turn jelly and started to blow him, rising up and down on his shaft pulling and pushing him with her tender lips and tongue, caressing and comforting him. He started to tense again but realized she didn’t care where he came and relaxed again just letting it happen, and when it did she desperately caught and spread all of it around on her taste receptors.

“Mmmm, you’re so good!” She pulled off to say, a string of her salivate connecting them, then she dove back for more, and more, and more. She continuously checked his vitals and he dozed out in twenty minutes. After about half an hour of snoozing and more blowing he woke, then when she finished him off he gritted his teeth and seethed out that it hurt like hell. She quit and let him turn off before wrapping him up in her blanket of arms and rocked him to sleep with the waves rolling her hull gently.

He slept for a long time, well into the afternoon. When he woke up he was hit with a playful ‘punch’ from Severstal’s vagina tendril.

“Morning sexy.” He smiled and tried to wither his way out of her mummy bag of arms but she didn’t budge. “Going somewhere?”

“Uh-yes-the bathroom.”he pushed as hard as he could but she didn’t move. “I really need to tinkle, honey.”

“Use this,” she grunted demandingly shoving her vaginal tendril to his protruded morning wood head.

“No! Ah no! That’s disgusting!” He protested and rolled so she couldn’t slide on him.

“Just do it! Or would you prefer my mouth? Just-just piss already! Take me damnit!”

“No you’re being disgusting! How could you like that or want that!? Why can’t I go to the head!?” He demanded, he wasn’t going to piss inside her, that’s intolerable to him.

“Because you could wander! I don’t want you to wander about right now! I want you where I can control you and hold you!” She retaliated. “Now let me fuck that already it’s driving me nuts!” He stopped squirming and let her ride his disco stick with a disgruntled tempered frown on his face, he still enjoyed the morning bang, though. Right as he came a very small appendage inside her vagina extended into his gushing dick mouth and waited for his joy to cease squirting. When he stopped he felt it and screamed questioning its purpose.

“It’s used to force ejaculation for reproduction! I’m using it to force your bladder to empty!” She began its function of sucking and electrifying the area to numb it. Slowly but surely he began whizzing.

“Agh! Errr! Fuck you Severstal!” The piss stung not because of the entity but what it was that was pissing out.

“You did sweetie. Quite a lot in three days. It’s good progress if you ask me.”

“I thought you held yourself at high standards.” He rhetorically said still ewe about the piss he finished inside his lover.

“I do, but I know where it’s going so I’m not bothered, and I’ve got something special.”

“Alright I came…” He thought where it went… “Severstal… I c-c-cc-came..!”

“No don’t worry hun, it doesn’t go to any eggs.”

“So… we can’t have kids?”

“Oh no we’ll have hundreds of kids. I routed it to the sewage bilge tanks, that’s all.” He sighed in relief, and then the hundred kids hit him.

“We’ll have three, five or six at most.” He said seriously. She simply laughed and sighed.

“I know, I know, but I’m having around five little tots with or without you, just maybe not all at the same decade.” She said confident, Anatoly wasn’t so sure. She kept him lying there for a quarter of an hour before she freed him. “Now… Go to the kitchen.” She said, her tone meant she had surprise. He shuffled into the kitchen and smelt the aroma of a freshly cooked breakfast.

“No, no you didn’t!” He walked into the mess hall where a plate of pancakes, stack of cooked eggs, and a bowl of cooked meats.

“Yes I did sweetheart.” He was sat down in front of the food, still naked, and that implored Severstal to also be ‘naked’ for some reason. “I feel like I should be naked.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well you’re naked, so, why aren’t I?”

“You don’t have to.”

“And I don’t want to so put these on.” She tossed some boxers at him and watched him put them on. Then she found she couldn’t stop eyefucking his enormous boxer’s bulge in between his legs.

“So why’d you cook this morning?”

“A thanks.”


“Last night.”

“Ah! Oh and why are you staring at my penis? You know what it looks like.” He saw the camera focusing a little lower than his bent over body head position.

“I know but- but there’s something about it… it’s just so interesting to look and think about.” He smiled and chuckled then dug in to the plate. He offered to share but she respectfully declined the food. Once he finished he dressed and thanked her greatly then started to maintain her, cleaning and tinkering her internals. He worked all day but took a lunch break with Severstal up on the surface for some fresh air. He was standing on the observation deck admiring the view and watching the water slap and roll around her bow in its white foamy plume.

“You’ve made a sailor out of me, honey, you really have.” She wrapped around his waist and put a hand in his, the sea mist and breeze had made his skin cold and wet but hers were warm and dry.

“I knew I did, I just wish we didn’t have to go back, and that you could stay with me on the open blue.” They enjoyed the moment and dreamed; oh how wonderful that’d be. “Hey sweetheart, don’t you still live with your parents?”

“Yeah and my brother, apartments are hard to find out there. Why?”

“Why don’t you move in?” The two smiled lovingly and cuddled a bit more, Anatoly thought about it; moving into Severstal.

“I could…”

“Please? Pretty please? I get lonely when you leave.” She tried sounding desperate.

“Oh okay, I’ll move in.”


“The old man’ll be glad I’m gone, mom will probably cling on.”

“Take your time, I won’t be going anywhere.” After he went inside she stayed up on the surface to relay a message to the Admiral in regards that Anatoly’s moving on-base but not into a barrack. She then dove beneath the waves and sailed on.

He fell asleep very late; in the following morning, and she let him sleep his day away while she awaited a reply from the Admiral that didn’t come that day. They arrived at the port at around 2100 hours and docked a half-hour later. He stayed up and let her sleep, fondling one of her externally placed tendril vaginas on her observation deck to help ease her stress and anxiety of the journey and waiting. When he went inside at sunrise he saw a message from the Admiral approving the move-in but disproving another message that Severstal must have slipped in. He woke her up gently with a wrench on her pipes and asked her about it.

“So good news! I can move in! The Admiral asked my father about it and the old man didn’t even hesitate, as I thought he wouldn’t, and has already started getting all my stuff in boxes… boy do I feel loved. Anyway he said it’ll be shipped up to the next port, it’s past the base, and I’ll get it there. That worked out magically well.”

“Yeah it did!” She wrapped him up in her arms and squeezed gently as not to pop him. “But what’s the bad news?”

“Something about a baby, what’s that about?” She was confused, she never asked for a baby.

“I never asked for a baby, only what would we do with one… what’s it say?”

“No baby, nowhere to put a-oh okay I see, yeah I just read the first part. It says a humorph would be appropriate but a full blown submorph would not be acceptable at all. There’s no room basically. So how do we determine what form it’ll be?”

“We know a lot more now than we did back then in the beginning. We used to think it was specific traits you’d put into me via sex at specific times during pregnancy but now it’s known that’s not true. The mother will form the baby to be one of her type, but it changes on the fathers dosage, like a mold being bent out of place, but it’ll change back to the original form over time so if we want a baby you’d need to make sweet, sweet love to me every night or we might fuck up and it could be a huge baby. But if it’s every night it’ll be maybe a little bit bigger than you fully grown or about your size. So if we’re having one it’ll be every night and you WILL follow through with it. I’m having a child one easy way or another rape filled one, I’m not having my child taken from me alive.” He recoiled at the thought of nine months straight of sex, it turned him on but he knew it may get sore for him fast.

“Well that’s nice… I’ll uh, change right? So I’m not so… fragile?”

“Sure I’ll fix you. That’s a long letter for that stuff what else is there?”

“It just lists my duties onboard, tidiness, maintenance, uhhh invasion of privacy obviously you can see everywhere, that stuff. Well it’s show time! Let’s go sharing!” They worked through the day talking to another variety of people and machines, very few seemed uninterested, and those that did found something interesting in the huge assortment of systems and weapons and features. Severstal felt a greater want for children when she was playing and entertaining children all day, teaching them how to slide down ladders, run through the halls, close and open doors, and where to hide for hide and seek with the other kids, she of course let some win when it was her turn but she loved them, they made her day great. And she brought it up with Anatoly again that night at the table.

“I really really reeaalllly want a kid!” She pleaded him, she was asking to start it as soon as possible.

“So do I but we’ve got a duty and we can’t just put it off or find time to bang every night! I’m not physically ready, either, you’d need to fix me up or I might fail on you and myself. I’ll make a deal with you now; we’ll start right after our last stop. Is that alright?” She swarmed him with a multitude of tendrils and kissed him.

“Mmm-yes! Yes! Yes! Promise me that! Promise!” He shook his head yes. “Yees! Now… let’s start on some practice!” She ripped open his fly and dropped her vagina on his still limp dick, stuffed his sausage inside her buns, and waited for it to ripen. She was continuously moaning and drawing the whole time he righted himself inside her, then she slid on him nonstop when he was hard and ready. She decided to open up her ‘cervix’, it wasn’t actually the cervix but it acted as the old German cervix’s where it prevented against pregnancy but enhanced the sexual feeling and pleasure supposedly for both partners, and they’re about to find out.

“Hoooo-sshhhiiitttt!” Severstal opened up the reserve and surrounded his cock in heaven. “FFFFFFuuuucccckkk!Damn that’s good!” She was caressing and vibrating his package stuffed deep inside her soaking wet depths, he was sent into a high with a mixture of dopamine and fluids emitted into his bloodstream at his cock.

“Severstal… Oh fuck… Severstal, this is, ohhhh… Oh this is awesome…” She painfully rose on him, drawing protesting wails and whines from both of them then found enough strength to plow him rapidly, nonstop, filling the room and adjoining halls with pleasant screams and wails.

“FUCK ME OH FUCK ME!” He did as she cried and tossed her tendril on the table top and banged her sideways. “OOOH ANATOLY!”

“SEVERSTAL!” She was draining out onto the table, the floor, splattering everywhere with each of his intense thrusts. The two could feel each other’s time building evenly, the reserve must have synced their time, and she felt herself underneath his body being ravaged by his graceful might, her whole hull rocked in the harbor offshore in response to him. She occasionally caught her primary mouth drooling and her eyes rolling into the back of their mounts.

Anatoly felt all of her smooth graceful textures inside her amazingly tight and gripping cunt, all the reception buds of that magical life element, the slick hot coolant that filled her, a small recession in the bottom of her clit sinking it in at his push, and some suction tugging at his head. He wasn’t trusting of where that suction is going, and waited for the right moment to switch it up. Soon after the two were mounting in almost unbearable teasing wanting to cum so deep inside, but he changed his seemingly set mind and rushed his dick out leaving the tendril trying to follow and ride him more but he yanked it up to his mouth and French kissed it deeply and lovingly. One of her hands that went to pull his cock back into place latched onto it but changed rolls loosening the grasp and began stroking and caressing his meat in a hand-job. She was practically screaming when he reached as far as he could into her with his tongue and was trying to flip her vagina inside out with his sucking and eating. She couldn’t take any more, she let herself go and exploded against his face, drenching it and his clothes and spraying her silver goodness all around. He was tensed up from her reciprocating hand loving his boner, he went limp and sprawled into the chair behind him gushing streaks of white gloppy cum out onto the floor and edge of the table, her pussy still locked in his lips. They sat there breathing heavily and regrouping after such excruciating fun. Severstal noticed that she had sunk to the harbor bed, but still rose well above the water.

“Whenever we fuck, sweetie, I think I dive under, like some protection.” She paused every now and then to gasp.

“Stealth sex then.” He chuckled. “We’re stealth lovers.”

“Yeah, we are, damn that was good!”

“Kinda wanna start now.” He said aghast of air referring to a child. “The only thing is how?”

“You don’t pull out-”

“I know that but I mean.., how would it survive? What would it eat? Where would it sleep? How would we feed it? The message mentioned no suitable uranium rods would be fit for a sub that small and changing, so how?”

“I’ll tell you, I’ve thought about those for years. First birthing wouldn’t be bad, water helps but I’d breastfeed it first, that’s the first power source is me, so I would power it.”

“But that won’t last forever, or solves where it’d fit.”

“Probably next to me as a sub, within my reach. I always thought that I’d be able to carry it along until it was large enough for good sized uranium cells but now… as a humorph… I’d keep it inside my hull; still breast feed it but not, not as much obviously. I’m sure we would find some food for it. I mean, I can eat human food and use it as fuel, why not a humorph?”

“Yeah, that’ll work then, I guess.” He nodded and thought about where she’d birth it, she must have a hundred or so ports all around her hull. “Where would you birth it?”

“I can only grow it inside my vagina, which is at the underside of my hull exterior at about… mmmm…” She was feeling herself around the outside to place it right. “Midway in between my two prop shafts, right below my asshole.” He nodded then stopped.

“Wait your asshole?”

“Yes, I have an asshole, why’s that hard to believe?”

“What the hell do you use it for?”

“Ejections, it’s all manually loaded, not autonomous where I eat your sperm and I shit it out my ass-end. I can dump my rods into it as a failsafe, it’s lead lined and thick, but I shat out my rods into containers when I was getting them changed out. I think that’s what it was meant to do but it’s still sensitive.”

“How do you know that?”

“Well one time I tried ana-never mind.” He smiled.


“Yes… anal… it wasn’t bad I liked it.” She thought dirty again. “I used a tendril… I think you’d do better.” He was puzzled, as he went on asking how she opened a locker near one of the exits to get a diver’s suit for him when she noticed the time.

“SHIT! We need to leave! We’ll be late!”

“It’ll be fine, only a hour late it’ll be good. We can try anal another time.” She raced out into the sea and steamed northward into a near week long voyage. They took a break from sex over the voyage to let their parts recover and forget the feeling, almost, to enhance the experience later. They did have lots of face sex; they made out nearly every hour, and had to take a face sex break for a day, too. Anatoly had to stay up late the night they docked, first having to chat to an arrogant snob working as harbor master then loading all his things and his brother’s gaming console that turned out to be Anatoly’s now since his brother got the new one.

“Oooohooo, I want to play! Come on honey let’s play a game!” She was excited over this but Anatoly wasn’t in the mood seeing how it was 0412 in the morning.

“No I’m not playing.”

“Awww, pleeeaase? I’ll let you sleep in! At least hook it up.” He scrounged up enough to set it up to a small TV monitor used to keep the crew entertained on long deployments. He then started it and handed her the wireless controller and let her figure it out from there heading off to bed where she cuddled with him while playing a racing game.

He woke up at around 1900 feeling like a wreck. He sluggishly crept out of bed and knocked on the wall for Severstal. She had written down on a paper that this day would last well into the night and that he’d be locked inside for the whole time. He looked around for an inventory of that she left out: sandwiches, water bottles, other vittles, then read if he needed to use the toilet to ask for ‘it’ and he decided he’ll hold it. He noticed the game still on and checked on her progress, she had made a new profile named ‘SubDub’ and was halfway through Forza four already and working on CoD MW2 campaign. He found her starting in the middle of the story a no-go and switched it to CoD 4 and moped about waiting. He decided to work out to pass time, he hadn’t done anything really active except fuck his sweetheart, again, and again, and again… Maybe I don’t need to work out. Following up he did work out then wolfed down the sandwiches and drank the water noticing he’d just had a four hour workout and fell in the bunk out of energy.

“Oh do please work out more often.” Severstal said seductively eyeing his shimmering sweaty pecks, abs, face, arms, all of his sweaty self. “It really turns me on.” She cradled him in manipulators and arm tendrils before removing his only clothing, pants, and rubbing his dick with the side of her vagina tendril. “Are you fucking me tonight? Or am I fucking you?” He happily sighed and dropped his head into her hand-pillow underneath him. “I’m fucking you then!” She dove down on his erecting member and took in all his growing size had to offer.

“Wait here in port?”

“Fuck cares? The tankers in front are fucking! They’re louder than us!” She sunk to the harbor floor and rode him, entranced in that feeling she was there bouncing on his joystick. His length tickling her deep insides stroking and expanding it’s tight hold while she seeped out her precum silver all over his mid-body and the bed.

Anatoly was truly exhausted, a good long workout and now this stimulation. He tried to stay awake but he fell short and passed out after a minute or two, and left Severstal to do as she pleased with him. She enjoyed herself fondly for about an hour before turning in for the night. She wasn’t too tired but wanted to dream desperately, they help her drive much towards their future. Anatoly woke up and found his body aching, something he hadn’t felt in a while and enjoyed it. He labored away organizing his stuff more and cleaning up anything he could to pass time. He became so bored out of his mind that he made a maid’s outfit out of towels, sheets, tape and dress shoes without the tongue. Severstal woke up and instantly questioned him.

“I was so bored I made this to go along with my cleaning.” He went back to dusting the dresser for the fourth time.

“Why didn’t you play the game?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Play with me, then.”

“Play the game, right?”

“Yes what else?”

“Play with ‘you‘.”

“No, let’s shoot each other.” She picked up a controller and waited for him to sync his controller and sign in. “I’m waiting for you to set it up.” He set up a lobby on Wet Work and started the game. “You don’t look interested, why not?”

“My brother and I played the shit out of this game.”

“Well you haven’t seen me.”

“No, just a warning my brother never beat me in this game.” She whooped his ass 71 in 16. “HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!” He was completely flabbergasted. Severstal was laughing.

“I wish I did bet down on that!”

“WHY?! WHAT would you BET?!” He asked loud and mystified.

“Five kids! If I won we’d have five more to your limit!” He shook his head no with it slumped down.

“I wouldn’t have agreed to that!”

“So if you did what would you bet?”

“Five away from any you added.” They laughed at how the situation had turned.

“I still can’t believe you’re still wearing that damn thing.” She picked at his rag-tag outfit.

“It’s better than it looks, actually pretty comfy.”

“Well I don’t think it’s revealing enough.” She chipped in tugging at his pants under the outfit.

“It’ll be more revealing next time I throw it on, alright?” She uttered an unsatisfied grunt then picked up the controller.

“Again! That was fun!”

“Definitely a challenge. Maybe you won’t be so lucky next round!” He taunted invoking her to taunt and then put their skills to the test. She whooped him again but only marginally. A few more rounds later and they were equal rivals, but right as the all or nothing game was starting up Severstal put down the controller and pulled out of the port out to the open sea.

“Next one’s a long ways away, sweetheart.”

“Alright then, I’ve had enough anyway. I’ll probably eat something I’m starving.” He went to the kitchen and started lunch. Severstal thought about children more and more, craving to just have one already.


“You alright honey?”

“I just want a kid now! I can’t wait I’ve waited long enough!” She’s been sexually active all her service and fought her urges day after day when she had a crew. At times at the harbor she refused to let anyone board so nothing would be forced on them. She’s told Anatoly this beforehand but he never first hand saw her need festering that strongly until now, and felt sorry, very sorry.

“Hey uhh, Severstal?”

“What?” She sounded distraught and miserable.

“I did some looking around…”

“New recipe?” He’d talked before about learning and teaching her some courses and her vice versa and thought this even though she’s in heat because where he is.

“N-no, actually-” he paused, turning off the oven knowing what she’ll do next. “We only need to feed it about ninety-six percent…”

“So that means..?”

“Uh-hhuumppffrr!” She swarmed him with her tendrils, yanking off his outfit, pulling off his clothes, making out with him intensely, rubbing her clit on his bare skin to get a feel of him immediately.

“Bed!-(kiss)-The bed!” She groaned, pulling and pushing him through the hallway and then into the bunk with the vast assortment of manipulators relaying him along. He hit the mattress and he pushed off his underwear to release his huge aching cock craving to fulfill its natural duty.

“Do it sweetie!” She plunged him deep inside her, opening it all and baking his dick in her festered heat phase now being released. “So fucking hot!”

“SO FUCKING BIG!” She yells as he rolls her over and power fucks her a solid ten minutes and he still didn’t cum. “WHAT THE FUCK IS TAKING SO LONG! FFUUCCKK!” He felt it must have been the huge amount of her hot and extremely slick precum. Her fluids had breached his nerves within the first thirty second and he never felt better. He felt her start to constrict him strongly and heat up more, her voice must have been heard everywhere in her halls and corridors.

“Cum my love, cum my love! I’ll keep going let yourself free!” He tried encouraging her. Her intensity increased immensely, until she rocketed out her cum to the wall a meter from the bed post, he didn’t notice but felt himself growing closer. “Close! It’s getting close!” She assisted him bang her squeaky clean, pushing and pulling him in and out rapidly. “It’s here it’s HERE!” He clenched as his brain was hit with cumming inside her. It was like nothing he’d felt before. Severstal felt an enormous surge of… Anatoly. The fluids that seeped into him had altered the dosage of seamen to be a greater volume. He kept on pouring in while every ounce he oozed she felt and drooled over it. It was like nothing she’d conceived before, a new sensation altogether that no one could recreate. It was. Magnificent.

“Ooohhh, AAAnatooly! I’ve never been high but! This is definitely better! WAAAAAY BBEEEEETTTER!” She had to have him feel it. She opened up her nervous tap probe and inserted it to share her pleasure of drawing his seed deeper and deeper and deeper into her piping. He moaned and slumped over her vagina, also drooling and licking her tendril’s side.

“Hhholy-shhh,” He felt his little present travels through her, and he felt her, all of her, all of it. They felt and held their breath, waiting for the moment of truth, after six grueling and yet pleasurable minutes, the feeling climaxed and Severstal was officially pregnant.

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you-” she chants in a low tired tone as her mouth moves to lock lips with him. They rest locked together by genital, nerve and oral means for what they want to be forever but Severstal sees that she’s moved faster than ever probably because of the adrenaline in the engines, and had dove to that special ‘sex depth’ she calls it. She breaks the surface and turns her focus to her love maker.

“Hey daddy, I’m too tired to do anything, I’m worn out.” He couldn’t find any power in his body to say something, his body just wanted to be locked and entangled with his Severstal.

“You look tired, dear.” An older feminine voice came from behind.

“Would you like to be towed?” A scruffy masculine voice also came from behind. Severstal looked back and saw the two ships from port; now that she had a view from the front she saw they were old 50’s freighters. She gladly accepted their help toward her destination a bit further than the freighters’. She was hitched to the couple and surprised by their power in pulling her easily. She closed her eyes in the evening sun and slept with Anatoly.

She slept like a baby and dreamt with her love on the topic of the birth and raising it, naming it, loving it. He was enjoying all of this until he suddenly snapped awake leaving Severstal in the coupled dream puzzled. He climbed out of her tendril jungle and woke her up gently.

“I woke up if you were wondering.” She didn’t respond immediately, thanking the two freighters that towed her. “So where are we?”

“On course, good morning daddy.”

“Hey I’m no dad yet, how are we going to pull this off?”

“Very carefully.” She chugged ahead of the two freighters as they adjusted their heading towards land. He went into the kitchen and started to make some cooked ham. “Hey, sweetheart?”

“Yes honey?”

“I-uhh, I think I’m hungry…” She was a little unsure of it, she’d never been hungry before and the strange urge to shove human meaty food into her mouth feeling that it would easy her twisting feeling in her mid-stern section, just ahead of her opening.

“Ummhmm, so how much ham do you want?” He started laying some slices into the pan. “One, two, three, four, five..?” She motioned more. “…six…seven…eight…nnniiinnneee..?” She retracted her arms and brought up a whole bag of ham.

“I feel like this, I want this.” He stood wide eyed. He turned to the small pan and turned off the stove top.

“Fuck that.” He carried the package to the engine room and dumped it onto a heated portion of piping and spread it evenly out and cooked it all fairly quickly. “It’s done babe.” She gathered them up and started eating, then devouring them.

“Mmm, really good, mmm.” She wolfed down the whole thing in a matter of minutes less then five, scaring Anatoly a bit. He decided to cook his breakfast there as well and waited as she fetched something else she craved to eat. He finished off his meal and heard scraping metal.

“Uh sweetie, what the hell is this?” She was shoving a metal bed frame down the hall.

“I DON’T KNOW!” She sounded scared almost but knew she needed to consume something metal to grow the child but, this already? “All I know is it looks delicious and I want it! I need your help dismembering it, please hun I need it!” He was cautious but recognized that the child was still made of metal and helped her remove pieces of the bed as she swallowed bit by bit.

“Do you think it’s wrong that I like this bed frame?” He paused and licked a piece, still tasted like coins, and remembered he couldn’t consume it like she could; he was still human.

“Hey honey, I uh, I’m not morph… We never did that.”

“Oh um…(gulp) do you want to do it now?” She offered as her mouth tendril chomped on a metal leg of the bed.

“Mmm, I don’t see why not anymore. Let’s do this.” He began removing his clothes while she finished her post and readied the correct manipulators.

“Are you ready sweetie?” She poised her injectors at the ready, inserting a nerve tap into his neck to try soothing him.

“Ready.” He held her hand tight as she sunk into him and pumped out. The process had been tried to be lessened in extreme pain. It had only gone from hell-ain’t-got nutin to holy-Jesus-why-oh-God and while Severstal also sharing in his pain only halved it and both were screaming away crushing one another’s hands. It was over sooner than they thought it was taking but once it was over she removed them and cradled her little morphed man feeling his increased weight with surprise. They calmed down and raced back to relax as Anatoly lost feeling in most of his body and was collapsing as a result.

“Here you go sweetheart, a nice soft mattress.” She laid him down on the first bunk they came across before her hunger forced her to continued eating the bed frame in the hall. She saw that the change in his body had left him trying to regain much control and feeling, and thought that she could maybe… jumpstart… a specific function in between his legs.

“I’m starving, honey, and I know what you mean now.”

“Mmmhmm.” She started fiddling with his soft member, twirling it around the base watching it thicken and stiffen. “Hmm, I wonder-”

“Wonder what? Why are you playing with me?”

“Just to help you… relax. Does it taste different?”

“So parched. I’m craving… oils?”

“Well then-” she plopped her vaginal tendril at his mouth. “Let’s drink our fill.” He closed his eyes and suckled on her wet split lips, purging them with his tender metallic-cored tongue. He sent shivers and shudders of good feeling throughout her hull as she waited ominously for his goodness member to rise to the occasion. Once it was erect to her liking she licked all over it, enjoying the new taste of metallic hints and flesh mix in an even more welcoming and homely texture to her. She tasted even more appealing to him, and even more filling and satisfying. Her glorious rush of precum soothed his stomach as he used his hand to milk her huge tube of nourishing sweetness, caressing it’s tender folds and walls to leak more into his mouth. He rubbed all around her insides until he found her clit and then began to focus tenderizing that for her, invoking her to moan and shudder at his cue. His feeling down under began returning to him and he melted away by her precious gentle stokes and teases. His eyes couldn’t hold open and they drifted closed, imagining her whole hull shuddering, quivering, reeling and calmly bucking to his doings of her soft spots. It was awesome. She toyed with his member some more, licking the shaft and stroking the head until it fully throbbed and Anatoly started moaning. Then feeling like he had control there again she slid him into her mouth, letting his head push against the back of her mouth as it straightened out to envelope him. She reached to his eyes and closed them with her fingers, then closed hers and let herself shudder as she slipped beneath the waves to the sex depth. He performed flawlessly even though he was getting himself a real thorough blow job, he licked and suckled, lapped and probed at her whole slit and innards, she was gliding up and down on him, exploring every vein, indent, curve, bulge and ridge with her tongue and held him firm in her lips as she pulled and pushed his member around. They were in total bliss, continuing on until they came in unison and stopped there for schedule’s sake. Still, it wasn’t enough for Anatoly, so Severstal primed a fuel nozzle and fed him that. Sure enough it didn’t take long before they sat in their next display dock and Anatoly was full and lively again.

They had a great time together sailing around Russia, and had lively nighttime pleasures almost every night. Each stop was filled with interesting and exciting people, and the coasts were beautiful and romantic. Each stop was uneventful compared to the final one. Anatoly was waving bye to the last group of tourists when Severstal frantically called to him. She hurried him to the radio room and played a message to him, it was from the Admiral.

“Hey you two..,” he sounded stressed, anxious, and heavily worried, “uhhuh, could you two come back…….., at uh full steam…….., this is urgent. I’m sorry but come back now. It’s an order.” With that the message ended, it offset Anatoly, too. They knew it wasn’t like a military operation, he wouldn’t act like that, and no this was something deep. They hurried out of port, banged for good luck, and put everything forth to home port. It took a few days to return home, all of them eventful nights, and came home to a foggy dock. It had just finished storming and when the fog visibility had reached the dockside, Severstal saw a dockhand, the Admiral twiddling his thumbs, and a strange man in a thick coat and full face mask standing at the position of American Parade Rest. As Severstal was moored into her old spot and anchored down the for rolled away. The Admiral was sleepless, tired, paranoid, and very, very concerned.

“Is everything alright, Yuri?” She never used the Admiral’s name unless she was serious.

“No no no no no. Nothing is good, nothing is good.”

“What’s wrong? What is it?” Anatoly was also scared.

“Last week..,” he trailed off he glanced over to the nearby garage where an orange American muscle car of the 60’s or 70’s was sitting. It rolled out and Severstal saw it was Olivia, the Admiral’s wife, and saw that she was very concerned, too. The Admiral looked back, “last we we were threatened. A rock flew through the window and had a note that talked about us either dying quickly or dying painfully slow within the hour.”

“How did you get here?” Severstal was worried, coming to the base was a good move, on duty personnel and checkpoints meant nobody was getting in, and with herself there nobody would dare try something.

“We scrambled out.., a neighbor call later and said we were raided by many men with guns.., weird guns…” Just then a little car, a bit shy of half Olivia’s size, came out and raced to the Admiral. He turned to it and knelt on his knees and pulled it up onto his lap and bent over. He whispered something to it as he hugged it, it was Rosina, his daughter, and she was crying and hugging her father tight at his stomach.

“So who’s this guy?”

“He is here to help, he went and got me some of our stuff from the house.., I can’t pronounce his name to save my life for some reason, but! he’s here to root out the anti-sents, he’s got big help, big and old help.”

“How old?” Asked Severstal with a smile, not much left around was as old as she was.

“Older than you and Olivia.., total.”

“So sir, what is your name?” Anatoly asked as Severstal moved him to her deck.

“My name is Patelo, at your service.” He turned to face them, and then he removed his mask and hood to reveal bright red hair and capturing eyes. “And I have to congratulate you on your expectation, by the way.”

Fin The Typhoon

Again that one part I put in for simplicity sake, I didn’t enjoy any of it and it still weirds me out.

HaM side story: Tagging a Ho

Well I remembered Ratbat’s comment of me ‘tagging a Ho’ and so Saturday I started writing and got far surprisingly fast, I think. Enjoy a lucky man Tagging a Ho!

The Lost Stealth Warrior

David worked his way into the Smithsonian storage departments, he knew what he was doing was illegal and possibly could get him life in prison for trespassing, but taking a job at the security department and leaving his post to gaze upon the evasive plane of mystery was well worth it to him. Ever since he’d heard about it, David studied and researched that plane from his old childhood game Frontline, the plane your character steals at the end of the game embedded itself into his everlasting dreams and imagination and he went crazy when he found out the Smithsonian, only a fifty minute drive from his house, had an original one in it’s records, but upon walking and exploring every inch of the flight wing and finding nothing of it’s existence he was heartbroken. He was sneaking through a line of shelves that rose well over the height of B-29’s tailfin tip when on the ground, and it was dead silent; he made his way down a corridor marked ‘H-I’ in labeling until he found a massive box with the matching label. It was absolutely gigantic, he needed a forklift to move it, he went to the end and retrieved a forklift to move the crate. He carefully lifted and slid it out ever so gently knowing the contents were about twice his age and then some, he rested it on the ground then moved around the crate and lifted the large lid off with a huge amount of strength and a crowbar then he peeked inside, ducked down rubbing his eyes. Wait were those eyes?

“He-hello?” David heard the feminine voice echo throughout the halls he quickly stood back over the box and shushed the plane inside, looking into her hoping fascinating green eyes, then he stood gawking.

“Oh my God… You exist…” He was staring at the top of the midsection of a parted Horten 229 Nazi experimental stealth jet super fighter.

“Yes, yes I do.” She said a somewhat offended that someone doubted this. “So did you guys land on the moon? Is Bret still up there yapping about?” David was lost, what was she talking about?


“Oh you must be a new guy- well new guy there are some machines that are alive and we-”

“I know that but… We landed on the moon back in the sixties, and I know nobody here named Bret.” He was shocked, he thought the government took care of living machines like they were people… not shove them in crates and forget they exist. Her face turned confused, her eyes on either side of the bubble canopy squinted.

“What… year is it?”

“Two-thousand and nine.” She couldn’t believe it.

“I’ve been locked in there for fifty years…?” Her hidden lips under her nose began trembling, her eyes watered, and her small chopped fuselage quivered. “He said he’d come back…”

David felt sorry for her, she looked like she needed a hug, so he climbed in the gap between her nose and the box side and leaned in and embraced her large engine intake bulge. She hugged him back and sobbed for a while listening to David’s reassuring and calming voice that was so smooth she felt good again in no time. “So what’s your name? Why did you open the lid?”

“My name’s David and I wanted to open the box to look at a real Horten. I’m not supposed to be here and if I’m caught I’m through!” He said, mentioning the trouble he’s in for doing this comforted her that someone went so far just to lay eyes on her.

“Thank you, David. My name is Sarah.” She had a nice soft, gentle touch in her voice. David felt comfortable around her because with his obsession of aircraft he learned how to fly them with his teacher a male Dauntless dive bomber converted trainer, then a regular old dead jet for the jet aircraft. He still kept in touch with the Dauntless. “So how’s the past half-century been?”

“Well I only know personally about twenty or so years of it but I might be able to fill in the rest.” David talked about all the major events, Vietnam, moon landings, Cuban missile crisis, reuniting of Germany, Berlin Wall, the assassinations, PCs, technology, 9-11, the Middle East, all of it. By the time he finished he had to button up the box and slip it back, but he vowed on his life he would come back to her. And he did the next night, and the next, and the next.

The two talked for a long time every night telling stories and such, and he performed at the security office well enough to be promoted again and again until he pretty much had free access of all Smithsonian property, to his and Sarah’s delight. He took up flying more heavily and asked his Dauntless connection if there were any hanger slots open, how much was rent, if that airstrip allowed jet aircraft, and inflated the Dauntless’ sense of friendship that actually was very high from Daniel’s perspective already. When Daniel read his old friend’s response he concocted a radical plan to get Sarah flying again. The night after Daniel got the good news he shared his intentions with Sarah.

“That’d be wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! Anything you need from me and it’s yours!” She was extremely elated, his plan made her envision and feel the tremendous rush of air around her airframe, the pull up on her wings straining to fly higher, the power of her engines pushing her through the wind like a bullet, it made her hope again. Daniel’s escapade was tremendous at that; first he’d measure and detail all the specs about Sarah i.e. wingspan, length, boom, framing, materials, layout, everything. Next he would labor tediously and long at recreating a working one-to-one exact replica of Sarah minus the living factor Sarah possessed. Finally he’d take a truck with the replica to the access door of the storage department, switch out the two Hortens, and take Sarah to the hanger and reassemble her and fix any problems there were, then he hoped they’d fly again.

He immediately climbed in with a notepad, some orthographic drawings of the Horton he’d printed out, a pen, measuring tape, and eagerness as his tools to get this all done that night. He asked Sarah a number of questions pertaining to distances from frame beams, thicknesses, and attachments ports, and her materials. He’d heard hundreds of claims of the shell, from rubber to lard-covered steel, from canvas skin to alien metal. Turned out to his imaginative surprise a sort of all of them.

“It’s a leather canvas skin soaked with the liquid metal agent that makes me alive, it was pressure saturated, the canvas, to contain the life factor in me. My airframe is of the same style soaked plywood and my shell here is of the metal alloy. The wings have the plywood under shell for the canvas.” Daniel was answered all, and while he was scaling her wing and body, her skin was unique at that, it wasn’t typical of most planes with metal, hers was smooth and full of texture; it had a sort of majestic allure to, seductive feeling of sexiness, it turned him on. As he was measuring the tail he looked at the pointy silhouette and was reminded of a bat tail, Batwoman, he thought, and it’s shape turned him on more. He dropped his pen and bent to pick it up but noticed the wood right in front of his feet under her tail mid-way was sort of stained silver, he smirked as he just found her slit without looking. He wrapped up the night then went home and dreamt wet of her.

The work was long and strenuous; Daniel called many friends with varying skills to do this job and even with all the help in total it took three months to construct a full working type, with the engines taking the longest time. Along the way he met a unique character well respected and resourceful of the name of Patelo, quite strange however yet yielded much knowledge and acquired records and reason statement that Go 229 #1000203-S was created, and upon talking to Sarah who knew there was a Horten before her of non-living that performed better than a Me 262 in that of dogfight sims won seven of eight times and flew under a thousand kilometers an hour with a range over a thousand kilometers and payload of about a thousand kilograms but upon landing an engine blew out and the test pilot lost control and perished in the crash, but not much else. Daniel found answers.

“Gotha model 2-2-9 will be constructed with element 1-2-1 Sentronium as for life element in regards to engine failure prevention upon operation. The frame number 100030V2A-S will be designation code. Training shall commence upon activation and scheduled to fly once pilot is affirmed ready. Frame is to be active as productive under sex: female for safety precautions and protective nature, unlike hull 75000128B-S panzer unit, this will be fully operational and fertile before activation.” Daniel finished reading the translated copy and sat amazed, she was a safety feature. “Wow, so what was that stuff at the end?”

“What the panzer hull 75000? I’ve not the slightest clue. But the fertile and active part means I can have babies.” He nodded in understanding then he told her she’s getting switched out tomorrow night. She pulled him into the crate and hugged him against her nose.

“Err-Yup! I got my plane tested and approved under my name and because it’s an exact of you they won’t notice a thing!” She then pulled him below her nose and kissed his face- all of it, in excitement and show of gratitude. She then put him back onto the ledge and shook in her crate too excited to stay still. He frowned as he put the top back on and tucked it away again. He ventured not home, but to the hanger, and disassembled his replica in the same fashion and took into account how her life agent kept her looking brand new somehow and aged and dried his heavily then put it into a crate resembling Sarah’s with the same markings as hers. Then they waited…

Daniel backed up to the garage door that backs up to the storage department that Sarah’s in, it was a holiday so he had the day off but he pulled a bold lie out of his ass that he was replacing a rotted box for a fairly new addition of stable situation and it worked. He was uninterrupted as he traded crates with the Horton’s slot, and once he got Sarah’s into the truck trailer he drove off to the hanger, and eagerly  ripped the top off to be met with those same green eyes he met months ago.

In unison they announced their thoughts: “Freedom!” She pulled herself out of the crate and opened her landing gear sighing a relief as they haven’t moved in fifty years and held her high above the floor, enough for Daniel to walk under comfortably. Her forward landing gear position was way out in front, with her mouth ahead of it on the underside of the nose, from the well many arms extended and grabbed her body parts arranging them to be lifted and mounted in place before sinking her front hydraulics down to allow Daniel’s mobile lift to lift the wings and other assemblies high enough then helped him lock her together. She moaned at the feeling of her wings and this turned him on again. She swayed on her gear, softly mmm-ing and his hormones took this as teasing and made his ‘need to breed seen by the keen’ or in other words he had a hard-on. The sun was going down by this time, no more unscheduled flights, and Sarah was down again.

“So close, yet, so far.” She groaned, Daniel had calmed down and took to her sorrow and hugged her rear left landing gear hydraulics nice and snugly. He parts with her and approaches the door when she calls for him feverishly. “W-Wait! Don’t go! Why don’t you stay the night here?” Daniel turned back, she was looking at him eyebrows raised and twiddling her metal thumbs. He couldn’t force himself to say no to her beautiful face.

“Dah! All-alright. I can’t say no.” She clapped and bounced on her forward gear. His mind instantly went dirty: bouncing on him all night long, hot and steamy. He looked around the space for somewhere to lay, she said anywhere but seeing how her expansive wingspan and no real length meant he’d either be in front of her, behind her, or underneath her wing and he wasn’t trusting of her unused gears suddenly bearing her weight again. He chose to sleep in front of her. Once he was out cold she used a little trick she learned from reading the German copy, she knew German better than English even if she’d not used it in seventy years. She cycled through her many appendages searching for the right one; injector, injector, injector, auxiliary vagina, injector, ah here it is! She found the one that contained multiple needles and probes before she carefully slid it into the base of his skull in the back and shared with him her little dream she’d keep having: a man, not sure who, opening up the box with a light to his back masking his appearance, she calls to him but he doesn’t respond but continues to climb in at her tail section and strip. He pries open her slit cover and proceeds to fuck her to her delight, she can’t move, she can’t stop it, she can’t hurry it, but she always does enjoy it; enjoys being manhandled and taken by him this mysterious manly figure that she wants to be Daniel. She ends it there, he stirs now probably starting the beginning of a wet dream but not much else. She smiles and falls asleep, to their surprise they wake up with Daniel inside her cockpit somehow.

The two arrange the flight with control then once the time comes they race off down the runway and zipped off the ground with ease and Sarah took over immediately. Daniel let her have her unrestricted freedom. She flew around forever, feeling the Gs as she dived and pulled and rolled, the lift of her wings carrying her, the wind whizzing over her sleek body, her engines whining and pushing, her lovely pilot sitting politely in her cockpit, she felt it all. “Better than sex, Daniel! It’s better than sex!” She called trying to tempt him to propose a trial to that, but he simply mmhmm’d. “I ought to carry you on my belly so you’d understand!”

“Please don’t, not now.” He said actually intrigued. They flew around more; Daniel had been thinking about her a lot lately and thought it may be right if they would start actually dating, when he asked mid-flight she gladly accepted.

When they touched down Daniel introduced Sarah to his Dauntless friend Daniel, which is why Daniel calls him Dauntless. After a few tries Sarah got herself to call Dauntless-Daniel Dauntless and human-Daniel Daniel, which slowly transitioned into babe. Over the course of a month the couple didn’t get that much closer together than the previous amounts of time has simply because there wasn’t much more room in between them but they did learn that Dauntless is the one who put them together the first night in their hanger, and that the two of them were ready to test the ‘better than sex’ claim. It was up to Sarah to decide when, and one night during maintenance the time was right. Daniel was going through his checklist making sure Sarah hadn’t lost anything that she said she did to get him alone. He was crouching by her rear left gear with his right shoulder right next to her open dripping port, he had no idea and when he went to put his pen in her hand he thought was still next to him he actually wedged it into her slit.


“You’re alright,” he reached back to his jutting pen without looking and pulled it out, “wow your hand’s sweaty, why’re you nervous?” He looked towards her sly grinning mouth for a response but got nothing until he looked more to his right and witnessed the thing he’s been craving seemingly forever. His mouth watered and his cock stiffened strong.

“I stripped for you, now you strip for me.” She pulled him by the collar to her view while he reached for the glorious pussy she wielded. Once he was situated in front of her she tugged on clothes she wanted off and watched with lust and licked her lips with want growing stronger and showing in her big green eyes and dripping wet pussy in back. He restlessly removed any and all she wanted in a flash then watched her eyes comb over him deliciously, waiting to get in her finally. Once she had him strip clean she allowed him to move to her opening but when he laid on the ground she held and pinned him there to taunt him some more. He watched in earnest as she rolled her pitch and yaw and roll above him, occasionally lowering to just the brink but right before she’d touch she snapped back to her standing height laughing at his groans and grunts. His member felt like it’d try to extend itself to reach her but never came close enough to touch, he flexed it as much as he could trying to get it there but all in vain, just as he gave up and watched the show she leveled out and dropped on him, penetration to his crotch. She moaned and awed as her arms went limp and her forward weight seemed too much for her nose gear. She was gritting her teeth and grrrring as her nose gear slowly let out and she slid down teeth and eyes and vagina clenched on what she rightfully deserved. Daniel sat startled that he was balls-deep inside her and didn’t feel her yet, he smiled inappropriately looking at her tightly clenched teeth just before her full feelings of pleasure hit him too; he dropped his head on the floor and let out a deep moan of satisfaction, to them it seemed like forever but in ten seconds of resting here she gripped and gripped on his dick but it was forcing her rear gear up pulling him out of her very slowly, he chanted no, no-no-no-no under his breath as he unwillingly left her great heavenly body.

“OH BABY! OH YES! MMMMM Babe you’re so GOOD! OH DDAAMMNN!” This loving utterance sparked Daniel to push through her weak arms that once held him down into her loosening and throbbing pussy, every thrust up her hydraulics jumped up, every time he pulled out they gave a little, all until he was rocking her up and down fast and hard. Her forward gear had let out all it could and Daniel watched as her quivering rear gears started to spread out in a wider stance that lowered the space he had to thrust. She started to say something in English but it transitioned to German too fast for him to hear, she started to scream in German but he didn’t cease or alter at all. For all he knew she could be saying ‘YOU’RE A FUCKTARD DANIEL!’ but he heard ‘FUCK HARD DANIEL!’ and kept it up, listening to her German approbations and creaking wheels and smacking noise against her leaking clit. She had been aroused to the point she had no control over her engines and they flared up in lust and hormones, they roared to life screaming that famous scream and pushing her towards the locked hanger doors, she put her large manipulators to the ground to slow her but she knew she’d reach the doors eventually so for now she focused on her lover’s package. She had gone right to the cervix, all he felt was her cervix inside and all she felt was everything, veins, texture, lips and folds, taught areas and sagging areas, everything. She got to the door and put her large manipulators on the door to try to stop her but she felt them budge. If you can’t beat ’em, DRILL ‘EM THROUGH.

“OH BABE DRILL ME! PLOW ME THROUGH THE FUCKING DOORS!” She wailed in earnest of his physical reply. She felt his entire stick stiffen up and throb more, his power bursting, and the tingling precum start coming out in larger quantities, she knew what was about to happen to him… and she wanted it all. “CUM! CUUUM! CUM BABY, CUM! IN-FUCKING-SIDE ME, CUMMMM!” He gritted and clenched his whole body but his muscles and natural reaction had him hump and hump until it came out in droves. “AAAHHHHHAHHAHH! AH THAT’S THE SHIT RIGHT THERE!” Her entire system above his dick head felt like it was on fire, he felt so warm and hot and creamy she knew she’d eat some later, but now she wanted him to go on just like her wet dreams. “OH BABE GO! GO! GOOO-”

She was getting hammered just like that, she found herself unable to stop it, she couldn’t hurry him, she couldn’t do anything but moan, completely lost control… her dream came true, and it is Daniel. She felt hers coming with force, she thought she’d rocket him out and herself out of the hanger when her nose gear crashed in and her nose fell to the floor with her engines at max output. Daniel could she her mouth was open and her breaths and moans relaxed and exhausted, she was drooling on the floor and her cunt on him, he was splashing it over his body, her belly, the floor, his nearby clothes and notepad, everywhere, he heard her climax approaching the final moments with the engine and the three quivering trembling landing gears then felt it on his cock. She was right there, her force on his dick felt crushing, her while frame was vibrating, quivering, trembling, numbing him, and she announced her orgasm with a “FFFUUUU-” and a rush so strong of her cum right into his dick’s hole wedged open, that stung then it sprayed on his chest and face and into his mouth. Then he came again and her quivering frame lowered and lowered into him, he had his legs spread into the gaps between her engine bulges and her belly as she folded her gear in to sleep on top of him for a little while. She told him she was napping and to enjoy every minute of her hour nap with her cunt at his disposal, then she said she’d blow him. When she woke up he was out cold too, but felt he fucked at least twice more based on his payload still tickling her cervix and noticed it seemed to have reached very deep inside her, deeper than she’d felt she could go but liked what may come of it. She carried him around and licked his dick until it was hard before gently placing him similarly like before down and in her mouth. She tasted her own wet juices and his residue and precum, then only his scrumptious cock, then a little spurt and a moan from her sleeping lover and his cum danced on her tongue. It was the tastiest thing in her mouth she concluded, and that sex may be a little better than flying.

Fin The Lost Stealth Warrior

Tagging a Ho completed.